Thursday, February 28, 2013

To the Lost Ones

via Golden Age of Gaia

Alice 22 To The Lost Ones

To the Lost Ones:

Come Home with us

You are a part of us.

We love you.

We forgive you.

Now is the time to forgive yourselves.

Mother-Father loves you.

No matter what you’ve done

- Or think you’ve done.

And so do we.

For all on Earth have walked the path of light and dark for ages,

And where you sit in seeming darkness,

We’ve all sat.

You’re still a holy innocent child of the One.

Birthed as a bright flame of pure Love before time began

You’re still that love.

You’re still that innocence.

You’re still that holiness.

You’re still a child of God.

That flame still burns

Deep within your core,

Your centre,

Your beautiful soul.

She’s singing to you

A soft lullaby that soothes you

And wraps you in the warm protective

Embrace of the Mother -

And you remember

It’s safe to come Home now.

As we reach out to you

With arms of love,

Put down that heavy mask.

Lean on us as we support you.

Let yourself be lifted gently up.

Walk gently on

And Home with us…

via Golden Age of Gaia