Friday, April 19, 2013

Lord Ashtar via Lucy Colson: Santa Fe Galactic Command Center April Update

via Golden Age of Gaia

UFO-sfgccThis is taken from the Santa Fe GCC’s April Newsletter, the full version and subscription option can be found on the website.

As channeled by Lucy Colson, April 14, 2013

We will update you as we go along. In this communication we will speak about the prime locations for the Centers, and changes that will affect streams of energy flowing into Planet Earth.

It was first noted that only five centers would be created, with many branches throughout the world. That has now been changed. You see, we too are changing plans to comply with the extraordinary amount of energy you of Earth are giving to this project.

We are now seeing seven major command centers, each established on one of Earth’s seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and even on Antarctica. Though it is covered with ice and snow, Antarctica is destined to become a tropical paradise once again for your planet is in the process of great change, both to your landmasses and your peoples.

First, let me address the landmasses. A time of great change is coming to your planet (and to your solar system as well). During Earth changes you will witness subsidence and emergence of lands. Portions of Atlantis will arise again, especially off of Cuba and Bimini as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge continues to pull apart. You note that Iceland is gradually splitting apart right now.

In the South Pacific significant activity will continue with changes in the Tonga-Kermadec Trench as it shifts upon its micro plate subducting under the Pacific Plate. That, and the Mariana Trench, are two great trenches which will bring about the greatest changes to landmasses nearby. Lemuria is also scheduled to rise owing to subterranean shifts. But please realize that none of this is going to happen tomorrow. Some of what we are speaking about will take place perhaps in as much as 25 to 50 years in your future especially the changes to the Antarctic’s frozen topography.

As I have already mentioned, a galactic command center will be created on each of Earth’s seven continents. You and we are calling them “command” centers because they will supervise development and activities of the many branches created on their continents.

Some of you have asked if there is need to start building edifices or to procure land. No, that is not necessary at this time. Your task and your opportunity now is to come together to establish a consciousness of unity based on your increasing awareness of becoming “one” with the Creator. As you increase your spiritual light quotient (the capacity to receive and hold fifth-dimensional frequencies) and as you set your intention to make Planet Earth a hub of Christed Light to serve the Galaxy, this intention will create the framework for the Galactic Command Centers.

It will then become our “job” to lower into your frequency the celestial structures and energies that will fulfill your intention. The buildings will not be made of Earth-frequency materials, but will be of pure light created out of our crystalline thoughts. Whereas it might take as much as a year of your time to create Earth buildings, it will take us but an instant to manifest these remarkable centers.

From your very first thoughts of this activity, with your permission we made this a cooperative endeavor. We are working with your creative thoughts by adding ours to bring into manifestation that which will create the highest good for all.

Earth is destined to become a star nation and to participate in the Galactic Federation. We plan to send emissaries from many star nations to work with you as you establish the Galactic Command Centers and their branches. Together you will perfect technologies of healing; you will train to become Christed emissaries who carry wisdom and Light to many planets throughout the cosmos; you will create councils to enable all Beings to work together in harmony. And you will unite with your indigenous peoples, who have for many centuries held the truth of your origins in the stars. These ancient ones on all continents have never lost contact with us. And now their truth held in sacred trust for millennia will be revealed. A great example of this are the Dream Walkers of Australia: they will become “Star Walkers” leading you into the galactic reaches.

A celestial event is to take place on Earth and throughout all creation, possibly even this year. As many of you know, the Father-Mother God of us all is projecting a beam of Light through the Great Central Sun that is to change the multiverses in the twinkling of an eye. All universes will shift upwards in evolution, thus erasing the effects of that which transpired before. You will begin to see evidence of this Divine Light-Energy perhaps as soon as the third or fourth quarter of this year.

When this energy strikes your heavens, every knee on Earth will bend. At that moment the planetary energy which manifested your civilizations for eons will no longer exist. All will be made new in keeping with the Creator’s flow of Its ever-new consciousness. Subtle aspects of Planet Earth will arise out of the Fifth Dimension into the Sixth and higher so as to continually lift your endeavors .

It will be shortly after this event that you will participate in manifesting the Cities of Light and the Galactic Command Centers. But we do attach a now familiar caveat! Though Prime Source is perfect in Its manifestation, timing as you know it is definitely subject to change — always owing of course to the rapid expansion of humanity’s consciousness as you come into the Ascension.

I am Ashtar; good day.

via Golden Age of Gaia