It’s tough right now to see how current events are going to turn to the good. Just like with everything else right now though, for me it’s best to give up on having any details or understanding.
My job is just to be light, send light, live light. That could be it for me, and vital to the collective calm. I came to be an anchor for Light so I better be that now, eh?
The sleepers I just try to see as more easily manipulated than others, more deeply under the spell of illusion. I truly feel that most of our legislators and judicial officials are deeply mind-controlled if not only controlled with money and fear.
Everybody gets the Light treatment.
Resistance is futile. And the chaos is also illusion.
I like the idea of pretending I’m in a holodeck program that really has no lasting consequences beyond the experiential lessons. May as well have fun, knowing that I’m completely safe and loved and supported. I think this is part of the lesson for us.
How can we be responsible co-creators in a world of instant manifestation if we’re so easily drawn into drama?
Love and Light ~ Suzanne
via Golden Age of Gaia