Channelled through Wes Annac – March 19, 2013
Note from Wes: I’m experimenting with headers in this message. Feel free to tell me what you think!
Humanity continues to make great strides along your ongoing ascension process, and we like many others will continue to remind you of this progress so that you can receive the necessary motivation and support you require along difficult ventures such as this one.
The Earthly ventures you have all made have been noble indeed, and you have helped raise the overall consciousness level to unprecedented proportions as you worked diligently from your corners of perception on anchoring the natural Creator Light you have always felt within, that so many of you are finally beginning to awaken to your ability to access.
The hidden-away abilities humanity has always carried within will be fully understood and known for what they are as souls all across your world who have found an awakening to the latent multidimensional abilities they hold within, work to enlighten the rest of the souls around them and help them to understand these abilities for themselves.
Increased Metaphysical Perceptions
The heightened and intensified abilities we speak of that you will begin to find yourselves able to access are those of telepathy, an increased inner perception and a strengthened ability to perceive of future events and receive impressions about such events, among so many other things. These abilities are and have always been yours to unlock and understand, and we implore each of you who are reading this communication to understand that you are much more powerful beings than you have been led to accept.
Your power goes beyond any description that we could give, and this is why we ask you to realize such power so that you can begin using it for good rather than continuing to Create unneeded events in your Lives that manifest as a result of your unawareness of your strong and natural Creation abilities.
The Creations so many of you have manifested for yourselves have been out of balance because you have not understood the power behind your voices, words and actions, and what you have allowed to be Created upon the surface of your Earth has reflected this on a massive, widespread level.
Unawareness Feeding Density
The density and pollution manifested and fed on dearest Gaia at present is being fed partially because the unawareness of the human collective who is indeed beginning to wake up to it, has allowed for it and while we do understand that many of you recognize and do not accept the way your world runs and has continued to run for so very long; the general collective vibrations have determined what is manifested and unfortunately, density and lower dimensionality have been the rule of the day on the Earth to the extent that Creations on the surface of your Earth are reflected by what has been put out on a massive level.
We do not exaggerate the number you who are on the Earth to anchor and bring forth genuine, positive and Lighted change, but even your number has not previously been a match for the number of unaware humans feeding and perpetuating density upon the surface of your world.
You are great in number and you have come here to assist in a planned evolution that is commencing according to plan perfectly, and the Light you have been able to anchor has been grand indeed and while the collective vibrations have for so very long been geared toward the negative, the power your little heroic group has been able to utilize is seeing the energetic influence continually shifted toward that of the Light.
In small numbers, you have truly been able to accomplish this grand feat and while so much of the rest of your world remains unaware and continues to employ the barriers and limitations of their fading physical experience, we hope you can trust when we say that the Light you are increasingly feeling within you is growing not just in yourselves in terms of your abilities to pick up on it an decode it, but on the world stage as well.
Growing Into Your Roles
More and more, your small collective of conscious Lightworkers and starseeds is growing as so many others begin to realize and grow into the roles they have planned out for themselves.
Everywhere, all across your beautiful blue world souls are being activated for their greater missions and as you can see, so many souls have already been activated so we hope that you can understand when we say how truly influential the Light has become. The Light has moved back into a strong position of influence upon your world and again, this has been because of the actions of you the awakening Lightworker public, and the positivity you can find and spread within yourselves at present is crucial to be manifested and fed if you wish to build upon the wonderful foundation that has already been established.
Gaia’s grid of Light is flourishing more than ever with the beautiful Source energies you are, at times, unknowingly pumping into Her core for Her and your entire collective consciousness to benefit from. Gaia previously experienced difficulty in relation to Her grid of Light, as the seemingly-favored grid of darkness was being fed by so many unaware souls as they have been taught to believe in and feed negativity and density for so very long.
Now, not only is dearest Gaia’s grid of Light rebuilt and strengthened more than it ever was; the grid of darkness that has been fed and employed for so long is no longer established in the manner it once was.
Darkness is Fading
Rather, as has been spoken of by other sources, every negative action, thought, intention and emotion given out by your collective is being fed into a hologram wherein it is all transmuted and turned to Lighted energies that will further restore Gaia’s grid of Light. And so you see, your lower dimensional Earth experience is quite literally fading in every moment.
In your sleep realms and in realms beyond your conscious understanding, you have helped to bring this about and the bringing-down of the gird of darkness and the establishing of the temporary hologram that humanity is feeding all of their density into, is acting in accordance with the ongoing “containment” process of the cabal heads, which is assuring that they are unable to Create disastrous or devastating things.
Their perspectives are also worked with in their sleep realms, and we along with many others are working with these individuals to bring the Light back more fully into their conscious perspective and to (build upon) the spark within that nobody can lose.
We are working on helping to change the perspectives of the cabal heads on your world because energetically, these individuals have held much power and influence as primary enforcers of the negativity holding Gaia’s surface and each of you back.
Instated Negativity
These souls, while remaining behind the scenes in a physical or political sense on your world, have themselves been instruments or “puppets” if you wish to use that terminology, for lower astral beings to fashion and keep humanity feeding darkness, density and extreme negativity.
Warfare, poverty, depression and instated religious and racial tension have all been purposely manifested in an attempt to feed negativity on a massive level into a grid of darkness that would strengthen the cabal heads and the lower astral beings who were in charge of it. Now, those very beings are finding their lower dimensional spaces of extreme density and negativity transmuted, and the grid of darkness they had worked so hard to establish and keep fed has now been replaced with something much, much better.
If you dare to look around you at your fellow awakening collective, you will see that nearly everybody is flourishing with their own projects and agendas in relation to restoring your Earth and building something that is in the best interests of every soul. So many awakening souls have been able to find their roles and purposes for being on your dear Earth and are working accordingly, and you too can discover the specific piece of the puzzle you have come to the Earth to diligently fill, and begin to get active just as so many souls are.
Of course, it is not in the script of every soul on your Earth to initially get active in the manner that so many are, but no soul will go unutilized in restoring your world and the actions of every single person on Earth will be needed and appreciated. This will be because of the sheer size of the task at hand, and if you can begin to organize yourselves into groups now and work on various different facets as a collective on the immediate aspects of your world needing addressed and repaired, than you will strengthen this overall movement indeed.
The overall New Age movement as seen from the perspective of the higher dimensions, has been instated as a means to open humanity up to realms and perceptions beyond (what you experience consciously), and as well to help you work toward getting motivated and helping your Earth become the ascended Eden you are growing toward.
No cycle of evolution can go unrealized, and the awareness that is always spread on any given lower dimensional world will always help initiate an evolution; be it on a collective or individual level.
Indeed, collective ascensions do not happen very often and what is happening on the Earth is quite unique, which makes your jobs and missions that much more crucial to be completed. Of course, we do not wish to put you dear souls under any pressure but at the same time, the importance of addressing and beginning some of the most difficult work is stronger than ever as so very many aspects of your world continue not to reflect the sovereign future you are heading into, nor the sovereign society you are becoming.
Turning Away from the Fading Darkness
Indeed, there is much that could be said concerning the continual feeding and manifestation of density on your world, but we wish for you dear souls to turn your attention away from anything that could put you in a state of disillusionment or negativity for while there is so much for you to know and be exposed to in the avenues of corruption, conspiracy and tyranny, there is so much more for you to learn in the way of harmony, spirituality and collective unity and we so very dearly wish for you to focus yourselves upon the latter aspects; again, while understanding the need for exposure of what has been done on your world.
As the ongoing negativity of much of humanity is now being fed into a disintegrating illusory reality, we wish to stress that this does not mean you will not experience karmic repercussions for the actions or intentions you give out.
Indeed you will, and you will find that as the karmic contracts of each of you are now drawing to a close as you find yourselves exiting the lower dimensions and everything that has helped to keep the lower dimensional experience in place, every reaction you garner for yourselves that comes in the form of a manifestation in your personal Lives will be more intense than the last, and this means that if you manifest negativity for yourselves to experience, you may experience it in a much more intensified manner than you previously did or otherwise would.
Be Easy
For this and plenty of other reasons, we ask you all to be gentle with yourselves and those around you in these times. There is so very much happening to your evolving minds, bodies and spirits at this time and much of it can indeed be disconcerting, but we ask you to let yourselves and others float through your experience of ascension with the ease and joy you all deserve to float through it with.
While much is happening within you at present, there is also much positivity for you to feel and experience and those of you who make the effort to attune to your personal etheric realms and make travels within such realms, are beginning to notice the ease and clarity in which their impressions are coming to you.
You are noticing and picking up on your inner-held realities which you can Create within effortlessly, and along with this will come a completely new way of interacting with your inner realms than many of you have thus far.
Continued in Part 2 below
via Golden Age of Gaia