Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wes Annac: The Ascended Collective – We See a Planet Brimming with Higher Dimensional Energy and Potential (Part 1/2)

via The 2012 Scenario

TreeWes Annac: The Ascended Collective – We See a Planet Brimming with Higher Dimensional Energy and Potential (Part 1/2)

Channelled through Wes Annac – November 20, 2012


You are starlights who have reached beyond the realms of the third dimension and anchored Lighted energies purer than you could possibly imagine, and you have done this with the help of innumerable guides but it is important for each and every one of you dear souls to know that we did not act alone in seeing the ascension of your world play-out.

Of course, you did not act alone either and were given the assistance from your guide-collective that you sought but it has been you dear souls who have Created the most phenomenal and profound of impacts and effects upon the brimming surface of your third dimensional world.

We would like to take you dear souls back a bit, to a few generations ago within your finite concept of time.

Humanity was feeling and feeding for the most part, the densest of energies that could be manifested and any attempted energy that was against the normal density which has been prevalent throughout various generations of your Earth history, was simply not allowed through and accepted by the general Earth collective as freely as the wonderful ideas and remembrances of the unfolding New Age on your world are at present. [This ascension] is being made known through willing hosts and instruments which are you dear Lightworkers, Light holders and of course, Light warriors.

Each and every one of you are making effects so profound upon the surface of your Earth and we do not just say this to those of you who are on the front lines of achieving the planetary ascension that we are all focused and intent on with every last bit of our hearts; we speak of each and every one of you who are just beginning to awaken and who are just beginning to open up and expand in yourselves, because your awakenings are much more important than you may perhaps understand.

Various facets of our collective have used terminologies before that display the perceived inability of many dear souls to grasp and understand concepts that may be outside of the fore of your current perceptions, and even when doing so it is vastly important for us to point out that your present and limited body-perceptions are illusory and hollow, and your true [inner] perceptions are expanding as you remember the infinity that you have always carried within.

Doubt is attempting to creep its way through the minds and hearts of many and we say with supreme Love in our hearts that you are being tested and you are testing yourselves, as you work through and transmute every last vestige of your former selves who have been locked and hidden-away within your subconscious for some time, simply awaiting their chance to express themselves and be surfaced so that they can be ultimately transmuted.

Some of you may be a bit confused as to the actual process of transmuting a vestige of oneself that is based in the lower dimensions, and we say that your mere going-through of any difficult events at this stage of the Earth-ascension game is seeing you transmute the vibrations behind each and every thing that you go through and this involves going through events in your Lives that serve to expose those aforementioned parts of yourselves who are coming up for review and release.

We speak of each and every one of you when we discuss the continual transmutation process that is occurring at this time, because you are not just surfacing former aspects of yourselves; many of you are quite empathic and sensitive and are beginning to notice and pick-up on the vibrations of others around you and some of you may in fact notice a greater ease in many of those around you to begin expressing their emotions and true feelings.

This is because the Light that you have all solely brought unto the Earth with the help from us that you have been given; this Light is indeed permeating the surface of your Earth as well as the mind and hearts of every dear soul upon your surface and as many of you are acting as quite literal pillars of Light and transmutation for all those around you and across your beautiful world to benefit from; you will find a greater ease within those around you in expressing themselves and subconsciously yet willingly having their own inner-held pains and fears transmuted, by simply expressing them to you.

Of course, there are some dear souls upon the surface of your world who are very closed-up within themselves and would not allow the vibrations driving an experience that they are still comfortable within to be transmuted, and all paths back to Source must be respected. We in the higher realms Love each and every dear soul on your world with the supreme Love of the Creator, because it simply cannot be any other way.

By now many of you dear souls understand very purely, the concepts of your Godliness and of your very structures and energetic frequencies which form and Create as well as sustain your conscious experience.

You are being led to see that your reality is a literal energetic hologram and as you begin to recognize pure octaves and stages of consciousness along this hologram wherein the energies and atoms that make-up this hologram begin to loosen and refine themselves, you subsequently begin pulling-in the vibrations from this newer and purer harmonic reality as you go through necessary growth lessons within your Lives that see you again, transmuting the former aspects of the denser plane of consciousness that you have discovered the newer planes from and that you are now working from to reach such higher and purer planes as you find the awakenings in yourselves that cause and enable such growth.

You dear souls are finding the newer harmonic realities within yourselves and while you have utilized plentiful outside sources on your world to gain an experience of enlightenment, we tell you that you have very recently reached a pure portal-opening that is not readily apparent or visible within your physical reality but that is seeing a rippling-out of energies so very pure that they are to turn your emotional, physical and energetic concepts in general, upside down.

Now of course, we do not say this to put any dear souls in any type of fear or apprehension, and you of course shouldn’t be [fearful] as at this stage of the game you are being guided more than ever by your dear guides and the guide-collective many of you has in fact increased exponentially in the past few days of your concept of time.

We have always been within you of course but as you begin to find us in purer and clearer ways, more of us are attracted to you energetically as we all wish to help any potential source of Light that is developed upon the surface of the Earth, because you are all so very important.

But this shift point that we speak of, wherein an incredibly-pure gate of energy has been opened that is seeing your realities begin a very needed and very real alignment and attunement process that is seeing your surface realities ever-nearer to matching the natural fifth dimensional state of consciousness that Gaia’s soul has existed within for some time; this shift point has been reached very recently and you will all notice in the days and weeks ahead, the fruits of this inner shift within yourselves. Now, of course dear souls, like all shift points that are to be utilized and felt within and open mind and heart, a conscious effort and intention must be put in to see yourselves fulfilling your duties of assimilating the very pure energies behind this shift point.

We look to each and every one of you with a pure Love and respect for the continual difficulties that you have experienced, but we have noticed a common misconception when it comes to the absorbing and assimilating of the Light energies unto yourselves upon very pure shift points and stages along your calendar that are to call for the delivering of much purer energy.

We have noticed that some of you dear souls are simply awaiting a point wherein a mystical type of heavenly energy will make itself known and you will find the bliss that you have always wished to find within yourselves and within your Earth community and collective and while we do wish you to know that this type of heavenly reality is on a full course to being delivered; you are manifesting and working with the timelines that will bring this reality to you and you are finding the strides and shift-points within yourselves that are enabling the shift points to pan-out in your physical reality and in your inner-realms which surpass your physical octave of reality in purity substantially.

As you dear souls are finding such shift points within yourselves, you are finding that your very perceptions are changing and the collective perception will undergo the necessary shift point that has already began to occur but that will occur in earnest within a small timeframe according to your linear perception of time.

You are again, enabling the shift points to occur but if you were to simply wait for such a point to come to you without performing the necessary inner-work within yourselves to find and feel these energies in the very pure ways that we know oh so well you dear souls wish to find and feel, than you will unfortunately not feel such energies within yourselves and some may take to a mindset of your entire unfolding pure reality of higher dimensional bliss being some types of farce because they personally have not felt the underlying and inherent, inner-held energies that one must access and find an open and clear line of connection to, to be able to feel and understand fully the energies that are bringing your ascension to you.

These energies that we speak of, dear hearts, are the energies of pure consciousness; the energies of the fifth dimension of consciousness as well as numerous other, further ascended pure realms of consciousness that lay far past the fifth dimension.

The pure intentions and foundations that you are displaying and laying with such intentions, are seeing the realms of full consciousness able to begin making themselves known in earnest but as has been discussed before, you must first find the necessary awakenings within your hearts and within all of your chakras which you are beginning to open up, before the collective and physical effects make themselves known.

While many of you are indeed finding your potent individual awakenings and are discovering and dipping in to realms past your conscious understanding and perceptions whilst within your illusory third dimensional reality, the collective positive effects that you are making even when you feel that you are alone during your processes are felt, understood and appreciated vastly by the rest of the enlightened Universe and ascended collective of souls who looked upon your world and saw a planet who was indeed meant for happy, harmonious Living, but whose very energies had become tainted with the vibrations and intents of the dark.

We’ve seen your world and you have seen your world as well, in time periods wherein the Light energies were not able to make themselves known in the very pure ways that they are becoming known now and while there are still many naysayers, many detractors and many souls who wish to convince everyone of their own feelings about the reality around them; we say that you are all individual and you are all entitled to your own perspectives but it is important that you allow others to have theirs as well.

Our scribe has went through plenty of dilemmas on the internet, wherein he has experienced negativity and opinions expressed by others that were not in alignment with his own feelings and with the feelings of many who read our communications and assimilate the energy behind them.

Every dear soul is different and is experiencing a different perspective on your world and we say that your awakenings are being assisted greatly with the pure Light being given but there are some dear souls who are having trouble feeling the Light energies within themselves and as such, will take to expressing themselves in such a manner and we implore you dear souls to consider the perspective that we have offered within this communication; that of Loving and respecting each and every dear soul along their path because your beliefs literally Create your reality.

Part 2 continues below

via The 2012 Scenario