Monday, April 22, 2013

GaiaPortal: Solar Gateway Activation and Re-activation in Progress

via Golden Age of Gaia ÉirePort – April 21, 2013

Solar gateway activation and re-activation is occurring.

Dormant solar energetic gateways are being re-activated and new solar communication gateways are being created and activated.

What some would term “Travel gateways” are in process as well, although at an early stage, awaiting “humanity general” to “Hue-manity General” consciousness upgrades to complete.

As “humanity general” become “Hue-manity General”, with uplifted vibration sufficient to support such, inter-dimensional travel becomes commonplace among Gaia inhabitants.

Conscious Light Beings utilize prior gateway structures.

Newer gateways are configured for “humanity general”, as they upgrade to “Hue-manity General”.

via Golden Age of Gaia