Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Revision 2 of Building Nova Earth Now Available: Two Books in One

via Golden Age of Gaia

Nova Earth Gaia 1213 The new revision of Building Nova Earth: Towards a World That Works for Everyone is now uploaded and ready for reading.

It’s now two books in one and is about as complete a covering of what my own personal vision is, as well as what the Company of Heaven says is needed, to build Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone.

How to order a copy: see below.

What work does the revised book do?

Book One:

(1) Lays out the background knowledge one needs to understand the context “Nova Earth” and what work there is to do to build it – what the galactics are here for, what the Illuminati challenge was, what the purpose of life is, what Ascension represents, what being human means, and what a global context for Team Earth looks like.

(2) Lays out our invitation to build Nova Earth, what a world that works looks like, what the internal work is to build Nova Earth, what the external work is, and what it looks like to accomplish our chosen project of ending gender discrimination and persecution on the planet now.

Book Two:

(1) Conveys the galactic promise to see to the restoration of individual sovereignty

(2) Communicates the vision of the entire Company of Heaven on how world peace will be achieved.

(3) Discusses how good government will come about and why it’s needed.

(4) Covers what NESARA will bring and why it has to come.

This book will soon be available from online e-book sources, thanks to Andrea and Karen, who are publishing it.

However you can purchase your copy now by giving a donation of $10 or more to the Hope Chest providing:

(1) You insert in your PayPal message the word “Team,” which indicates that your donation is meant for the lightworker teams, or

(2) You select “Team Donation” when you go to the “Hope Chest” donation page. (Choose the option below.)

Logo designed by Anthony Morriosn
Team Donations
Supports the team of volunteers that run this site.

Anyone who feels they can’t afford the price of $10 can send an email through “Contact Us” and a copy will be forwarded to them. (Don’t resend. Scout’s honor please.) This is not about depriving anyone of the information.

Moreover, we have located the book to the same location as Revision 1 so anyone who has already donated to the team and has their code (URL) can download Revision 2 with no additional charge.

I’ll begin my next book almost immediately, which will be a thorough look at cross-cultural spirituality from all angles. It’s designed as a contribution to building Nova Earth by facilitating spiritual understanding and amity among the various faiths.

via Golden Age of Gaia