Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ronna Herman: Archangel Michael – The Essence of Who You Are

via Golden Age of Gaia

archangel-michael-desktop1 Transmitted through Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe – April 30, 2013


Archangel Michael – The Essence of Who You Are

Beloved masters, we have told you that “You are the Inbreath of the Creator.” These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe.

Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

Once again, we will review some of our teachings from the past to assist you to understand the complex Journey of the Soul every human Being is in the midst of, whether it be at an entry level of awareness or as an advanced disciple on the Path. There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its experience in separation, fragmentation of Self and co-creation.

The Soul entity is then ready to begin the process of “reunification and integration” for the current cosmic round of Creation. The Soul Self is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind. Hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego personality and reconnect with the Soul, the resident OverSoul/Higher Self, as well as with the multiple facets of Its greater Self.

Humanity is in the midst of a mass awakening. A transformation of mass proportions has begun, which involves a global, galactic and Sub-universal reunion: the beginning of an ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness. At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living White Fire Essence of Life through the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God by way of the Sun of this solar system.

The Soul could be described as a small Seed Atom of pulsating Life Force energy which resides within the Sacred Heart, along with your multi-faceted Diamond Core God Cell. Your Diamond Core God Cell contains the twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-universe: the virtues, qualities, aspects and talents that you are seeking to activate once more so that you may become the proficient co-creator on the material plane that you were designed to be.

The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions; however, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the “Solar Heart Center” which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus and throat area. In the past it was called the “Three-Fold Flame,” and the heart has been called the “Seat of the Soul”.

The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies: the emotions through the heart center and with the mind via the pineal gland; thereby igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain called the “Sacred Mind.” When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards by way of better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental.

We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a “lost Soul” or lose your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may become diminished in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed. You “save” yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, the multiple facets of your Higher Self and your personal God Ray.

The mass consciousness belief structure of the past is slowly being replaced with Lighter, more refined and liberating thought forms of the new Divine Plan. It is important that you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of Ascension – it is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves.

At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are “Spirit” – a facet or a Seed Atom of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity. At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine co-creator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.

As Spirit, which we will call your “God Ray,” you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this Sub-universe, and in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul fragments of their Essence. The you now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.

When your physical vessel was first created, the Etheric Body sent forth billions of tiny Elemental Sparks throughout the bodily form. These Elemental Sparks were programmed to convey the Adamantine Particles of Light (the gift of life) to all the different parts of the body: the organs, the blood stream, muscles, tissue and bone structure (much as the Nature Elementals transmit the Adamantine Particles of Sun Light to all of the Nature Kingdom, and any facets of Creation which are not ensouled with a Sacred Seed Atom of Creator Consciousness).

The master teachers of the past often made reference to the Human Body Elemental and the Etheric Body or Etheric Web. The deep, esoteric teachings of the past were often written so that only the most advanced students on the Path could decipher the true meaning of the lessons. It is time that those teachings are revealed, upgraded and simplified so that all serious Souls on the Path of Ascension can understand, and then gradually integrate them in order to expand their conscious awareness. Gaining the advanced knowledge and then integrating the wisdom from the universal teachings of the higher realms are vital components in the process of Ascension.

The ancient teachings said that your physical bodies were originally created from etheric substance. You first came to Earth in your radiant Crystalline form, and gradually over many ages you developed your beautiful physical body from the Adam/Eve Kadmon Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universe. The distortions began as you sank into the density, and the ego desire body gradually took control of the mental and emotional bodies; this resulted in a good portion of your Soul Self withdrawing from your Sacred Heart Center into your Soul Star above the Crown Chakra.

In addition to the four recognized elements – fire, water, earth and air – ether is said to be the fifth element; thus comes the name “etheric.” The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the Earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. It holds the blueprint for your three lower-physical bodies (physical, mental and emotional). It is sometimes called the “memory body” for it sustains and vitalizes the material form. It is susceptible to your thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative.

Disease or debilitation occurs first in the Etheric Body and then gradually infiltrates into the physical vessel. The Etheric Body sustains and vitalizes the components of the physical body, and it controls the digestive and assimilation processes. It also repairs the damage in the physical body caused by the wear and tear of living in the third/fourth-dimensional density.

There was a failsafe program encoded within the Etheric Body so that when you sank so deeply into the density and you were nearly to the point of self-destruction, your Body Elemental Cells went into a semi-dormant state, and they have remained in that state for thousands of years. Just as you are awakening to your true nature and your Divine state of Being, so are the Body Elemental Cells awakening, and they are gradually beginning to respond to your positive affirmations and the higher frequencies of Light you are integrating.

It is vitally important that you understand that there are subatomic dark crystals throughout the bodily form of everyone who resonates to the lower frequency thought forms. These crystals are packed with negative waste material created and recreated over many lifetimes, some of which are inherited negative patterns that you brought with you into the physical form to heal.

The subconscious mind – your subjective mind – is part of the Etheric Body consciousness, and it records and stores everything you experience, what you see, hear, think and feel emotionally. The subconscious mind takes everything literally, and it does not matter if you have experienced an event or just imagined it vividly, the subconscious mind registers it as fact. That is why it is so important to change negative, debilitating, past memories into positive memories. Your thoughts and intentions resonate to specific frequencies, and by changing the frequency patterns you project through the use of will power and conscious effort, you will gradually create the life, physical health and circumstances you desire.

You will become aware of your physical body consciousness as your Body Elemental wakes up, so to speak, and begins to work harmoniously with you to gradually correct all the miscreations you have created in your bodily form due to erroneous thoughts. Over time, you will gradually become more sensitive to your Body Elemental’s signals.

Your body cells are all conscious to one degree or another. Some are disharmonious and create chaos and discomfort within, while others resonate in harmony, thereby vibrating at a higher frequency and conveying a sense of balance and well-being. Metabolizing Light is an important, intricate process that is necessary for your well-being. You might say that you have been on a starvation diet of half-spectrum God Light. Your trillions of bodily cells must relearn how to recognize and utilize Light as a vital energy source.

The reality of the senses or physical body consciousness: When you are in the flow of Spirit, you will exist very lightly in your body, often with no pain or discomfort. You may experience some diminished bodily sensations, except within the Solar Power Center and especially within the deep Sacred Heart area, where you will gradually begin to feel loving bliss and joy as they blaze forth from our Mother/Father God. More and more frequently you will experience a great sense of well-being, harmony and peace.

Dear Hearts, we ask you to study what we have revealed to you over the years, and to endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly established within your mind so that you will be able to understand and implement the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events which are unfolding before your eyes.

  • Your goal is to integrate the higher mental body, which is your en-lighten-ed higher self for this round of evolution.

  • In order to accomplish this, you must bring the ego desire body into alignment with your soul’s desires.

  • You can use force and resist or you can tap into the transforming power of love. Strive to tap into the will-power of self-mastery, which is the combined wisdom of your sacred heart, sacred mind and your oversoul / higher self.

  • Spirit without matter is motionless. Matter without spirit is lifeless.

  • You are passing from a time-oriented world into a timeless reality.

My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your personal pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.


***Dearest friends, I am regaining my strength and I am feeling much better. I have heard from people all over the world who have or are going through the same type of “cleansing process.” Archangel Michael told us some years ago that “a virus and/or a fever are not always a negative occurrence. Sometimes, they initiated as a means of more quickly clearing out impacted vibrational patterns that you have released within the body and that need to be transmuted.” We are preparing our bodily forms to receive more of the higher frequencies of Light that are necessary for us to integrate so that we may continue our journey into the higher dimensions and fulfill our new “Galactic mission.” I thank you all for your loving energy and prayers. I felt surrounded in your loving energy during my time of distress. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna

Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Egyptian Goddess Maat via Natalie Glasson: The Theory of Balance

via Golden Age of Gaia

MaatChannelled through Natalie Glasson – April 28, 2013


The sun of the gods shines down warmly upon your being, its brightness and vibrancy illuminates your entire being, activating within your being the same sun to emerge.

Your inner sun flows with great purpose and intention from you bathing all surrounding you in essence of the sun, empowerment is brought forward within you and those gathered close physically or energetically present. The sun that shines from within you is a beacon that recognises its counterparts, realising it isn’t the only sun capable of power and radiance in the universe of the Creator. Your sun seeks not to be independent in its radiance but to unite with other sun beacons, merging to become one.

Beloved ones, I am Goddess Maat, an aspect of a greater soul connected to the cosmic goddess beings and vibration. It is my purpose to come forward today to bring the qualities of balance, restoration, harmony, equilibrium and truth.

I am guided to create harmony and balance where there is chaos and confusion, to create lightness of vibration where there may be darkness; I am a restorer of balance within the Creator’s universe. In truth I activate within you and assist you in recognising all that will bring you into harmonisation with the world within you, around you and energetically. I am a mirror of the aspect of yourself that is a restorer, recognising the harmonious vibration of the Creator in the universe within and around you.

In the past truth and balance were revealed through the manifestation of and movement through chaos, in this time of high vibration and the awakening of truth the presence of chaos as an activation is no longer needed. Many of the Egyptian Initiations encouraged the initiate to recognise the manifestation and presence of chaos within the Creator’s universe as well as within self.

Chaos and destruction have been used as tools of reshaping and restoring the presence of the Creator within all, this means that many even to this day seek chaos and destruction because they are yearning for truth. Truth and balance can develop from chaos and destruction but do you wish to continue this energetic pattern in order to become at one with the Creator? Is there a new pathway for the initiate to take that continues to bring truth, harmony and balance to the divine within and around?

Balance, harmony and truth require to be restored within your being, upon the Earth and within the Creator’s universe. Long has chaos been present without purpose or the rising of truth. I ask you as a beloved initiate to observe your creations, do you create chaos? In what form do you create chaos? From which energetic body does chaos manifest from you? Does chaos once it has been created resolve in the presence of peace, truth, harmony and balance within you? Do you hold the belief that chaos is required for your spiritual expansion and awakening?

Allow yourself to recognise the presence of chaos whether it manifests in a small or large form as a craving and effort of seeking the truth, harmony and balance of the Creator.

Reprogram yourself so you no longer create truth or a connection with the Creator through chaos, let yourself release the presence of chaos and accept the love of the Creator without expecting or creating chaos as a result of that which you seek.

‘In and with the presence of the Creator, the presence of divine will and balance within the universe, I now ask for light from the Universe guided by Goddess Maat to flow through my being with the purpose of reprogramming my entire being to observe chaos but to no longer seek, desire or automatically create chaos as a tool of ascension.

Allow all energetic patterns within my entire being to be programmed with the purest love, truth, balance and harmony of the Creator, the universe and my sacred essence, so I create and experience my connection with the Creator through a process, pathway and initiations of peace, love and universal balance. Let the reprograming begin. I am, I seek and I create the purest love, truth, balance and harmony of the Creator, the universe and my sacred essence.

Goddess Maat, please place into my entire being the energetic network and structure of balance and harmony from the Creator’s universe so that I may experience it as a network akin to star systems embedding deep into my energetic patterning on all levels of my being.

Let me experience the balance and harmony of the Creator in my daily reality, anchoring the presence of balance and harmony into the Earth and realities of many thus dissolving the presence and need for chaos completely. I recognise that the universe of the Creator is within me projecting outwards, let the reality of balance, harmony, truth, peace and love be restored within me in the most peaceful way. Goddess Maat, please remain present with me to oversee and support the deep awakening within me. Thank you.’

(Breathe deeply for as long as required)

I wish to put to you; can you acknowledge that love and chaos are the same?

Where there is the love of the Creator there is always a flowing current, a pulsating vibration that evolves eternally free from stagnation. Where there is chaos there is movement, life and a flowing current as chaos is always resolved. Order in truth is the similarly between chaos and love.

When chaos is created the greatest purpose is to manifest order, when love is planted or activated its greatest purpose is to manifest or bring forth the realisation of order, which in truth is always present. The activation, manifestation or realisation of either love or chaos instigates, if the initiate is willing, a transformational process within which leads to greater realisation of self, of the universe and all that is the Creator.

The presence of the love of the Creator can manifest a fiery feeling of upheaval as the initiate chooses to let go of disorder and anything connected to lack of love. The presence of chaos can also create the same, the difference is that often the presence of love is chosen by the initiate as a greater integration of the divine self whereas chaos is chosen through the unprogrammed mind or the soul as a form of encouraging the initiate, who may not be aware of their divine self, to move into a space of oneness with the Creator and the universe.

Love and chaos both hold tremendous power within your reality and are tools to be used with care, for both will lead you on a process of aligning with the Creator.

The difference between using the love of the Creator and the creation of chaos as tools of ascension and connection with the Creator is that when you are focused upon love you can remain centred, aware and conscious of all that is occurring, even allowing yourself to move through chaos with ease. With the presence of love chaos may not even feel destructive but more so like a blissful cleansing of your being.

The tool of chaos without the presence of love can cause you to experience with a lack of centre, clarity and understanding making it difficult to accept what is provided to you from the Creator but both love and chaos create transformation.

It is my belief that it is time to realise the power of both tools but to also realise that both tools can create fear, which now needs to be dissolved. Allow yourself to disperse all fear connected to experiencing the complete love of the Creator while also dissolving fear of the power and manifestation of chaos within your reality.

Let me come forward to you in meditation, allow me to surround you in my light as you breathe deeply. Permit me to assist you in dissolving any fears held within your heart or entire being connected to experiencing the love of the Creator. Experience this with me for as long as feel appropriate.

Then allow yourself to permit me to dissolve any fears connected to the creation or experience of chaos in your reality or being. Experience this with me for as long as feel appropriate.

You may find that with focus upon releasing the fears of experiencing the Creator’s complete love first, then your fears of experiencing chaos may be realised and released with tremendous ease. This is due to the fact that the presence of love is a healing balm that brings you into complete alignment with all that is the Creator offering to you the space to recognise all that is no longer needed with ease.

The question is, do you wish to continue to use chaos as a tool of growth and do you wish to continue to observe humanity achieve the same?

In the presence of balance and harmony,

Goddess Maat

Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa, omna.org‘. Thank you

via Golden Age of Gaia

Head of Eurozone’s Largest Bank Quits as Dimon’s ‘Lieutenant’ Exits JPMorgan

via Golden Age of Gaia

Santander CEO Alfredo Saenz has resigned after a long-running governance dispute in Spain. Photograph: Juan Carlos Hidalgo/EPA

Santander CEO Alfredo Saenz has resigned after a long-running governance dispute in Spain. Photograph: Juan Carlos Hidalgo/EPA

Stephen: More evidence of major change in the world’s upper financial realms, as these two stories show. Thanks to Lance.

Santander Chief Alfredo Sáenz Resigns

By Giles Tremlett in Madrid and Jill Treanor, The Guardian – April 29, 2013


One of Europe’s most powerful bankers, the Santander chief executive, Alfredo Sáenz, has resigned after a long-running row about whether he should be banned from heading the eurozone’s largest bank.

The shock replacement of 70-year-old Sáenz by internal candidate Javier Marín comes just two weeks after the Bank of Spain ordered a review into whether or not he would meet new rules governing bank executives with criminal convictions. Sáenz was convicted in 2009, and handed a three-month suspended jail sentence, for deliberately making false allegations against four businessman who owed money to his previous bank, Banesto.

The businessmen were remanded in jail in 1993, but later proved their innocence. Sixteen years later they won a case against Sáenz. Under Spain’s banking rules at the time, the sentence automatically meant he would have been declared unfit to run a bank as soon as the appeal process ran out.

The court declared that Sáenz “knew the allegations were false, including those in later versions of the writ”. The Socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero tried to pardon him, stating that this also included wiping out his criminal record, thus allowing him to continue at Santander. But that was struck out by the supreme court, which declared that governments could not wipe a criminal record.

On 12 April, the current conservative government of Mariano Rajoy changed the law to ensure that those with criminal records were not automatically banned from senior bank jobs. However, the law left the decision with the Bank of Spain on Sáenz’s credentials and opened a new formal inquiry a few days later. A decision had been expected in May.

The government said the new law was meant to reflect European Banking Authority guidelines, which nevertheless state that “criminal or relevant administrative records should be taken into account”.

Santander sources at the time said that Sáenz remained energetic and hard-working, so his resignation seemed unlikely to have anything to do with his health. He takes away an €88m (£74.2m) pension pot.

El País on Monday reported that the finance ministry had been opposed to allowing Sáenz to continue at the bank.

Santander has quadrupled in size since Sáenz took over as CEO in 2002, expanding into Britain by buying Abbey National, Alliance & Leicester and much of Bradford & Bingley, rebranding them with the Santander name.

“The board of directors expressed its recognition of and gratitude for Alfredo Sáenz’s extraordinary achievements,” a company press release stated.

Sáenz’s role as chief executive is more akin to that of a chief operating officer – Emilo Botin remains executive chairman of Santander. His daughter Ana Botin runs the UK arm of Santander. Santander wants to float off the UK arm but the move has been delayed until next year at the earliest. Marín, 46, was CEO of Banif in Spain until 2007, when he joined Santander.

Frank Bisigiano

Frank Bisignano

Top Lieutenant of Dimon Is Departing JPMorgan

By Jessica Silver-Greenberg, New York Times – April 28, 2013


A senior executive in the inner circle of Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase’s chief executive, is leaving, the latest departure after the bank reported a multibillion-dollar trading loss last year.

Frank J. Bisignano, co-chief operating officer, will become chief executive of First Data Corporation, a payment processing firm, Mr. Dimon said in a statement on Sunday. The trading losses at the bank, the nation’s largest, have swelled to more than $6.2 billion since they were first disclosed almost a year ago.

Mr. Dimon said Matthew E. Zames, who shared the role of chief operating officer with Mr. Bisignano, would take over all aspects of the job, effective immediately.

“He is a proven business executive, who has performed exceptionally well since coming into his corporate role in May of last year,” Mr. Dimon said.

Mr. Bisignano’s departure is voluntary, according to two people close to the bank, adding that the top post at First Data would be a perfect role for him.

His departure is less fraught than others during more tumultuous periods, these people say. Ina R. Drew, who ran the chief investment office, the unit at the center of the huge trading loss, resigned under pressure in May last year, for example.

The bank is well positioned to make the shift more seamless, these people added, saying Mr. Zames enjoyed widespread confidence.

JPMorgan reported record profit in the first quarter, buoyed by gains in investment banking and a surge in mortgage lending. With Mr. Bisignano’s departure, the ranks of executives who once surrounded Mr. Dimon as he helped steer the bank through the 2008 financial crisis will be even thinner. Several other executives have already left, including Heidi Miller, James E. Staley, William T. Winters and Steven D. Black.

Mr. Bisignano was promoted to co-chief operating officer last July as part of a broad reshuffling of management. During his time at JPMorgan, Mr. Bisignano gained a reputation as a kind of Mr. Fix-It. His reputation had not been tarnished by the outsize bets made by traders in JPMorgan’s chief investment office.

He took the reins of JPMorgan’s floundering mortgage unit in 2011, just as the bank was grappling with thorny legal issues, including investors who accused the bank of selling shaky mortgage-backed securities that later imploded.

To root out the problems, Mr. Bisignano revamped the mortgage unit and announced a policy to address cases in which JPMorgan had wrongfully foreclosed on active-duty members of the military, a violation of federal law. He was a skilled manager, and he kept a tight watch over the mortgage operations.

Mr. Bisignano is leaving at a challenging time for JPMorgan, which once held special sway with federal regulators, in part because the bank largely sidestepped the financial crisis.

Now, JPMorgan is facing a criminal inquiry about whether it misled investors and regulators about the botched derivative trades. Besides that inquiry, JPMorgan is facing investigations by at least eight federal agencies, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter. Prosecutors are examining a variety of issues, including possible breakdowns in the bank’s controls to prevent money-laundering activities.

The bank is also working to bolster its risk and compliance controls, while seeking to repair frayed relationships with regulators in Washington. The breakdown between JPMorgan and its primary regulator, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, was illuminated during a Senate hearing in March and in a report by the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which described a bank that sometimes took a defiant position with regulators.

Mr. Dimon has testified before Congress about the trading losses and has repeatedly apologized for the bank’s mistakes.

In his annual letter to shareholders this month, Mr. Dimon remained contrite, vowing to continue improving risk controls while again expressing that the bank had “let our regulators down.”

Mr. Dimon promised to redouble efforts to fix compliance problems. “We are reprioritizing our major projects and initiatives,” he said.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 304

via Golden Age of Gaia

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 29, 2013


As you have mayhaps noticed dear friends, the fires have been stoked now. For as we approach the first Gathering that has been set up for this upcoming weekend, many of you will feel how the heat of the fire will reach a heightened momentum now as you have agreed to take part in this world wide event.

For the threads you have all so studiously gathered will already start to become a part of the great fold now. In other words, you have all been caught in this new web of light filaments, and now, we will make sure that you are all securely fastened as we start to spin the threads and weave you all seamlessly into this magnificent structure of light. This does not imply that you are prisoners in any way, quite the opposite.

For this only means that you are no longer the solitary journeyer through a dense vacuum of lower densities, for now, you have all joined the party as it were, as you have all been connected to the filaments of tomorrow. And by your very actions, you have made that decision to the thus included a very long time ago. For this YES was something you gave on a soul level before you even came in, and as such, the joy you all feel in your heart comes from the realization that now, this YES will start to come into full effect.

For the journey you all had to take to bring you to this point has been a long and arduous one indeed, and for some, the trials and tribulations may not even seem to have lessened yet. But trust us when we say that your agreement to be an intrinsic part of this joyful web of light that has been started to spun, is a decision that will also cut all of the threads to the old that still feel like chains around your neck.

For the net cancels the old, in every way you can think of, and when you all step into this great bright Pond together in a few days’ time, it will be like the final anointment that will wipe away the tears and the sorrow, the anger and the despair once and for all. For then, you will all be given the opportunity to really connect, not only with your own true core, but with the core of All there is.

And once you get a glimpse of that, so much of the old dross will simply fade away, and it will be just like old fading photographs in an album. And even if you decide to open up that old album to take a small stroll down memory lane, it will almost be like looking at the memories of a stranger. For that used to be you, but it will not be you any longer. For now, the fires have been stoked good and well, and the heat from the flames will not only warm your hearts, but it will also burn away anything that has no place in this, the new you and the new world. For like a phoenix from the flames you will all rise again, and together you will stand shining as brilliantly as never before.

So again we say, all is well, even if you at times may feel the heat to be a little bit too high in the days ahead. For the preparations before the first Gathering are nothing if not thorough, and as such, you can all expect some interesting encounters with yourself in the days and indeed nights ahead. But breathe deeply, and know that you will not be burned by these flames of purification. For you are like the diamond still encased within a thin outer layer of carbon, and in order for the diamond to emerge completely, there may still need to be some measure of pressure and heat to bring it forth.

But again we say, you are all guided closely throughout this last stage of the process, and we think you will all find a way to truly connect with the joyful part of this stage of the journey as well. For you have opened your hearts to this, and as such, you have also given yourself the permission to rejoice, not only for this Gathering, but also for yourself. For you have all started to shine more brightly than ever as you set up on this initiation, for that is what it really is. We will of course return with more on this remarkable effort you have all agreed to take part in, but for now, we will leave you all to ponder our words, and to give yourself ample time to rejoice and renew your vows to be a joyful being once again.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Bella Capozzi: The Healing Properties Of Music And Art

via Golden Age of Gaia

image Bella Capozzi: The Healing Properties Of Music And Art

A Mini-Reading by Bella Capozzi – April 29, 2013


For today’s reading I was drawn to the angel therapy oracle card deck, and the card which jumped out mid-shuffle was “Singing and Dancing.” This is a pretty easy one to interpret, with it’s colorful imagery and joyful symbolism. It reminds us that we need to take a break sometimes, from the intensity of the subject matter and events which are bombarding us from the internet and mainstream media.

I’m not saying that we should ignore it-after all, we are all here to transmute negativity to light. It’s just that we need to take a break every now and then, in order to be at our most effective. And what better way to relax and unwind than through music and the arts. The angels are guiding us to incorporate music and dancing, and all sorts of other types of artistic expression into our daily lives.

Try playing soft music in the background, during meditation. Sing along with the radio while you’re driving in the car. Dance around the house when nobody is looking, or better yet, ask them to dance with you! One of my favorite ways to detox and raise my vibration back up is to visit an art museum and spend a few hours surrounded by beauty and our planet’s illustrious history. It’s so relaxing and might serve to inspire your next creative endeavor.

If you’re not particularly musical yourself, how about inviting friends out for the evening, to enjoy a nice dinner and listen to a great band? Yet another way to banish the doldrums! The key message here is to create, unwind, make an effort to spin an aura of joy and loveliness around even the most mundane of your daily tasks.

Find the still point within and make it your home. Make it cozy and colorful, filled with music and movement. Let yourself exude the melodies of heaven, and everyone you encounter cannot help but be affected. You are the wayshowers!

Copyright Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: All Conscious and Subconscious Beliefs of the Parents are Transferred to their Children upon Incarnation

via Golden Age of Gaia

AngelsAs channeled by Taryn Crimi – April 29, 2013


Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of belief systems, more specifically we would like to share with you the effects a parent’s belief systems have on their children.

Many are unaware of the tremendous impact their beliefs have on their own children. All children are directly impacted by their parent’s belief systems.

We are not simply referring to the beliefs that you teach your children, we are referring to every belief you have that is encoded in your being; all beliefs that a parent holds, regardless of whether they are conscious or subconscious beliefs are “downloaded” into their child’s subconscious upon incarnation. This of course has a profound effect on how the child views and experiences their world in the early stages of their life and often into their early adulthood.

All souls are aware of this before they choose to incarnate into this reality. In fact, it is quite common for souls to choose their parents based on the belief systems and patterns they will “inherit” from their parents. This offers the soul a particular set of beliefs that will help them to focus more intently on particular life lessons that result from having those beliefs instilled within them at an early age.

The beliefs of the parents are transferred to the child and held within the child’s subconscious waiting to be discovered and if desired, replaced with a set of new beliefs. Of course the parent’s beliefs are not the only reason why a child is impacted by the numerous experiences that are manifested in this reality; some ailments and experiences are directly the result of the soul’s choice to have the experience for the growth that would be gained by all involved.

However, even though a particular experience can be the result of a choice made by the soul before incarnation, it is still manifested due to the beliefs held by those involved. Remember free will is always the determining factor upon incarnation.

The beliefs of your parents heavily impact your reality in your formative years as a young child. Once a child has grown past the age of 6 they become more and more capable of forming their own conscious beliefs. Know that we are not simply referring to a child’s preferences or their likes or dislikes; we are referring to their beliefs about their reality. Often the child’s beliefs will still mirror the belief patterns of their parents and caretakers for quite some time, often well into adulthood.

Now some may wonder about those who are either adopted or are cared for by another person other than their biological parents. This is a wonderful question. Know that the belief patterns of the biological parents will still in fact be passed down to the child, just as the biological genes and cellular makeup will be; however in a situation where a child is cared for by another person, only the conscious belief patterns will be shared and absorbed by the child.

Let us rephrase our answer to ensure you understand our explanation. A child will always inherit the genes, the conscious and subconscious beliefs and the cellular makeup of the biological parents regardless of who raises the child. However if a child is raised by someone other than the biological parent, the caretaker will only share their conscious belief systems with the child. Why is this? A child will not inherit the genes of their caretaker simply because they are being raised by them, just as they will not inherit the caretaker’s subconscious belief systems. You cannot consciously teach a child, what you yourself are not consciously aware of.

Young children are incredibly impressionable and many of your ingrained beliefs were established in your early formative years. Children often encounter similar experiences as their parents. Of course we are not stating that all children will live similar lives as their parents, we are simply saying that with common ingrained beliefs one is likely to attract and experience similar situations.

This is often why the phrase “history repeats itself” or “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” are so accurate when pertaining to this topic. This is also why it is quite common to find a child making similar decisions as their parents no matter how hard the parent tries to deter them from making the same “mistakes” they feel they have made in the “past”.

We are referring to both conscious and subconscious beliefs that are held by the parents which the young children assume as their own until they grow older and can make the conscious decision to choose a new belief if they so desire. The transfer of the subconscious and conscious beliefs are made only upon incarnation.

As your child grows older and you inherently change, release and replace your subconscious belief patterns, the belief patterns will not instantly change within your child. It is not as if there is a continual connection that will instantly update your child with your “latest” version of subconscious beliefs. The transfer is made at birth.

Some may wonder how the parent’s beliefs could be transferred to the child. Quite simply it is like an automatic encryption that gets “downloaded” into the very DNA of the child; much like the genetic makeup that a child inherits from their parents. Scientists have yet to discover that the genetic makeup that one inherits from their ancestral lines also includes the collective belief patterns held within that genetic lineage.

This is why we have said many times before that many of you are not only clearing limiting beliefs that are being held within your being, but you are also serving to assist your genetic line with the encoded information on how to release that limiting belief.

With that being said, you may wonder why an ancestor would need help in releasing limiting beliefs if they are already deceased. Remember that we do not perceive time in the same manner that you do. Everyone and everything exists in the now moment from our perspective. This is one of the ways in which you can alter a version of the past.

We say version because there are many pasts, although you only perceive one. As you work on clearing each limiting belief to increase your own vibration, you inherently help all others to do the same. Not because you clear the belief for them, but you in a sense show them exactly how it can be done.

You cannot remove a belief for another, however as you remove and release a limiting belief from your being, you unlock the exact directions on how the belief was cleared. This is so very profound! The stresses, experiences, and worries that all of you have willingly subjected yourself to are always for the higher good of all. We will focus more intently on this topic of releasing limiting beliefs in our next message.

Our intention for sharing this message is to simply help you to understand yet another layer of the complex illusion that you perceive to be your reality in this now moment. As each subconscious belief is uncovered or shall we say brought to your conscious attention for further assessment you can then decide if it is in fact a belief that you would like to keep or if you would like to release it and replace the belief with a new one.

Although we know you are anxious to uncover all of your subconscious beliefs, know that there is a divine flow to all that you experience. You will discover each belief at the pace that is right for you. To uncover them all at once or to draw these beliefs to your conscious attention too quickly would often prove to be more harmful than beneficial.

As always we are standing beside you every step of the way anxiously awaiting your invitation to welcome us in to help you to release in peace and to replace in joy.

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – The Influence of the Light is Growing in Every Moment

via Golden Age of Gaia

wes_waterfallChannelled through Wes Annac – April 29, 2013


Your mainstream media will still not yet report the progress humanity as a collective is making with the purging of the dark souls from your collective society and influence, and this is because such media is still largely owned by those individuals.

You will find in the time ahead that free press is an absolute and just as will be so with your governments, souls in your mainstream media who display malevolent or service-to-self-based agendas will be kindly taken away from their positions and, depending on what their higher selves and their guides wish for them personally, will perhaps be rehabilitated of the negativity that would drive a malevolent perspective.

Higher Dimensional Rehabilitation

This rehabilitation we speak of is not anything that will be forced onto anyone and rather, will be an optional choice that we are quite confident many souls steeped in negativity will accept.

We speak (in part) of the souls who you refer to as “criminals” who have entered into a specific archetype and way of Living for their current Earth experience. They will be offered the choice to rid themselves of the negativity that has driven many of their perspectives for so very long and as goes without saying, every soul on your world who has been imprisoned under false means will be released and given redemption from the difficulty they have had to suffer because of the injustice continuing to take place on your world.

Of course, we do not wish to feed a victim consciousness in humanity even when discussing the many ways in which you have been victims of sorts, and even the souls on your world who are falsely imprisoned are where they are for specific reasons that are unique to them and where they are heading along their Life paths.

Every single one of you are where you are at specifically for a very real and necessary reason, and we ask for you all to see the sheer perfection and Divinity of this very moment as you find yourselves expanding in unprecedented ways.

Awaiting the Lightened Collective Energy Levels

We have long informed you that your abilities are to expand and become as infallible as you have begun to learn they can be, and you can as well become infallible in the sense of no longer allowing any happening in your personal Lives to bring you down or take you away from the natural center you are learning to breed and feed in yourselves as you embrace the pure states of consciousness making up your ascension experience.

The ascension of the Earth has been in a magnified phase since the end of your year 2012, and we note with enthusiasm and joy the purer perspectives already beginning to be made known within you.

As we have previously informed you, we are waiting for the collective energy-levels to reach the stage needed for us to be able to comfortably be on your world with you dear souls, and we have withheld our “official” contact with your world in a brazen manner that will help everyone to know the truth of our existence, because of the collective energy levels as they have stood for so very long.

Purposely Repeating Certain Things

There are quite a few things said by us in the higher realms that we feel best repeating at times, for a plethora of different reasons. One of such reasons is that the readership of the communications given from the higher realms is constantly changing, as more and more souls are seeking answers to the great questions that have confounded humanity yet remained right in the open for you to begin to understand and know.

As such, the influence of the Light and of the higher realms is growing in every single moment, and as more souls are coming aboard who could use general instructions as to what is currently happening with your planet and the role we been playing in your evolution among so many other things, the necessity to repeat certain facts or impressions we have given in the past arises.

We will delightfully give as much information and energy that the information is encoded unto, as possible as we wish with every facet of ourselves to help you dear souls find these blissful states of consciousness we are so very happy to be speaking with you from.

Every one of you will be introduced to the sentient technology that is our ships, and we encourage every one of you who are beginning to garner interest in us and our craft to research the sightings we have been giving for some time, as they are only to increase in their brazen nature.

Denial Provides Comfort

We are and have been serious about our mission, though of course, seriousness as you see it is indeed not a factor in the higher realms. What we mean is that we are in your skies and under your ground to make ourselves known to you when the energy levels allow for our existence to be accepted and understood, and this is a mission that we fully intend to complete as indeed, it can simply be no other way.

Especially with the vastly-pure states of consciousness you’re continuing to reach and Create for others to be able to reach on the surface of your world, those aforementioned collective energy levels could not be purer and we are happily anticipating an easy entrance into the collective energies when the sacred time finally does come and we are able to be introduced to you and make ourselves known to every soul on your world who has remained within a paradigm of not understanding and in many cases, not accepting our presence.

The denial factor in many souls will be seen as an aid; as a comfort, because it will be easier to remain within the paradigm they have been used to even when faced with truths they had not expected themselves to ever know in their Lifetime.

While the societies you find yourselves in have indeed been cabal-Created and oriented specifically to serve them, plenty of souls on your world are still very comfortable within the paradigm your societies have offered and will need the calming and Lighted influence that will be you dearest Lightworkers and awakening starseeds.

Coming to the Earth from the Higher Dimensions

Some of you have come to the Earth from planets or other objects in our star system, the Pleiades, while others have come from states of consciousness much purer than those that would require Living on a planet.

What we mean is that the pure states of consciousness some of you have made your way to the Earth from, garner a natural experience of pure higher dimensional (Love) and Light magnified to the extent that the wish to have any type of archetype or identity to Live or experience through, which can include Living upon a planet, is simply unwanted.

We are speaking, of course, of vastly pure states of consciousness that, while many of you have come from, you have not yet grown back into and we can say with happiness and Love that you will be able to fully remember these states of consciousness upon growing back into them.

Indeed, there will be so very much for you to learn that will help you adjust to the pure states of consciousness you have long begun growing toward, and we mean this for your personal Lives and for the world stage. Personally, you are going to uncover and remember revelations that will help you to adjust to the states of consciousness you have come to the Earth from, and on the world stage you will be given truths and disclosures that will shock much of your collective back into awareness.

Breaking the Earthly Paradigm

The period between the initial issuing of disclosure and our official landing may be a bit tumultuous, as humanity will come to find that you have been deceived about nearly every aspect of your (existence). (1)

The actions of the cabals in attempting to control and enslave you have not been pretty indeed, and one of the reasons they have kept such a tight grip upon the knowledge of our existence is because such knowledge would and will naturally serve to break the paradigm that has been instilled within the minds and hearts of so very many souls.

Indeed, upon learning about the existence of we benevolent spiritual beings, many of whom are human and have come from our respective planets to assist in an evolution your planet has been undergoing which you have not been told about; in the face of such information, having a job and all of the other physical, Earthly aspects of your Lives will be seen as hollow and unimportant for indeed, you have been kept distracted from the truth and reality of your existence and nature as spiritual beings with the very many aspects of your society designed to usurp the money and spirituality out of you.

We mean it quite literally when we say that your cabals have attempted to Create a slave society, and they have continued to benefit from the hard work of souls whom they have branded “poor” or “ordinary” because their own egos have grown to incredible extents.

Finding and beginning to understand your spiritual nature also helps you to break the instilled paradigm that has remained commonplace for so many, and you will be able to find (greater) perspectives within you with every bit of purer energy you are able to absorb unto yourselves, because your ability to pick up on purer frequencies of encoded Light will grow as much as your perspectives will.

Intention and Effort are Required

Continue to make your attempts to feel the opening of your heart taking place, as you are finding yourselves able to fruitfully express the aforementioned perspectives you find growing within you at this time. Every one of you have maintained the strongest and purest connection to the higher realms; it is simply that such a connection cannot be made known to you all at once for indeed, this would burn you out, dearest souls.

We do not wish for that to happen, and you as well would not want to gain a perspective that you have not naturally grow into because again, you would be overwhelmed. Naturally growing and learning back into the perspectives of the higher realms will see you appreciating such perspectives much more and as with anything, intention and effort must be put in if you wish to find and expand upon your unfolding higher dimensional experience.

Your experiences are truly only to get better from here on out but when we say this, we do not want it to seem as if you will not still be tested with events manifesting in your Lives. Indeed you will, but you will find that the testing begins to orient much more toward what you can do in any and every moment to maintain a balance of physical existence and higher dimensional harmony and joy, which will make your physical existence much, much easier and more enjoyable.

You will be able to breeze through your (experiences) with the happiest of perspectives, and when negativity attempts to come up you will be able to see it for what it is, and transmute it quite successfully and easily.

Attempts to Crash Galactic Craft

We are speaking to you from a perspective of being able to instantly dissolve and transmute any and all negativity that would be sent toward us and trust, dearest souls; your cabals have indeed attempted to use low-frequency weapons on us and our ships.

In the instances they have been able to bring our ships down which has happened more than you are told, and bring us out of our body temples by making us crash; we are spiritual beings leading a completely spiritual existence and at any moment, are able to transport into a new body that is readily prepared for us if it is foreseen that the cabals will attempt to cause mayhem while we do our work in your skies.

Your cabals have only been able to crash or recover crashed ships because of the technology that was meant to be gained from such ships, as we have been helping to carefully plan your collective Life path for so very long and this has included allowing the cabals to back-engineer much of our technology so that humanity could eventually benefit from such back-engineering.

Benefits of Back-Engineered Galactic Technology

One of the ways you are benefitting from this now is the internet, which comes to you on your computers that have been back-engineered from the super-computers we have aboard our ships. You are and have been benefitting from the back-engineering of our technology in so many other ways that you will be informed of during the disclosure announcements, and we have long wished to prepare you to learn much of what will be given fruitfully in a short amount of your concept of time.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask you all to brace yourselves for the bursting open of a millennia of secrets.

The revelations will indeed be pouring in one after another, and we are confident in stating that those of you who have already prepared yourselves and learned so much about the very subjects humanity is to be taught in the time ahead, will be able to both calm and inform those around you who may initially wish to panic or retreat back into the paradigm they feel comfortable within.

This paradigm is to truly burst open, which is why your Light and your knowledge will be more needed than ever.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.



(1)-I don’t want this statement to be misinterpreted into a claim that anarchy will rule the streets after disclosure, nor do I believe it is intended to put anybody in fear.

I believe we’re being told this so that we awakening souls can further the calming influence we’ve been told we will have on those around us, and it does make sense that some people will be initially upset upon learning that so many facets of their physical existence have been fabricated.

It’s a hard truth to digest indeed, and the Pleiadians’ mention of a potentially-tumultuous time directly after disclosure does not have to be a bad thing. Rather, it can help prepare us to sharpen our roles when disclosure comes and to know what we may be up against in helping calm and quell the initial collective upset. Nobody said it would be easy, but it will be worth it!

via Golden Age of Gaia