Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Galactic Command Center Planned for Santa Fe, NM

via Golden Age of Gaia

UFO-sfgcc Here’s a circular from Mike Quinsey, channel for SaLuSa of Sirius, on a project taking shape in Santa Fe, NM.

Hi Friends,

Quite recently a project was started in Santa Fe, NM with a view to setting up a Galactic Command Center, and with your interest in the City of Light, Sedona, I felt it may interest you as it is the outcome of the advent of the New Age. The group have been told that such Centers will be located all over our planet, and are holding meetings and have a Newsletter plus other mailing.

The messages below set out the objectives of the group with links to them, and there is also an excerpt from a supporting channeled message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate. The extract below comes from the linked general message, and there is also a brief message from SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

Extract from Linked General Message.

“We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond”.

SaLuSa, March 23, 2013

Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa's channel

Mike Quinsey

Like other groups of people that are forming, you are the pioneers for those who will follow, helping to bring the New Age into being. A feature of this building period will be the “small is beautiful” approach, as your present experiences show that ultra large groups do not necessarily function efficiently or in an acceptable way. People all over the world are rising to the occasion, as the consciousness levels increase and their awareness grows. You are catalysts for others and what you are doing is being inspired, so that it will be of great help to those with the same aspirations. We commend your foresight, but then you are doing what you came to Earth to do.

Santa Fe, NM “Galactic Command Center Project”

Overview of Mission

The project started with a small core group of four people (Nancy, Bob, Verona, Lucy) who came together on January 9th 2013, each having an inner knowing, or a vision that this area in which we live would be the location of what we are calling the Santa Fe, NM “Galactic Command Center Project”. Then Rev Rich and Patti came aboard the core group.

Next at our meeting on March 18, 2013 we had twelve people attend. Those who attended would agree that what the group is doing through our collective intent is anchoring an energy for the eventual physical manifestation of this proposed center. We all know that everything that we manifest in physical reality begins with a thought and then as humans focus their energy on that thought, eventually that thought is brought into our physical reality.

In addition we humans are the ground crew for whatever projects that we want to manifest here in our 5D reality with the help of our space brothers and sisters as well as our brothers and sisters who reside in the inner and hollow earth.

The core group is meeting structurally as a 5D council where everyone is a leader; there is no hierarchy. Everyone is an equal contributor to this mission’s manifestation. We are in contact with the Galactics through channeled messages received during our meetings, and our own intuition. The mp3 audio files of these meetings and newsletters are available to anyone interested on the web site specifically on the following URL http://

At some time in the future as the project comes more into focus it will have its own web site. In addition there have been some requests that we also have the meetings available as a teleconference so those who are located afar can listen in and lend their energy to the project. With this in mind when we have our next full meeting in April it will be available through a teleconference, details to be announced.

Those who are interested in receiving the newsletter or other emailings about the project please send an email to with the words CENTER PROJECT in the subject line.

We are told that these galactic centers will be located all over planet earth. As many messages have told us mother earth, and those of us who will choose to, will be moving into the full 5D vibration with her. This planet will become a showcase for many star systems to send their representative here to see what we have done and learned in our 3D duality experience, and to share what they are doing and experiencing. All the channeled messages received thus far are available on the above URL. However below are a few excerpts from some of these messages to give a little insight as to what the galactics are saying about these centers.

Lord Marius through Lucy Colson, Jan. 9, 2013 Meeting

(just a part of the message in text form here)

“There is much for you to do in the helping of others and as you begin as the talk has been about well we would call it a space port, you call it a convention center, what ever you want to call it, this area that is under development right now.

“There is not much that we can tell you about this edifice, let us call it, that is being created. It is one where others from other parts of the universe can come there will be a storage of records. You could call it a library that will be incorporated within the buildings where they will be able to research and through holographic means actually involve themselves in actual things that have taken place on earth.

“There is going to be much that is incorporated in this project. It is underway now but is just, actually, the beginning. As it is upon your planet things do change. The energies are changing rapidly and as energies change we too change our ideas of what is going to be incorporated into this grand plan. The buildings themselves will not be of an earthly structure but will be made of the finest light energy. They will vibrate at a very high rate and when you first enter into them it will be as if you are entering into song filled area. The vibrations will be coming from the light energy of the light factors themselves.

“There will be room there for healing. People from the local will be able to take part in the healing aspects and this will be of great help so this not simply an edifice or group of buildings for our use [galactic federation use]. It is for the use of humanity as well and there will be many who will come to these buildings to be trained so they may leave the earth at an appropriate time and go out into the universe to be of help to those third dimensional planets that are in the process of attaining their ascension.

“Not quite ready and that is the reason that many from the Earth will go out into these areas to be as teachers, to be as servers for those who are making an attempt to take part in the ascension process.

Another excerpt from St Germain, channeled by Nancy Tate Jan. 9, 2013.

“I will tell you this much and it is that as we continue with our speculations, ideas, we will begin to uncover some deeply embedded, or previously deeply embedded, inspiration that we have been on a very, lets say, deep level, creating with our aspects of energetic thought and desire. We have observed many expressions of creation throughout the universe and beyond and we have incorporated it all in a way of our beingness that can be an example of how we can express our creative abilities in ways that harmonize with all of existence. …

“As this all takes place, things regurgitate, then we will find that this command center and other placements around the world will be of service to each other, not just for the command center for the [Galactic] Federation [of Light], but for any other aspect of life on earth will all becoming into beingness through the creativity of the people who will be living in freedom to express what it is that they desire and what will most be in harmony with what they want in their lives . …

“So coming back to this particular moment , knowing it is all those other moments at the same time, for to speak it is to live it. In some energetic level we are setting the roots right here and right now for this command center from which so many people will walk forth in their power free of all the encumbrances that they have been living and it will be an experience so incredible as to have no limits.”

This is just a sampling of the messages that have come forth from the Jan. 9, 2013 meeting. Additional messages came forth in the meeting of March 18, 2013 and all are available in MP3 audio form at

In closing, how do we choose who will be in the core group or who by giving their energies and intent from afar will participate? If this project resonates with you then you choose yourself and you choose what part you wish to engage in, in its manifestation.

There is no ego here such that the team that is forming feel that they know who is fit to become a member or who is a clear channel of whom. Each person who comes in contact with this information will discern for themselves through their heart resonance what is their truth.

We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond.

The big question then is when is all of this going to take place? Does it not seem logical that for these 5D projects to come into our physical world that we are creating, we must wait until the wheat is separated from the chaff and humanity has moved fully into the higher levels of the 5th dimension?

Then and only then will humanity be free from fear and ready to welcome our brothers and sisters to come and work side by side with us to manifest projects that will benefit ALL of humanity and beyond.

via Golden Age of Gaia