Sunday, November 18, 2012

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: We Hold You in our Hearts with Appreciation for Your Strength and Determination

via The 2012 Scenario

Fall sceneArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: We Hold You in our Hearts with Appreciation for Your Strength and Determination

As channeled by Ron Head – November 18

We see that today we have a curious mix of personal energies to discuss with you. Many of you are experiencing what could only be called a lull or pause. Others are wondering where all this negativity has come from suddenly. Some few are still feeling as if they are running full speed uphill. It is all the same circumstance with varying symptoms, my friends. Would you like a metaphor that would explain how all of that could possibly be similar?

You are at a stage right now that is like that of a person who is packed and ready to go on a long journey. What invariably happens at that point? You might drop into your favorite chair and say, “Whew! That is done.” That would be the pause. Perhaps you started a tiny bit late. You would be running around and grabbing things to take at the last minute. Or perhaps you would be done packing and would walk around checking each room for things you had forgotten and looking also to see what, perhaps, you could leave out of that heavy bag. That is exactly what you are doing energetically at his time. Rather than spend time worrying about what is going on then, enjoy your pause, lighten your load, or take stock of yourselves.

One other subject we would speak of today. There is growing a movement now for coming together on your twenty-second of the month to combine energies in meditation. The effects of these happenings have become magnificent jumps in the amount of love and light upon your beautiful planet. We would urge all of you who have the opportunity on that day to seek out and join in a group meditation. In the country of our channel, it will be a holiday. What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving?

Then take a deep breath and prepare yourselves for the approaching twelve-twelve gateway.

We send each of you our unconditional love at this time, and hold you in our hearts with appreciation for your strength and determination. We wish you a joyous holiday season as you pass the ending of this world of duality and begin to build the beautiful shining world of unity you have desired for so long.

May your hearts know the peace of a job finished well. Good day, sisters and brothers. We will speak again.

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via The 2012 Scenario