Saturday, February 2, 2013

We Invite You to Build Nova Earth with Us – Part 4

via Golden Age of Gaia

The first thing on my mind.... (Continued from Part 3.)


Now, you have some of the platforms, and for this I thank you.

Are there needs for the platforms, and particularly this one, to continue? It is seldom that I am at a loss for words, but we really don’t know what we would do without this platform. And that is why we encourage you, and we request you, in the spirit of equality and partnership, to please continue on. You are serving, but you are also creating with us.

You have the technology within which to communicate. You have your social networks. Now, I do not criticize the back-and-forthing, the games that are played, for that is a way in which to play together, to communicate. But can I suggest that you start to eliminate criticism, debasing? Share what is uplifting.

Do not underestimate social media. This is a, well, the entire internet has been a gift, as you well know, from your star brothers and sisters. And it is modeled upon the universal internet, which is a system of communication throughout the multiverse. So that is one thing we encourage you to do.

Now, there is a fine balance between becoming into addiction or obsession with the internet and social media. So it is meaningful excursion into the internet and social media, much the way your platform does, but there are other ways in which you can begin to declare yourself.

For example, many of you are on such social platforms such as Facebook, and you use it to share pictures of your children, your dog, your house, your flowers, news of the day. But are you also declaring what you believe to be true? Are you declaring that this is an opportunity for change or sharing just some of the subtle changes you are feeling within yourself? “I am feeling different today. I don’t know, but I feel the planet is shifting. Love is becoming more important to me than ever. Relationships and kindness and sharing is becoming more important.”

That type of statement touches the hearts of thousands and then millions. The same thing with media like YouTube, videos, radio shows. But choose your platform. Some of you — actually, many of you — are uniquely positioned to be politically involved. Now, some of you will choose to become involved on a grassroots level or a national level or a county level — it matters not — within your own political situation in your own country. You are not there to play the game as is, because, think of it, that is simply a bubble that is about to be pricked and blown apart.

[There is a] need for conferences, for gatherings, for people of all realms to come together, not just with the intellect, not just with the information, but with the heart.

It is time for the best and the brightest — and we are not meaning just those who have been identified by former regimes as the best and the brightest — but it is time for the best and the brightest hearts, intellects, spirits, healers, communicators to come together and to formulate (to use your terms, dear heart) what is workable, what is sustainable. Might I add, what is joyful?

Begin the communication. Expand the communication.

Create Community

The wondrous thing about community is that it has been completely redefined on your planet in the past several years. Yes, there is the community of your neighborhood, of the building within which you live, of the block within which you live, but community has also taken on completely broader terms because community is now global.

Build your communities globally. You have had tastes of what is possible, with the Occupy movements, with Arab Spring, with many institutions that are in place to assist those in need.

Now, do they need to be cleaned up? Yes. And can you do that? Yes. You do not need to reinvent the wheel. What you need to do is perhaps clean up the wheel, and put in a few new spokes, and fill the tires.

Become involved in your community, whether it is in a community garden, in a community action group; whether it is bringing together singers who are interested — and we do not mean simply scientists — who are interested in the issue of free energy.

You are there to anchor the new, the new ideas, the new paradigms, the new emphasis on the building of community and voice for the community, of priorities for sharing and equality, the elimination of homelessness, for example. And social welfare programs that keep everybody trapped in poverty.

Some of you are uniquely prepared and positioned to begin to work in education, and it can be education in the newest sense of the word, of working with the new children of Earth, or education in the traditional sense. But again, when you are going into those platforms you are bringing not only your light, which is significant — it is bigger than ever before — but you are also bringing your change in attitude, information and positioning.

Now, may some people pooh-pooh you and dismiss you? Yes. It matters not. Keep going. Involve yourself in movements such as Occupy. Involve yourself in Action Now. Involve yourself, whether it is a community action group, a community board, even some of the faith-based churches, because if that is your venue, that is where you have chosen to present, then so be it. Because what people think of as religion over the next couple of years is going to shift significantly in terms of faith, in terms of belief. Because the religious factions and the tie to political control is dissipating and disappearing. And that is my job, and it is the job of those of you who are working with me.

(Those who wish to read the whole file at once can go here.)

(Continued in Part 5.)

via Golden Age of Gaia