Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bella Capozzi: The Healing Properties Of Music And Art

via Golden Age of Gaia

image Bella Capozzi: The Healing Properties Of Music And Art

A Mini-Reading by Bella Capozzi – April 29, 2013


For today’s reading I was drawn to the angel therapy oracle card deck, and the card which jumped out mid-shuffle was “Singing and Dancing.” This is a pretty easy one to interpret, with it’s colorful imagery and joyful symbolism. It reminds us that we need to take a break sometimes, from the intensity of the subject matter and events which are bombarding us from the internet and mainstream media.

I’m not saying that we should ignore it-after all, we are all here to transmute negativity to light. It’s just that we need to take a break every now and then, in order to be at our most effective. And what better way to relax and unwind than through music and the arts. The angels are guiding us to incorporate music and dancing, and all sorts of other types of artistic expression into our daily lives.

Try playing soft music in the background, during meditation. Sing along with the radio while you’re driving in the car. Dance around the house when nobody is looking, or better yet, ask them to dance with you! One of my favorite ways to detox and raise my vibration back up is to visit an art museum and spend a few hours surrounded by beauty and our planet’s illustrious history. It’s so relaxing and might serve to inspire your next creative endeavor.

If you’re not particularly musical yourself, how about inviting friends out for the evening, to enjoy a nice dinner and listen to a great band? Yet another way to banish the doldrums! The key message here is to create, unwind, make an effort to spin an aura of joy and loveliness around even the most mundane of your daily tasks.

Find the still point within and make it your home. Make it cozy and colorful, filled with music and movement. Let yourself exude the melodies of heaven, and everyone you encounter cannot help but be affected. You are the wayshowers!

Copyright Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

via Golden Age of Gaia