Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Unfoldment of the Divine Mother’s Plan – Part 2/3

via The 2012 Scenario

(Continued from Part 1)

Not Just the Earth is Ascending

We tend to think of Ascension as happening only on Earth but apparently it’s happening throughout the Third-Dimensional universe. According to SaLuSa: “In the larger picture you are looking at a Divine Plan for the Ascension of the Universe.” (1)

“Your All-Loving God has plans well beyond your understanding,” he states, “and the goal is to successfully move your Universe into the higher vibrations.” (2)

“The changes are affecting … not just your solar system, but Universe and Galaxy. It is a tremendous change of scope beyond your imagination, and involves Beings of unlimited power and love. They carry out the Will of God and in that lies your assurance that all will proceed according to the Divine Plan.” (3)

He tells us that “a Universal edict,” which is the Divine Plan itself, “has been served on all creation that has responded by preparing in readiness for the great change to the higher dimensions.” (4)

Most other parts of the universe are fitting into God’s Plan. It is only Earth that is having difficulties with it, SaLuSa informs us:

“The Creator has expressed a desire that all within your Universe shall ascend and it is only your Earth that is experiencing a battle to be part of that upliftment. All other planets and dimensions are sufficiently advanced, to move with the changes without any difficulty.” (5)

The Plan and Our Freewill

How does the Divine Plan fit in with our freewill? On an everyday basis, SaLuSa says:

“You might reflect on the fact that you have created your reality, but it was at a higher level that the divine plan was conceived and it will not change except for divine intervention.” (6)

It was known, SaLuSa says, “even when you first came to Earth that the cycle would complete with your successful Ascension. The power behind these events is the Creator, and although freewill is ever operating, some [events] are pre-ordained.” (7)

“As you can imagine spiritual matters are highly organised, and progress is coordinated for Humankind so that as many souls as possible move into the Light. You are all acting out your roles for the benefit of the whole, and a game it may be, but one that is deadly serious. The emphasis is on getting you to awaken to your true selves, and taking responsibility for all you do.” (8)

We had a part in the formulation of the Plan, Damur of Antares tells us: “You helped to design the Grand Plan that you find yourselves in.” (9) Archangel Michael agrees:

“Most of you have witnessed and been part of the formulations of this Divine Plan. You have asked in your heart – to me, Steve, you have asked – how does this Plan get formulated? And it does not simply come from what you think of as the heavenly realms or the divine heart. Yes, that is where the inspiration is born.

“But each of you have had a piece of the formulation of this Plan. That is also why you are here. You have said, ‘I will go, and I will be in form, and I will part of that unfoldment. I will be part of the anchoring of that promise, of that new reality of love.’” (10)

Not only that, but we will awaken to our role in the Plan at the precise right moment, Melchizedek tells us.

“Each of you is programmed to remember your role in the Divine Plan in perfect Divine timing so that the greater Light and understanding that comes to you can be of great assistance to all. There is no way this remembrance can be forced to come to you before your time.” (11)

Hilarion tells us that people who are reading these messages can expect to be serving the Plan as lightworkers.

“Each person will blossom in a myriad of ways that create a new template that will be boundless in its possibilities. If you are reading this, then you are One who has qualified to serve the Divine Plan at a greater level.” (12)

Some Elements of the Plan

The object of the Plan is “to help as many souls as possible to move back into the higher dimensions through Ascension.” (13) To do that, it has been arranged that the galactics come forward at the right time to speed along our preparations, as SaLuSa tells us.

“Our presence is also part of the greater plan, and we will join you at the appropriate time and ensure your progress takes off in leaps and bounds. Our preparations have been in place for a long time and updated and ready to commence at a minute’s notice. As always our influence and guidance is felt by many of you, and we work with you even although you may be unaware of it.” (14)

“The Forces of Light have never gathered together on Earth in such numbers for millennia of time. This is of course in accordance with the Divine Plan.” (15)

“I … can tell you that we are getting excited as the day moves ever nearer when we shall meet. It is part of the divine plan and must take place, and we shall ensure it is so.” (16)

Matthew Ward says that many millions of star brothers and sisters are here to help.

“The plan included millions and millions of souls from advanced civilizations whose essential assistance on, within and above Earth assured that she not only would survive death throes, but would be restored to her original paradise self, where all her people live in harmony with each other and all of Nature.” (17)

Part of what they are here to do is to end war on Earth, SaLuSa tells us.

“It is a Divine Decree that your cycle of duality ends with war having been totally eradicated, and peace having been firmly established. For too long your rights have been taken away, and the time has been reached for them to be totally restored. The old paradigm is now defunct, and will draw no more energy to sustain it any longer. A new day has commenced that will bloom into its magnificence with Ascension.” (18)

The Energy that Will Uplift us Comes from the Father/Mother One

Part of the Plan is to flood the universe with the Divine Light needed to cause the expansion of consciousness that the Ascension is at its essence. Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman explains the nature and impact of the Light which is streaming down upon us at this time leading up to the shift.

“The Light of the Creator contains energy, intelligence and everything necessary to create worlds without end and to fulfill the Divine plan.” (19)

That Light has been steadily increasing for over a century now in accordance with the Plan, according to SaLuSa.

“For over a century, the amount of Light being brought to bear on you has increased tenfold, and has been instrumental in lifting many of you up. This is in accordance with the Divine Plan to release you from the lower vibrations, and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up.” (20)

The Divine Mother has been sending us this energy, directly from the heart of One and into our bodies, as she discusses here:

“Yes, sweet angels of mine, my legion of light, my angels of love, you are in the middle of the Transition, you are in the middle of the Shift, you are riding the waves of love that the Father and I are sending directly into your heart, through the portal of your heart, through the Ascension portal of the planet.

“And from there it is diffusing into each of your chakras, into your body, into your brain and yes there is also energy being sent directly through your crown chakra. It is activating not only your pineal, your hypothalamus, your pituitary; it is activating portions of your hemisphere that have never been activated in the human race.” (21)

The energy the Mother is sending us is love, which SaLuSa calls the glue of the universe.

“All life is inextricably linked by what you sometimes refer to as the glue of the Universe. The energy that it exists in can be considered as the body of God and therefore All Is God.” (22)

The Father/Mother One is showering us with light to see that the Plan is realized.

“Are we sending the energy from the Father and I? We have never stopped, in fact it is increasing daily and yesterday we increased it even more. So you may be feeling it and we’ve told you a new chapter has begun in this Ascension process.

“Dear hearts, you are well underway. Now are the lightholder communities ahead of the wave as it were? Yes. But that has also always been part of the plan.” (23)

Tomorrow we look at the unstoppability of the Plan and hear the request from the Company of Heaven to trust in the outcome of the vast plans that have been made for our Ascension to the higher planes.

(Concluded in Part 3)


(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 17, 2012, at

(2) SaLuSa, April 6, 2009.

(3) SaLuSa, April 13, 2012.

(4) SaLuSa, March 8, 2010.

(5) SaLuSa, April 8, 2009.

(6) SaLuSa, Sept. 13, 2010.

(7) SaLuSa, Oct. 7, 2009.

(8) SaLuSa, Aug. 14, 2009.

(9) Damur of Antares, May 28, 2009, through Zilanthrah, at .

(10) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 23, 2012, at

(11) Mechizedek, through Marlene Swetlishoff, March 14, 2012, at

(12) Hilarion, May 6-13, 2012.

(13) Atmos, Aug. 28, 2009, at

(14) SaLuSa Nov. 24, 2008.

(15) SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011.

(16) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2008.

(17) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 21, 2009, at

(18) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2012.

(19) Archangel Michael, January 2009, through Ronna Herman, at

(20) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.

(21) “Ride the Waves of Love Being Sent to Us by Universal Mother,” May 22, 2012, at

(22) SaLuSa, Dec. 31, 2008.

(23) The Divine Mother in “Transcript – Ascension is Going Far Better Than You Think: Universal Mother Mary on Heavenly Blessings,” at .

via The 2012 Scenario