The recent outbreak of violent and sadistic rapes, some so pernicious that they’re followed by the victim’s suicide, cannot go without comment. The level of dehumanization and depravity they reveal must appal and dismay all those who contemplate a better world.
Even as so much of the world is rising in consciousness and love, a segment of society, more dismaying because it involves the youth of the world, seems to be descending into a social dark night of the soul.
The availability of date-rape drugs, the constant diet of crime dramas on TV, the dehumanization of video games, the lack of meaningful jobs and careers – who knows what factors account for it?
But it represents a virtual war on women, whose level of violence and bestiality has only been seen in the worst days and nights of actual wars.
When these scenes are added to all the violence practiced at the end of a gun, the large areas of the world that are subject to guerrilla armies and gangs related to the drug trade, people falsely jailed in prisons run for profit, and repressive regimes that linger, it’s a wonder that so many people have the heart and courage to dream of a world that works.
How this collapse of values can be addressed and overturned taxes the intelligence. But it will require the cooperation of men and women everywhere to end it.
via Golden Age of Gaia