Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mother Earth via Natalie Glasson: Mother Mary and the Heart Chakra of the Earth

via Golden Age of Gaia

earthchakrasChannelled through Natalie Glasson – March 9, 2013


It is with love that I bless the land you walk upon, blessing your sacred form and expression of life in support for your enactment of the Creator on the Earth.

I am Mother Earth and I share with you now through the consciousness of my heart chakra. I am connecting with you from my heart chakra directly to your heart chakra to share and convey in a loving and truthful way born from pure unconditional love for and from the Creator.

I first wish to express my deepest of love and gratitude to each light worker upon the Earth for opening your hearts to the Creator, yourself and the Earth in a more profound way in the past few months. I am here to mirror your beauty and so I have experienced a deep awakening and expansion of my heart chakra.

As is the same with your being, my heart chakra was filled with pain and negativity, unable to shine the light of my essence. With time and support from humanity the state of my heart chakra has been altering, so much love has been presented to me in order to create a deep clearing and healing upon many energetic levels. As with your own heart chakra, there always remains aspects to be released, cleansed and healed, the body can direct vibrations for further healing to the heart chakra and so there is always a process of renewal, awakening and understanding occurring within the heart chakra, it is the same for all.

Now as is the same for you, my heart is emerging strong and expansive ready to heal and be healed further. It is now more than ever that power of the most beautiful and loving nature is strongly being projected from the heart chakra. The heart may often be susceptible to pain and may often be in a process of shifting all that is into a greater vibration of love, but the heart chakra is now emerging within all of us and my own body as a powerful gateway for the flow of love, truth and further awakening.

Upon the 8th March 2013 the Goddess vibration was anchored into the new era and phase of ascension on the Earth. The Goddess vibration has been and will continue to be anchored into all aspects of the Earth and its chakra places but it was upon this day that the light beings of the inner planes and some guided light beings of the Earth connected as one gathering to assist with the anchoring of a new Goddess vibration into the heart chakra of my being.

At this time on the Earth there is a most beautiful process of renewal and regeneration occurring. The energies and activations of December 2012 truly cracked open my heart chakra allowing much ancient wisdom stored to be released, imparted and returned to humanity and the great ancient souls that walk the Earth.

Since this time the Earth and humanity have been becoming accustomed to the new vibrations anchoring from the Creator’s soul and emerging from the sacred Creator soul aspect within all, including myself. In many ways there is a need for everything to be realigned in order to access the new vibrations and consciousness being provided. The Goddess vibration has such a profound influence upon my being as for me it holds sacred codes of awakening, manifesting further harmony across my body and the world.

The Goddess vibration has already been realigned within my sacral chakra, the peace chakra of my third eye, the truth chakra of my solar plexus and the joy chakra of my root chakra. Within each chakra there are energy pockets of vibrations, akin to mini chakras devoted to the awakening of certain vibrations and qualities of the Creator. The most notable and more complete awakening has and is now taking place within my heart chakra. You may recognise the same for your own being also.

On the 8th March 2013, 22,200 Goddess beings on the inner planes connected their energy vibration to my heart chakra, the Tor of Glastonbury. Surrounding my heart chakra they sang of harmony between ancient consciousness of the Goddess and new vibrational expression of the Goddess on the Earth. Their united voices were like a magical balm to my heart as their voices carried the light and consciousness of Goddess awakening and harmony spiralling into my heart.

It was then that the feminine vibration and wisdom long held within my heart chakra began to be carried by a soft pink mist from my heart centre spiralling up in expression and expansion with the focus of connecting with all source and soul aspects of the Creator. It was then that Golden Angelic Beings of the Christ Consciousness gathered with the energy of grace in support and to hold the energy of regeneration and realignment within my heart chakra. Their presence illuminated the land, allowing for many shadows within the hearts of many beings upon the Earth to be dissolved and dispersed as their souls reached forward to greet the grace, oneness and angelic selfless love provided by the Golden Angelic Beings of the Christ Consciousness.

Imagine your own heart chakra being surrounded by 22,200 Goddess vibrations, beings and qualities and thousands of Golden Angels, you can recognise the beauty of this experience so allow yourself to experience the bliss. In your own sacred space and time you can call forth these sacred beings to encircle you, aligning your own heart to the Goddess vibration for further heart chakra awakening, healing and shifting. As I have you also have the divine right to experience such beautiful regeneration.

It was then that the consciousness of many sacred souls who are keepers and guardians of the Goddess vibration and consciousness transmitted their truth and all that was needed into the Tor and my heart chakra for further awakening and realisation of the Goddess vibration. The soul who incarnated as Mother Mary on the Earth became almost fully present on the Earth, her energy was transmitted so profoundly into the Earth, the Tor and the heart chakra of my being that she became as anchored and present as she can be without a physical body.

Not for such a long time have I felt the caressing and comforting energy of Mother Mary so closely connected with my being. I honour and love the gentle vibration that each of you share with my vibration as souls on the Earth but I have worked and connected so closely with Mother Mary as she has been in service on the inner planes healing and safe guarding my energy. To feel her vibration so close to my physical form, was divinely beautiful for me.

As Mother Earth I am working with many Masters and light beings and in many ways like you, I have a longing to be as one with the Creator, this is our driving force that supports our devotion to our mission and constant need to discover and express our truth.

Mother Mary became as manifested as possible within the body of Torhannah, a previous aspect of herself still existing within the foundations of the Tor but she also manifested within the centre of my heart ready and willing to be received as an aspect of the Creator’s love by all. Mother Mary reawakened and activated the DNA of all to the vibration of unconditional love. The awakening of unconditional love within the DNA of humanity will occur many times in many different forms across the world as you now consciously rejuvenate your entire being to manifest as your sacred divine self and prepare your physical body for the greater acceptance of your Creator self in a fully manifested state of existence on the Earth.

I have also been guided to share with you that many masters such as Mother Mary will manifest themselves on the Earth at certain sacred shifts, awakening or rejuvenation. They anchor their energy and become as present as they can without a physical body, remaining in their chosen sacred spot on the Earth for a certain short period. Many people may feel guided to be in certain areas of the Earth at certain times in order to receive wisdom, consciousness, energy and love from these semi manifested masters.

It is a process guided by the Creator to create a bridge between the Earth and the inner planes, allowing many to achieve an accelerated process of awakening as they merge as one with the Master instantly awakening undiscovered energies, frequency and codes within their being. This process could be named Ascended Master Physical Integration; it is a process that will further inspire many beings to enter into their master selves, while assisting in the embodiment of essential high vibrational frequencies within many on the Earth to be distributed to all.

The returning of the Creator and the Ascended Masters on the Earth is dawning, as they semi manifest to impart and awaken essential information within those who are guided to receive and download into their conscious awareness. It is important to remember that the ascended masters are simply aspects of your soul and so we are all embarking on a beautiful journey of oneness and self-integration.

In these times of integration, oneness and merging of energies it is always important to remember that you may leave behind unneeded aspects of yourself in order to receive and realise new aspects of yourself, this is the process of regeneration and it is what is occurring in this phase of ascension on the Earth.

You may in meditation, call upon my energies to channel into your being the energies of the 8th March 2013 in order to further awaken your being.

It is with love and gratitude that I share my communication with you,

Mother Earth

Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa, omna.org

Thank you

via Golden Age of Gaia