We’re watching lightworker projects spring up across the Nova Earthscape and observing the moving baseline of group development.
In our own case, the Nova Earth Society is past the stage of development called formulation and into other stages, depending on the project. On some newer team efforts, we’re into concentration.
On other older projects, we’re past concentration and into momentum. On this particular project, the Golden Age of Gaia, I prefer to think that we’re past momentum and into flow. (But that could be a self-serving interpretation!)
The names are probably self-explanatory but for those working on other projects, perhaps it might be wise to say a word about each stage.
Formulation is the stage at which the group has come together for a common purpose and is working out the shared mission, the goals to reach, the roads to take, etc.
Concentration is the focusing of common attention on putting the gears into motion and having the team cooperate together, on running the group process enough times that the wrinkles are ironed out, of learning the ropes and greasing the wheels.
Momentum is having learned the ropes, having run the routines, having worked out the bugs, now working the mechanisms with a degree of mastery.
Flow is when the process becomes second nature so that, instead of keeping one’s attention simply on the mechanics of the routines, one is able to work and remain open to inspiration, creativity, imagination. Flow is when things run so smoothly that one truly becomes an instrument for the Company of Heaven.
The trick of operating in flow is to match it with such a sense of detachment that the ego can gain no foothold and ruin the effort with the desire to look good and take credit. This is where selfless service is evident or not and, to the degree it is, the project succeeds; to the degree it isn’t, the project fails.
That having been said, there are also stages of group consolidation. They also need to be noticed. The first is the honeymoon stage, in which all is sweetness and light and endless possibility.
The second is the tug-of-war phase when the first no’s are expressed and the battles begin.
The third is the pulling-together stage when the team does cooperate but still does everything as a complete team or collective. Not enough trust has built up that the team allows its members to work in isolation or make decisions for the collective.
The next stage is specialization, where the team now allows different members of the team to assume responsibility for discrete areas of the group effort (finances, production, communication) in complete trust, where an ease prevails and a comfort level is reached with each member of the team doing that which they do best, where decisions are reached or altered without very much to-do and a lot of mutual trust. The teams experience love for one another and a high sense of oneness and unity.
Teams that began some time ago are farther along these two curves than others. Soon teams will begin cooperating with each other without trying to take each other over, but that process may be a few months into the future. For now teams are working out the wrinkles themselves and reveling in the sense of being able to cooperate as a group without descending into rivalry, manipulation, backbiting, suspicion and other old-paradigm results of failed collaboration.
I can say, as a member of several lightworker teams that have passed beyond concentration and beyond the tug-of-war, that participating in such sacred circles is a joy unmatched by anything I can recall on what Archangel Michael calls “the old Third Dimension.”
(I cannot fail to mention with gratitude that your contributions to our fund raiser have made this possible.)
via Golden Age of Gaia