We’ve been invited to write about something other than women’s rights and reminded that we’re a blog dedicated to Ascension. I think I need to respond to the suggestion.
It’s often the case that lightworkers divide into camps, some pursuing positive envisioning, some exposing wrongs against people and society, some following other philosophies, etc. None of these focuses is “wrong.” All are needed.
Kay Griggs in her interviews risked her life to expose the connections between the military and the mob, the mind control that goes on, the sexual brutalizing, assassinations, etc.
One of the reasons that things like these can go on in our world, ruining the lives of large numbers of people, is that they go on in the dark.
The pedophilia that the children of Boystown were made to suffer, the sexual slavery rings run by some large American corporations, the drug peddling by the CIA, snuff flicks created by the Illuminati, all never make the papers. Those who speak out about them are imprisoned or killed. Large sums of money change hands to maintain silence. And all of this drags our world down.
Wives who protest are murdered, operatives who cannot continue doing evil are stuffed into oil drums, whisleblowers’ planes are blown up and we as a planet allow it to proliferate by our silence, keeping this a “prison planet,” as Alex Jones called it.
As a former refugee decision maker, I’ve listened to women and children from around the world tell me what it’s like in their countries – the brutal treatment they’re subjected to, the loss of the freedom and rights that we take for granted here – and the very documentation that I studied to know about these things was biased away from revealing the true sources of the direction and energy which supported these kinds of actions. Those women and children looked to me to listen attentively and sympathetically and to do the right thing.
If it was possible to correct these situations by simply intending to have a better world, if we could snap our fingers and think these situations away, I’d be the happiest man on Earth. But unfortunately history shows us over and over again we cannot.
Wishful thinking has its place. But committed action does as well. And it may take committed action to shift a whole world on subjects like violence against women and the heinous crimes that Kay Griggs enumerates in her videos and that I already know about because I listened to accounts of them in my hearing room and studied the deeds of the Illuminati.
So it’s time for me to fish or cut bait. And I hope I don’t antagonize anyone by what I say but I feel the need to say it. This blog is about Ascension; that’s true. But it’s also about creating a world that actually works.
And part of the work involved in doing that is to look at our world as it presently operates. While we try to avoid traumatizing our readers, by the same token, we also won’t hide our eyes from what is actually happening in our world. And we won’t abandon those who suffer without aid or succor because we find the truth very hard to take and “don’t want to hear about it.”
In my view, we as a world know perhaps 1-5 percent of the really heinous things that happen on our planet. Even listing them would push the education of people to a point that it has never reached until now, so sheltered have we been by a media that sells us only new scents, novel experiences, sexuality, new ways to spend money, etc.
We have to take our heads out of the sand if we’re to build a world that works on a sound foundation. In the beginning, that will require facing up to the true situation of the world.
The writer chastised us for writing about women’s rights because it persuaded her she was back in 1916. I hear you and I understand that that circumstance offends you. But I also believe that there’s a time for addressing the brutal ways of the world and, if we aren’t in that time now, according to the Company of Heaven, we soon will be.
Fifth-Dimensional beings and higher are telling us that the truth of this planet’s dark history will – and must – be revealed. They’re also in charge of our Ascension. Why would they say it’s a necessary phase of things if they’re bringing us to Ascension in the first place? Because it is necessary. It is necessary for us to wake up as a world to what has been and still is occurring in the shadows.
The world has never progressed by ignoring its dark side. That’s what the dark wants. Ignoring it allows it to keep going. I request that you exercise your prerogative to not read articles on subjects like that. But I owe it to the woman in Russia who was gang-raped for two weeks by the mob, the woman in Malaysia who succeeded in becoming a doctor against her family’s wishes and still was turned into a wage slave, the woman from Indonesia who was battered and pursued by her husband uttering death threats, and the young girl in China who fled her family so as not to be married off to the local police chief, to speak out on what actually occurs in our world. They will never read a page of this blog but I owe it to them nevertheless.
There’s no jumping over unpleasant realities. There is only a measured and determined facing up to them and experiencing what arises. Think of these as our social vasanas. (1) Braving opening our eyes to them allows them to be brought to the light of day and causes them to be gone from our world once and for all. So it has ever been and so it will be for a few months more until the job of cleansing our world is completely done.
(1) A vasana is a persistent, usually-troublesome reaction pattern born of earlier, traumatic incidents.
via Golden Age of Gaia