Friday, February 22, 2013

Wes Annac: The Ascended Masters – Forgiveness and Love for Every Soul Will be Essential (Part 1/2)

via Golden Age of Gaia

wes_wintertreesChannelled through Wes Annac – February 21, 2013

Various stages of enlightenment follow when a soul begins to awaken and find the growth that is planned out for them to experience during their incarnation and experiences in the lower realms. You all experience various forms of enlightenment that come in various stages and for many of you, the lessons you learn are preludes to lessons that are quite similar, but are lessons which you learn in much more intense manners later on in your growth.

What we mean by this is that many of you are learning the same few lessons over and over again, in more intense ways each time and in ways that will garner you a deeper understanding of the situation and every situation that plays out in your Lives that revolve around it or has to do with it in any way.

Everything you experience in your Lives paves the way for a deeper and greater understanding, and the realizations that can be brought forth by experiencing specific things along your planned growth will garner in you, an understanding of the lessons you have set out for yourselves to undergo and transmute the energies behind.

You will find that many of the lessons you plan out for yourselves partially involve feeding an action or mindset that has been fed by the collective exponentially in the past and in your current moment, and your learning of lessons in that specific avenue will serve to transmute the collective dense energies and vibrations behind the particular matter you would be working through and transmuting.

You have all set out specific lessons to undergo and experience as you continued along a lower dimensional growth that is now increasingly paving way for the higher dimensional perspectives and understanding to be brought forth from within, where it has naturally always resided.

The individual lessons of retaining a clam and balanced center and accepting and respecting the perspectives and opinions of those around you even if they are not particularly your own, are paving the way for a collective understanding that is so very important to be garnered in each one of you, if you wish to unite and repair your world in the ways the plan is calling for.

You will all be working to help repair the condition your world is in, and your getting together and beginning to form groups centered around the restoration of your planet and the establishment of the new paradigm is highly recommended right now.

Everything you do in this moment will set the stage for the already built-upon foundation of higher dimensional understanding and realization to be brought forth within the collective. As so many of you know at this point, everything you do is aimed at assisting the collective and helping every soul on your world to find the higher states of consciousness and the accompanying prosperity that all truly deserve.

Every soul deserves the personal sovereignty, freedom and abundance that should be denied to nobody and when garnering a higher dimensional perspective and understanding, you will see that money and currency specifically is indeed a natural energy that can be worked with and attracted to oneself.

To attract the energy of abundance to oneself, one must first look at how one visualizes the very energy of currency. How do you personally see money, dearest souls?

Do you see it as a tool to get by, to continue Living, or do you see it for what it truly is – a potential energy of unity that can be expressed within your collective consciousness?

As you find yourselves able to get together and establish a new way of Living and being, a new financial system and an entirely-reworked way of exchanging the abundance all will rightfully be given will naturally be garnered, and we and your Galactic brethren will be with you to help you establish such ways of being but for the most part, apart from what has already been done and planned in regards to the planetary finances, you dear souls will be deciding just how the temporary new financial system and every other important worldly matter of concern will be established.

This is because there will be no more souls who desire to control or establish your world in a certain way. We ask you all to realize and see what is to be done on your world, as the rebuilding and repairing of it and your society will be up to you and while we know and can feel that you dear souls can absolutely do it and will do it easily, we wish for you to realize that you will truly be in charge of establishing new ways to Live by and your jobs will be anything but small.

Indeed, you will have the largest jobs that have ever been asked of any individual or collective and while you will enjoy every last bit of the jobs you will perform as you will all fulfill a specific aspect of the collective puzzle you are all a part of, the job is still big and is still there to be done and we wish to ask you not to remain idle.

Indeed, many of you are already standing up to the oppression that has attempted to establish a set way of Living that you did not and do not resonate with, and we will always applaud the efforts each of you as again, what you are doing is paving the way for the widespread change so many of you have worked with so much of yourselves to see established.

We would like for you to imagine a planet truly reflecting the actions and will of its citizens.

Your planet has, of course, reflected the vibrations of density and darkness as well as those of separation that humanity has expressed and fed for centuries, but the true will of the people; of every soul who sees the need to change the condition your world is in and of every soul who is willing to begin working with all of themselves and with everyone around them to actually begin the building of your new paradigm, is a powerful thing indeed and you are all going to see and realize the true power you possess as a collective and as individuals, and this realization will be felt in your collective vibrations.

What we mean by this is that upon viewing the world you have Created after the bulk of the work has been done and you find yourselves able to get a clear vantage point of the good you have done, you will see that what you’ve Created is nothing like the paradigm you currently exist in as you absorb this communication. You will see that what you’ve built is nothing short of a heavenly utopia that has been Created not just by your efforts and actions, but by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that have been fed into the collective conscious and unconscious of humanity.

The planetary vibrations continue in their lightening and refinement process and as so many sources have spoken to, this process will begin to be reflected in such vibrations and the actions and intents you express in any moment will strongly determine the reflections you are given, in your personal Lives and on the world stage.

So many of you are so very geared toward rebuilding your world and feeding positivity and harmony into the collective vibrations and while it’s understandable that you will experience difficulty whilst on the Earth, the feeding of negativity in each one of you can be stopped easily if the lightened perspectives that can truly be felt, can be allowed in.

The beauty of sadness has been spoken of before, and we wish you to know that sadness does not have to be a lower dimensional or dense energy. Indeed, we do not experience sadness in the higher realms as you dear souls do, but we do experience a very strong form of empathy that is bred out of our compassion and Love for every soul who is a part of our One Infinite Creator.

We experience joy ourselves when you feel joy, and we feel for you when you feel the pain, fear or sadness that are for the most part, aspects of the dimension and vibrations you exist in.

Whilst experiencing the lower vibrations, you will feel the lower emotions and tendencies that drive a lower dimensional experience and what is unique about your experience now is that you are finding the higher realms from within the lower ones, and what you have previously fed and accepted as normal is now being looked at from a perspective of understanding all that could potentially hold you back or distort the natural Light so many of you are finding within.

You can find and feel the Light now and so many of you have made your supremely-strong efforts to do so, and as your year 2013 progresses many of you will find the strides along your Life paths that will see you truly ready to integrate massively-pure amounts of higher dimensional Logos energy unto yourselves and unto the collective vibrations.

As always, dear souls, what you do and feel on the inside is done and felt on the outside because again, you are feeding into the collective consciousness.

You always have been and always will be, and in the higher realms you will find that everything that could possibly be thought of, felt or expressed is instantly known by all. Nothing can be hidden and if one would attempt to do so, they would simply be unable as every soul is aligned energetically as individual and collective facets of our Creator.

We so enjoy this harmony and this collective consciousness that is expressed and felt all throughout every ascended realm and echelon of our Creator’s magnificent structure, and we dearly wish for each of you to be able to feel this as well which is why we have been working with so much of ourselves to help your planet ascend.

While some souls may not quite see it as possible or reasonable from their vantage points, an aspect of assisting your world for us has indeed been to issue our communications to humanity, through any scribe or conduit who can become open to our presence and the validity and reality of our decision to communicate to and through humanity at this time.

Indeed, souls have channeled all throughout your Earthly history and those who are doing so now are simply picking up on latent abilities that each of you have always had, to access hidden away parts of yourselves as well as the energies of individual ascended souls and entire collectives who are sending our frequencies and energies down to the Earth for any soul to pick up on. Specifically, we meet with many of our scribes upon etheric planes that are the results of a merging between our realms and those of the Earth.

We extend our frequencies down to certain extents as we broadcast them to open instruments and conduits, and we issue our communications which are encrypted and encoded in the energies we send out to each scribe who picks upon us.

For example, our scribe is currently picking up on the overall energies of our entire collective; not just our impressions or communications. The impressions and encoded communications come within and are results of the energy being absorbed and if one absorbs or feels lower or denser energy than that of the entity they would be bringing through, they can know that they are communicating with a being of a denser consciousness and not the soul whom they would wish to connect with.

If one holds a certain predetermined opinion or belief at the time of channeling and their mind and ego are not properly turned away-from as the primary source of influence and communication, than a thought form or entity who represents and mirrors that belief can be present, who is masked as the being they would pretend to be.

Continued in Part 2 below

via Golden Age of Gaia