Channelled through Wes Annac – February 13, 2013
Wes Annac: Hello and salutations on this energetic night, dear friends.
The Pleiadian High Council: Greetings to you, and to all who will be absorbing this message at a later time. We are so happy to be able to be with you souls in this format and assist along your processes.
Wes: Many thanks, dear friends. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of clouds that look an awful lot like ships. Having been able to see your ships at night, I’m wondering if what I’m seeing is genuinely you or if I am allowing my discernment to fall by the wayside a bit.
PHC: You are seeing us in many forms dearest Wesley, some of which you truly would not expect. Yes, as we have discussed before our ships are able to cloak themselves and appear as clouds and even planes. There are a plethora of ways we are stationed in your skies and needless to say, when the collective vibrations and mindsets concerning us are lightened a bit and humanity finds a greater acceptance of us, our technology and the assistance we wish to give, we will be able to be with you all and make ourselves and the wonders our craft are able to perform, known.
Wes: Thank you, dear friends. So have I been seeing your ships cloaked as clouds?
PHC: You have seen us on many occasions dearest Wesley, yes. We have been before you in a great many ways; again, some of which you would not expect.
Wes: I see. So is there a discernible difference between your ships cloaked as clouds and regular clouds?
PHC: There are slight differences, but we must maintain a cloudlike image for the very purpose of remaining cloaked. At times we will decrease the extent to which our craft look like clouds, if we wish to make a personal appearance of sorts. For you dearest Wesley and many others, we have allowed ourselves to be momentarily “exposed” by minimizing certain cloaking features aboard our craft.
Wes: Ah, I see. So is there anything I should look for?
PHC: Look for the bulbous clouds; the ones that “stick out” the most and the ones that really seem as if there is a special or unique energy to them. Do not ignore the promptings or impressions your heart is giving you, as your intuition carries the understanding of the signals and messages we will give you within, if we plan to make ourselves known to you.
Seek within, dearest souls, for the promptings that what you are witnessing may be out of the ordinary or may not be an aspect of your natural, outward realities as while we are temporarily shielding ourselves to look like an average cloud, airplane or anything else you would expect to see in your ordinary Lives; our very presence and the very energies you’re beginning to feel within should suggest that things on your world are not what they have seemed.
Wes: Many thanks for the explanation, dear friends. I’m wondering now if you have any advice for anybody who would wish to connect with you.
PHC: We will be happy to offer our advice, and we should preface it by saying that our presence and assistance is here for each one of you to tap into, but we are only a few out of a myriad of collectives and beings whom you can contact and communicate with, the most important of which being your higher selves.
We encourage every soul who wishes to connect with us to first find and feel an open connection to the heart, which is indeed more important to first open than the third eye. It is so very important for the heart to be opened for when opening up your hearts, you will learn to access and feel so much more than our energies or the energies of ascended beings in general. You will feel and open up to your own supreme connection with Source and with your higher selves.
Upon finding a connection with your higher selves, you will be offered energetic perspectives and the perspectives of fragments of your Selves who are helping you personally to ascend. For those of you who feel as if a strong and solid telepathic connection with us is prudent and necessary for your personal growth, we would like to offer a few tips as well.
An important tip is to affirm that only beings of the purest intention and consciousness be with you, because there are still the few influential negative beings who pretend to be us and masquerade under the labels we have given you dear souls to recognize us as, and spread misinformation and energies that you know are not in alignment with the energies you have long began to recognize and feel from (higher dimensional) communications.
It is important for the souls who wish to connect with us to seek and feel as much positivity in any given moment as possible, while allowing their needed surfacings to continue as well which can include letting negativity in, in a manner that surfaces and transmutes the very influence of such negativity as you grow and learn further along your paths.
There are so very many souls simply waiting beyond the fore of your conscious perception for you all to access our energies and begin to communicate with us, and even the idea of communication with us being sewn into the minds and hearts of so many awakening souls who latch onto such an idea will attract our vibrations toward every one of you who wish to find such a connection with us.
Every soul who has absorbed our communications and wished to communicate with us personally have attracted us to themselves, providing their vibrations are not too low and the vibrations of each of you have been sufficiently high for us to be able to connect with you; it is simply that you have allowed yourselves to feel as if a connection with us is difficult or unattainable when in fact, connecting and chatting with us is easier than ever as your minds and hearts continue to expand exponentially.
This would be the next step for you dear souls to find a connection with us – finding and transcending the aspects of mind and ego that would teach you that a connection with us cannot be attained. We are with each one of you always and our vibrations can be felt in any given moment, and an opened heart will see you easily able to find a connection with us and to know that you have found that connection.
Trust the intuitive and the telepathic guidance, as well as the outward synchronicities you will begin to be given as you open up increasingly to the very idea of being able to maintain a constant telepathic and feeling-based connection with us. The more you open yourselves up to the very idea of contacting us, the more we will be able to come through you as you realize your infinite and unlimited nature as spiritual beings undergoing a human experience.
Wes: Thank you for that wonderful explanation, dear friends. It is much appreciated.
PHC: Thank you for your calm and patience in allowing us to speak, dear Wesley.
Wes: It is truly my honor. I guess my next question would be similar to one I’ve already posed. Upon finding and maintaining that inner-connection, is there anything we could use to specifically identify you and your energies?
PHC: One of the ways in which we specifically will come to you dear souls and let you know it is us coming to you is the label(s) we will send down, that your openness and connection to your intuitive side will aid you in being able to attune to and receive. For example, dearest Wesley; we first came to you under a general label that you would be able to recognize and accept. We came to you with the general label representing the overall Galactic Organization we are a part of, and as you opened up more we were able to bring a more specific label through to let you know who we are.
The Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians use similar procedures as us to let their respective scribes and the Earthly souls who become open to them, know that it is them and not an aspect of the higher self of the soul attuning to their energies and finding a communication with them.
As the dearest Hathors have told you before, there is much work done in the realms beyond your conscious perception to help you better understand and be able to absorb the information you are being given from channeled sources; one aspect of that information being the label we represent ourselves as. You can also feel specific energies that are unique to us, and each race of the Galactic Federation is represented with our own specific energy as well as our own specific label, while still recognizing the interconnected and united nature of each one of us.
Wes: What about your energy will we specifically be able to feel?
PHC: The specifics of our energy will, in many cases, be attached to the label we represent ourselves as. For instance; when you wish to communicate with us you will request our specific label and the energies behind it.
If you wish to communicate with another individual or collective, you will request their specific energies (partially) in the thought-form of their specific label. Your heart will connect with their and our energies while working with the general label and the request such label is attached to that is put forth, and as we are awaiting a connection with any soul who becomes open to our energies, we happily await the connection to be established so that we can begin communicating.
In essence, you will recognize our specific energies by our labels and as well by the perspectives that we give. Some of us ascended souls have energetic perspectives, while others have perspectives of commenting on contemporary matters occurring on your world at present. In many cases, the unique beliefs of each scribe can help determine the ascended being (and their energy) one connects with.
Wes: I see. So we are attracted to ascended souls of a similar energy and perspective?
PHC: Like attracts like, dear Wesley and while you are able to connect with an unlimited amount of souls with a diverse and wide range of perspectives, the souls you connect with can in many cases be ascended souls with perspectives similar to yours but of course, this is not the only reason you would be connected with them.
Sharing similarities in beliefs on a mental level is not a sole determiner of connection, but many of you are indeed attracted to ascended souls of a similar perspective and in many cases, this is because you are aligned on an energetic and spiritual level with the ascended souls you are connecting with.
Even while not being aspects of your higher self, many of you dear souls can connect with ascended beings who are very close to you and who have been helping you along your growth, which has been ongoing for generations and Lifetimes. You are of course close with every soul in the higher realms, but we speak of souls you have surrounded yourselves with before making your ways to the Earth, but who were not directly a part of your “soul family” of aspects of your overall higher self.
Wes: I understand friends, thank you. Recently I have been able to connect with two souls who tell me they are a part of your High Council and Council of Nine. Are these souls genuinely with you and if so, may I communicate with them?
PHC: These souls are indeed a part of our Councils, and have simply been waiting to chat with you, dearest Wesley. Shall we put them on the line?
Wes: On the line? I so enjoy your sense of humor! Yes, you may put them on.
Continued in Part 2 below
via Golden Age of Gaia