Monday, March 4, 2013

Ashtar Talks – March 1, 2013

via Golden Age of Gaia

Ashtar3 Ashtar Talks – March 1, 2013

This short message from Ashtar explains why some communications are more precise than others in respect of time frames. A channeller’s free will decision about whether or not to communicate timeline information is always honoured.

Channelled through Philipp – March 1, 2013

You have asked us why there are so many discrepancies in our communications to you. Why are some messages to you from our side more precise than others, specifically in regards to time data? Please understand that from our side everything happens in the Now moment.

When we are communicating to you certain events and connecting them with a time frame it is not so that we first have to go into a meeting and determine what we communicate and how we do that. We are all One and therefore we do not have to agree to one communication beforehand. Let me explain this a little bit more.

Of course we are in close contact and exchange between us. Of course we do “meet” to exchange our views over developments, but for events and their timing we do consider the timeline with the most development potential from the standpoint of Oneness. In other words, we do not have to agree about a specific timeline and its communication since there is a common understanding of such between all of us. And now things get trickier when we intend to communicate this through our channels.

There are some channellers who don’t want to communicate specific timelines, and we fully accept this (remember, we honour your free will always and will never break it!). Although we accept this, it leads to some problems on our side since we understand how important information about timelines is for you in your current state of evolution. How shall we proceed now if a channel does not want to communicate too specific timelines or timelines at all, but on the other hand humanity wants to be informed about events and their timely development? Do you see our dilemma?

In such a case we are meticulous in describing timelines linked to certain events. We are not providing you with exact predictions through this channel, but instead try to maintain a more general overview – although still very accurate. By doing this we are trying to balance the need for information about timelines and the free will of our channeller. Even if you are “persistent” and asking the channel again and again and again to provide you with more precise information about timelines we are not able to deliver them through this channel as we honour his free will. And so should you.

We do not want to disorient you and we will not disappoint you. Your development is dear to our hearts and we can barely wait to see you understanding the one and only Truth that we are all One. Let the developments run – and by this we don’t focus on Disclosure only – and see where they bring you in the next short time ahead.

With so much Love,

Your brother Ashtar

via Golden Age of Gaia