Sunday, March 31, 2013

Jesus: We Are God

via Golden Age of Gaia

Jesus Sitara received this message from Jesus on Easter. I resonated a great deal to it. Thanks to her for passing it along.

I am your brother Jesus.

Today is the day when many on this planet set aside “time” to acknowledge the message of wholeness.

Even though they mistakenly “worship” a person who they believe is apart from them, outside themselves, they will come to know the reality of oneness.

But the energy manifested today is most important because it brings a great peace and heart opening across this planet. It brings a portion of the peace which can only be found in an open heart.

My teachings of love, peace and brotherhood have been taken to heart by millions. My message that each is an aspect of God has been suppressed for control, power and gain.

On this day of celebration of resurrection and ascension, let us once again come together in the knowledge and realization that we ARE God…and that we are one, united, inseparable from God. All else is illusion.

In this density that veil of illusion is beginning to lift for many. Let us go together to bring the example of oneness to all and to enable them to lift up their vision to the Light.

Those who would/have controlled and created the religion called Christianity have carefully taught that God is separate from and outside of Self. This is not so. God IS within/without. There is nothing that is NOT God, including each of you.

Today as you honor a messenger who came to bring you up from darkness and fear into your own knowledge that you are a spark of the Divine, today, pause and contemplate that you ARE Spirit. All else is your creation of illusion.

If you will but be still and listen within your heart, you will hear the voice of your Self/God simply saying “come home”.

I am your loving brother Jesus.

via Golden Age of Gaia

A Lot of Traffic Across Town Recently

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Where am I when the good stuff happens? This across town two days ago. Thanks to Diane.

Click here to view the embedded video.

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Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Ground Yourselves

via Golden Age of Gaia

image Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Ground Yourselves

As channeled by Ron Head – March 29, 2013

Grounding. Grounding and centering. A new month is now upon you , my dear friends, in which we cannot stress enough the importance of these practices. Walk in nature, if that is available to you. Meditate and ground your energies with gratitude to your dear mother, Earth. However you have learned to do these things, do them now.

We have told you that, when things began to move, they would accelerate rapidly. Well, they have started, and they are about to accelerate. We do not want to have you left with your heads spinning. We also do not want, and this is most important, anyone to be put into fear or anger by what will begin to happen. This is one of the main purposes of messages of this sort.

We have been foretelling of these events for several years now. We have heard you saying, “Bring it on! We are ready!” Well, it is not exactly us bringing it on. You are the co-creators here. But you have brought it on, just as we have told you. Do not now say, “Oh, no! What shall I do?” Omelet making time is here and you are breaking eggs.

We are teasing you. Allow us a bit of humor. As the Japanese would say, “Pull up your fundoshi(diaper) and get on with it.” Or in America, “Put on your big girl panties.” OK. Serious now. Things are going to heat up in your near future. You will see some things which are meant to raise fear and anger in you. That is their purpose. Do not let that happen.

You have made wondrous strides. Maintain your focus and do not let any efforts to throw you off meet with success. If you feel the need for support, please ask us. That is why we are here. Support each other, as well.

Also, we see that some are beginning to experience a few rather disconcerting things with their sight, hearing, etc. If you are, you are not going crazy. You are evolving. If you are not, you are not being left behind. You will all advance in the best way for yourselves. You cannot begin from anywhere other than where you are. And what you do not need, you will not experience. It is not being done to you. It is being done for you, and by you. Trust the process. Better yet, trust your Selves. You will, one day soon, realize quite a bit more of who those Selves really are.

As ever, we hold you in love and light. Good day.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 292

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Aisha North Manuscript of Survival The Manuscript of Survival – Part 292

As channeled by Aisha North – March 29, 2013

So here we are dear friends, ready to begin another day in paradise. For that is truly what it is, is it not? We do not say this in order to offend anyone still in the throes of the last birth pangs, we just say it as a little reminder that you are not left out, any one of you. For you are already in paradise, and even if you for some reason have yet to come to the same conclusion yourself, let us just say that deep within yourself, you have, and soon the rest of your awareness will follow suit.

Let us explain. As we have stated on so many an occasion, if you venture to look for paradise outside the confines of your own self, you might find quite a lot of traces of it in the beauty of nature and in the loving look from another soul’s gaze. But if you focus on what is still abundant around you of sorrow, misery and mismanagement, you will come to no other conclusion than that you are still living in something that for many can only be described as a nightmare.

But again, it is a nightmare, for it is truly an illusion, and as such, the moment you yourself fully awaken you will see it for the shimmering haze of make believe it really is. For that is not permanent, not in any way, and all of that will start to dissipate as soon as you start to emerge from this cocoon of transformation. For when you do, you will see that you are permanent, as you are in all ways and manner immortal. And so everything else are just undulations of energies, ebbing and flowing around you, but no more than a chimera.

In other words, once you are truly reborn back into this, the truest version of you, you will begin to look upon what surrounds you with a far more discerning eye. Then you will see that there are no absolutes in this so-called “reality” that seems to be pressing in on you. For it is but a fiction of the human mind, put up as a sort of play acted out under the pretense of being real. But it is not real, no more real than what play-actors present on stage in theatres.

And just like a play, no matter how popular it has become, it will sooner or later have to go out of production. For a play will only continue as long as there are people willing to come and see it. And now, as you awaken one by one, you will leave your seats and exit this “theater of life”, as we like to call this third density performance of “reality” that you have been avidly watching for so long.

For remember, you have all had an affinity for this play, for at first, you too were an intrinsic part of it as actors. But as soon as you started to open up and go within, you left center stage and gradually retreated into the stalls, where you kept a close eye on what was going on at the stage. But now, the time to leave the playhouse altogether has come.

For now, it is indeed time to re-enter the real life, and start to live in a manner that befits your new status as creators. For that is truly what you are, real life creators. For yours is no longer the role of obedient actors, catering to each and every whim of those dictatorial directors, shouting out from the wings. Nor is it the role of willing spectators, engaging hungrily in every nuance of what is being played out in front of you, gasping in horror or chuckling in delight at each cruel joke or nasty barb being uttered from one of the actors.

For now, you have your own life to play out, and as soon as you understand this, you too will realize that it is time to leave your seat in this old and run down “theater of life” and go out into the sun and start to live your own life as a free citizen of paradise. For it is indeed a paradise that you are living in, and this becomes apparent as soon as you open your eyes and open your heart and start to drink in all of the beauty that is already here. Not only in Mother Nature, but also inside each and every human being you come across. For you are truly citizens of paradise, and you will make this whole planet into a veritable paradise as soon as you stop looking back over your shoulders at the actors making their desperate attempts to entice you back into their cramped and airless little playhouse.

For you have yourself now, with which to play out the full and free life you have always dreamed of. A life that is not incomplete in any way. And you have everything at your disposal, there is no lack of funds nor of resources, as you are once again connected to that all-encompassing lifesource that is running throughout All of creation, and the sooner you realize this, the better. For then, you can all start to create from the heart, for that is where this true connection resides.

And once you start tapping into this truth, you will never ever run out of steam. And then, you will start to engender so much, not just from yourself, but from this whole web of like minded, or rather free minded, souls that are starting to emerge all over your beautiful planet. For you will all see just how overwhelmingly satisfying it will be, not only to finally be out in the fresh air, but also how unbeliveably satisfying it is to finally get to create something that is real and true and everlasting. And that, dear friends, is the true paradise you have just entered.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Wes Annac: The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa – Part 3

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galactic-federation-part 3 Wes Annac: The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa – Part 3

Stephen: Wes continues this comprehensive series as SanJAsKa speaks of free technologies, disclosure and forgiveness.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Written by Wes Annac, Aquarius Paradigm – March 29, 2013

Advanced Technology Kept from Humanity

SanJAsKa specifically is, again, a fifth dimensional aspect of my overall higher self and as such, I feel quite close to this soul in energy. Though this may not be the method utilized by other races or Councils of the Galactic Federation who speak through other scribes, the connection I feel with this soul is utilized as the group’s energies are brought through SanJAsKa, as is outlined below.

We are also reminded below that our governments have known about much of the technology we have been and will be discussing, and that they have proven uninterested in releasing such technology to humanity.

“Our scribe is close with me in energy and this is why I am utilized to bring a communication forth through him and in many cases, I act as a conduit for the collective energies to be expressed through me, and I take those energies and express them through a device that transmits our frequencies down to your dear Earth and specifically, to the energies and hearts of open conduits whose hearts will receive these energies as their minds interpret the communication encoded unto them.

Again, we are constantly sending these communications down, as we are constantly attempting to connect with you dear souls in an ongoing attempt to introduce ourselves to you so that you can work to introduce us to the world.

Indeed, your governments have known about us and the technology we possess for so very long and have continued to prove uninterested in introducing disclosure for a plethora of reasons; some of which have to do with their own mountain of lies that they do not want uncovered, and we are looking toward each of you who are beginning to become aware of us to help the overall truth of our existence spread throughout your collective, as the culture surrounding our existence has been strong and prevalent on your world for a very long time.”

The growing number of awakening people on this world who know about the Galactics and the suppression of their existence along with much of our history, can be and have been instrumental in introducing disclosure to the rest of the world.

Just as the general abilities we will begin to find within ourselves are unlimited, our ability to spread truth concerning the existence of benevolent off-world helpers is as infinite and strong as it has ever been. Much of the world has remained either complacent or oblivious to the existence of these souls, to the existence of realms beyond the physical and to the corruption and tyranny that corporations, banksters and bought-and-paid-for governments have wrought.

Attempts to Prevent Disclosure

Previously, there were lucrative contacts with benevolent Galactic visitors, and these contacts are mentioned below as are the continual attempts on the part of the Earthly cabals to stall or stop disclosure completely. The repeated refusal of world peace on the part of those individuals is mentioned as well.

“In your forties and fifties, a culture spread around the sightings (and personal contacts) we Pleiadians were giving to “average” souls who we helped to uplift and find enlightenment. The suppressed documentation concerning these contacts will be made known on your world, and we ask for you all to keep pushing for the full release of such documents and in general, the full disclosure of our existence.

A network of powerful individuals have stopped our presence from being made known, and we of the Galactic Federation as well as various other Galactic and ascended Organizations have offered them the full opportunity to accept world peace and let us help initiate your plant into your Golden Age.

Repeatedly they have refused, and at times they have pretended to play along with our disclosure while clearly working in their own interests and attempting to deceive us.

As we have told them, we are multidimensional beings who see, know and feel everything. In the higher dimensions and from a higher dimensional perception, absolutely nothing can go unknown and everything we find out about concerning the cabals is known as seen as it is done or thought of by them.”

A higher dimensional perspective automatically breeds a perception of infinity, and no deceit can go unknown in or by the higher realms which is why the cabals’ “trickery” so to speak is always known as soon as the plans are formed.

Even beyond the constant understanding of what the cabals would be hatching up or scheming, the Galactic Federation have constant monitors employed on those individuals and the family members and descendants of theirs who are still attempting to act in their own interest and not in the interests of humanity. I would imagine it’s fair to say as well that the Galactics know which individuals in the families of the cabals are genuinely there for Lighted purposes and are and have been working to spread Light from and eventually give truth about the darkest spiritual corners of our world, rather than attempting to work against humanity.

Humanity Must Forgive

The monitors and the technology behind them is discussed below, and the attempts on the part of the cabals to track such devices is mentioned as well. We are then asked to find forgiveness for these souls when we begin to learn about everything they have done, because of the wonderful truths and perceptions that will lay beyond the initial ones.

“We use nano-like technology that even by your Earthly standards is incredibly small, and the cabal heads have attempted to use means to track these devices and have proven unable to do so.

These souls who we discuss have done so very much to keep our presence unknown and the technology we have offered humanity shelved, but we ask you to find and feed forgiveness for them in yourselves when some of the most shocking of revelations concerning them begin to surface; because there will be so very much that will surprise you and leave you in a potential state of despair.

We ask you not to allow such despair to creep over you when some of the most disturbing truths concerning the cabals have been surfaced, because positivity will be essential to be fed within you as you continue learning and discovering things about your reality that will show you how strong the illusion has been enforced on your dear world for so very long.”

Having been conscious of the actions of the cabals for a while now, I’ve seen on a few different websites and in a few different individuals, the mindset that we must burn the cabal heads at the stake for everything they have done to humanity and honestly, I don’t resonate with that mindset.

The Galactic Federation (and really, anybody with a peaceful perspective) echo the understanding that violence and vengeance will only feed violence and vengeance and I have a feeling that when some of the truths come out concerning the continual attempts on the part of the cabals to keep humanity feeding extreme states of negativity, any negative mindset will be understood for what it truly is; an illusion that will not be helpful to the establishing of a new paradigm based in respect for and peace between every human being.

Forgiving the cabals will be one of the greatest and most potentially-difficult initial lessons we will be given as a collective and when the time comes and the truth comes pouring out, you can bet you will see me along with plenty of others helping to quell the potential collective anger and chaos that could result from a millennia of secrets being burst open like a piñata.

The Galactic Federation’s Hierarchy & Redemption from Negativity

The Galactic Federation utilizes a hierarchical structure for their various races and Councils and as is outlined below, perceived worth is not a factor with their hierarchies and rather, the level of ability and the dimensional growth of each soul determine the Council they are in. As we are also told below, off-world souls who worked in the interests of the dark before have recently found karmic redemption for their actions, and are helping now to disempower the cabals on our world whom they once maintained a strong negative influence over that for the most part, still has not been broken.

“The Galactic Federation is comprised of a myriad of difference races, who divide ourselves up into different Councils based upon our personal preferences and our level of ability understanding, which determines the Council we are in.

We hold meetings amongst our various races and amongst the Councils of such races, as well as meetings amongst each other as a whole and with other Galactic Organizations.

The “number” of us comprising the Galactic Federation has always been large, but we have recently welcomed more members who formerly worked for the fading side of the dark. These souls have remembered fully and realized the Light within them and, after having experienced karma for their actions, have been training to help disengage the dark souls upon your world who will remain stubborn to our disclosure and to the issuing of everything that is to change the way Life has been Lived on your world.

We wish to impart the cosmic energies we are able to feel in ourselves unto you dear souls, and doing so will be an aspect of introducing you to the purer energies driving your ongoing evolution into purer states of consciousness. This evolution will be explained in earnest when the truth of our existence and the other truths that will follow are fully issued, and you will know so very much about our Organization that, for the most part, we are still unable to express through this channel.”

As has been said, there is much that still cannot be said pertaining to our evolution, the existence of the Galactics and the technology and assistance they are and will be here to offer, because of the complex nature of such discussion. We are learning and feeling our way into the higher realms and while our evolution on this particular planet has been and will indeed be rapid, we are still taking baby steps in the sense that we are steadily becoming as open as we can to the various higher dimensional truths and perceptions waiting in the wings for us to remember them.

We will not exist within such limited confines of perception for very long and for the most part, those of us who are awakening in the manners we have been are now expanding and shattering those confines entirely. We are awakening to our infinite nature, and the higher dimensional Galactic and Celestial beings communicating with us and assisting in our evolution are helping to guide us toward the best possible outcomes in our personal Lives and on the world stage, in every moment.

Continued in Part 4 next week.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Friday, March 29, 2013

Video: Obama’s ‘Alien’ Bodyguard?

via Golden Age of Gaia

A screen capture of the purported "shape-shifting alien" bodyguard at a recent function attended by President Obama.

A screen capture of the purported “shape-shifting alien” bodyguard

This video was originally posted on March 28 on YouTube. Now it’s surfaced in a mass circulation Murdoch media outlet.

While I suggest your discernment as to the ‘Reptilian’ and ‘Annunaki’ assumptions relayed by the voice-modulated narrator, the concept – that the US President may indeed have Galactic ‘protection’, or even Earth Allies as part of his security force – is one that many of us Starseeds and Lightworkers may not find that difficult to believe.

And while the tone of the news story below is somewhat satirical, at least the concept has been floated in the mainstream.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Here’s the story as it ran today…

White House Jokingly Rebuffs Conspiracy Video Claiming President has Alien Bodyguards

ARE shape-shifting aliens protecting the President of the United States? Not any more – they’ve been sacked due to budget cutbacks.

A viral video doing the rounds on YouTube claims to have captured footage of an “alien shape-shifter” among President Obama’s security team at a March 4 public function.

The narrator points out that the picture is distant and distorted by pixilation and data-compression effects – but then ignores his own advice and concocts a comprehensive conspiracy theory around it.

The obvious security guard – tall, bald and alert – scans the crowd for any visible threat.

Standing in a bright spotlight in a darkened room, his pixelated face looks remarkably featureless and malformed.

A correspondent for Wired magazine decided to take the issue direct to the White House.

When the question was posed to National Security Council chief spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden, her reply was unexpected:

“I can’t confirm the claims made in this video, but any alleged program to guard the president with aliens or robots would likely have to be scaled back or eliminated in the sequester,” Caitlin Hayden quipped.

“I’d refer you to the Secret Service or Area 51 for more details.”

There you have it.

No direct denial that alien shape-shifting humanoids are part of the Presidential team…

via Golden Age of Gaia

1950 UFO memo from FBI to Director Hoover Details Claim of Alien Bodies

via Golden Age of Gaia

FBI UFO Memo 1950 UFO memo from FBI to Director Hoover Details Claim of Alien Bodies

Stephen: This story is running right across Rupert Murdoch’s swag of Australian newspapers and online resources today (where we’re already in Easter Saturday). Interestingly, there’s no journalist byline nor accredited filing agency.

From – March 30, 2013

A SINGLE-page FBI memo relaying a vague and unconfirmed report of flying saucers found in New Mexico in 1950 has become the most popular file in the bureau’s electronic reading room.

The memo, dated March 22, 1950, was sent by FBI Washington, D.C. field office chief Guy Hottel to then-Director J. Edgar Hoover.

According to the FBI, the document was first made public in the late 1970s and more recently has been available in the “Vault,” an electronic reading room launched by the agency in 2011, where it has become the most popular item, viewed nearly 1 million times. The Vault contains around 6,700 public documents.

Vaguely written, the memo describes a story told by an unnamed third party who claims an Air Force investigator reported that three flying saucers were recovered in New Mexico, though the memo doesn’t say exactly where in the state.


The FBI indexed the report for its files but did not investigate further; the name of an “informant” reporting some of the information is blacked out in the m

The memo offers several bizarre details.

Inside each saucer, “each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture,” according to the report.

“Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots.”

The saucers were found in New Mexico because the government had a high-powered radar set up in the area and it is believed the radar interfered with the controlling mechanism of the UFOs, according to the informant.

The FBI filed the typed page neatly away 63 years ago at its headquarters and “no further evaluation was attempted.”

The memo does not appear to be related to the 1947 case in Roswell, New Mexico when Air Force officials said they recovered a UFO, only later to recant and say it was a research balloon.

“For a few years after the Roswell incident, Director (J. Edgar) Hoover did order his agents – at the request of the Air Force – to verify any UFO sightings,” the FBI said.

“That practice ended in July 1950, four months after the Hottel memo. Suggesting that our Washington Field Office didn’t think enough of that flying saucer story to look into it.”

via Golden Age of Gaia

From Jesus on Good Friday: Walk with Me

via Golden Age of Gaia

Jesus Linda Dillon went for a walk with her pup this morning and ended up speaking with Jesus … on Good Friday….

My pup Eliza woke me up at 4 a.m. this morning – she is snoozing on the couch and I am taking this precious time to chat with each of you. I would like to share with you something that came to me as I walked Eliza and stared up at the stars and our star ships. I want to preface my remarks by saying that I don’t really have any religious affiliation – I was brought up Catholic and often refer to myself as culturally RC because I love Christmas and many of the traditions like that.

Last night, while we were having supper, my husband Isaac said to me something about this being Holy Thursday – it wouldn’t have been less strange if he told me he was moving to Tibet or running away to join the circus. But there are times when Isaac speaks to me I know that a bigger message is coming through so I paid attention. I glanced at him – and he said “tonight was the Last Supper”. I burst into tears – not a big boohoo but a sadness at the remembering and also a sweetness.

So back to the 4 am walk… I am walking along and Yeshua is talking to me about Good Friday. He says:

“I only mention this my sweet friends (all of you) because it is a perfect time of letting go. This is not a time of death and destruction but of letting go.

“Take this day with me and allow all that is old and outmoded in your life to pass from you. Let me carry your burdens so that you feel safe in the knowing that these burdens are not necessary – and that you are safe and lighter to proceed without them.

“Let go of the old life you have known because it is filled with illusions and discomfort. It does not contain the reality of who you are and who you have always been.

“You are of the new way – a new form of resurrection – of being birthed from the heart of Gaia and the heart of our Divine Mother. Let this time be a celebration, and more importantly ACCEPTANCE of who you are. Walk with me – please”.

I accept – anytime, anywhere – do you?

Love you,


via Golden Age of Gaia