I was reading an article on public ownership as a way out of the economic stranglehold western economies are in and I realized I had moved again in my economic beliefs. The authors said:
“Proposals for public ownership will of course be attacked as ‘socialism,’ but conservatives call any progressive program—to say nothing of the modest economic policies of the Obama administration—’socialist.’ However, many Americans are increasingly skeptical about the claims made for the corporate-dominated ‘free’ enterprise system by its propagandists. …
“When progressives are being called ‘socialists’ no matter what, there is little to lose and much to gain by clearly making the case for a long-term plan that confronts—and ultimately overcomes—the centrality of corporate power.” (1)
The practice of calling people who make proposals for financial sanity and equality “socialists” has been wildly successful in the United States. It was a carefully-planned campaign, as whistleblower Dr. Carol Rosin revealed some time ago. (2)
McCarthyism made anti-socialism a dreaded fixture of American politics. Memories of the blacklist cowed activists. Forever after, branding someone a socialist scared people away. It was the worst possible epithet that could be hurled at anyone engaged in the discussion of public policy.
Well, here we are in our public-policy discussions talking about public ownership, a plank associated with “socialism,” and, even though a day has come that I thought would never arrive, I have no energy for the discussion. Why?
I’ve grown up in an area of the world (Canada) where public ownership of hospitals, a government medicare plan, transit systems, utility systems, etc., exists. You’d think I’d be an unadulterated fan of public ownership. And it isn’t that I’m not.
It’s more that I see that the same mental and emotional sickness, if I may call it that, that lies behind the exploitation of the public by an elite cabal determined to take over the place and starve the masses can as easily infect a public-ownership system as it can a private-ownership system.
When publicly-owned hospitals are run as a business, I think we have the worst of all possible worlds. Get ‘em in and get ‘em out. Doesn’t matter what their condition. If they can walk, discharge them. Pack ‘em in through the front door, take their government payment, and send ‘em flying through the back. This is the public hospital run as a private business.
Elitist cabals can infiltrate or decapitate public-ownership systems and run them into the ground so as to turn the people against them. Or they can use treaties like NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) to gut or take over public ventures and bring down the public-ownership system.
Or they can turn a public-ownership system into a two-tier system where the hard-luck cases are publicly-funded and the cherry-picked, rich cases benefit from and enrich a private system.
Basically wherever people lack integrity, wherever social darwinism masks as “free enterprise,” free for the rich and devastatingly costly for the poor, wherever people behave financially or economically according to the old paradigm of greed, competition, and beggar-your-neighbor, no arrangement is going to work, public or private, even charitable.
We now know from people like Matthew Ward that the cabal infiltrated organizations like the Red Cross. We know that Presidents Bush and Clinton absconded with money intended for Haitian Earthquake victims. We saw the heinous crimes committed after Hurricane Katrina, with its blatant lack of FEMA response. We’ve seen the cabal turn anything useful and compassionate into a cash cow for themselves and their friends.
No, I’m afraid I’ve lost interest in “isms” altogether. Replace capitalism with socialism, private ownership with public ownership and it wouldn’t make a great deal of difference in the long term without the new paradigm of the divine qualities being actually lived by people.
Much of the ruminating over new-economic principles that’s occurring today is occurring, I think, because the energy levels are rising on the planet and a generation of Starseeds and other lightworkers are here specifically to address the ills of society.
Plus we have a huge company of beings whose reality most people would not even accept from the get-go here around the planet to defang the cabal, which they’ve successfully done.
I think the program for the salvation of the economy lies in exactly what’s happening around the planet at the present time. Without all the events happening which are occurring as the result of a wholesale, end-of-cycle renaissance, I fear we’d have gone under from the depredations of the cabal.
None of the proposals for change we’ve ever come up with go far enough or address basic enough conditions to actually transform our world and with it our economy.
Notice I’ve said all that without even mentioning NESARA, (3) the new economy, that’s not so much waiting in the wings as quietly and gradually being implemented, according to an invisible being known only to fans of the Bible and children’s stories, who spoke on a radio show this past week. (4)
No, as outrageous as it might sound to many, I put my money on the Ascension scenario and with it the new economy that has already been agreed to by most nations.
In my view, without the wholesale raising of our vibrational frequency that’s happening at present and the assistance of a cast of millions to right the apple cart, all the ideas in the world would have gotten us nowhere when ranged against the tools available to the late New World Order and other masters of the universe.
Yes, we need to come up with new ways of thinking – and we will. That’s part of building Nova Earth. But it’ll never be accurate to say that the new economy arose because of those ideas rather than because of the cast of millions, seen and unseen, who’ve helped us reach this point.
(1) Gar Alperovitz and Thomas M. Hanna, “Beyond Corporate Capitalism: Not So Wild a Dream,” Nation, June 11, 2012, at http://www.thenation.com/article/168026/beyond-corporate-capitalism-not-so-wild-dream#.
(2) See Dr. Carol Rosin’s evidence before the Disclosure Project, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ALLUuvsVkM
(3) NESARA stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress, which gives in its provisions the shape of the new global economy and society.
(4) When Geoff West asked Archangel Michael how the new economic system would be implemented, on the radio show An Hour with an Angel, AAM replied:
“It is already underway. It is already being implemented. And yes … this is the beginning of a transition.
“But it is not [the case of] simply shutting down [the old system] and a new system emerging. It is coming into balance with the new emerging as the old simply fades away.” (“Archangel Michael on the World’s Movement into the Golden Age, March 24, 2013 – Part 2/2,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/archangel-michael-on-the-worlds-movement-into-the-golden-age-march-24-2013-part-22/.)
via Golden Age of Gaia