Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nova Earth Day, February 14, 2013. Global Love, Abundance and Equality on Nova Gaia

via Golden Age of Gaia

Until today, the world celebrated February 14 as Valentine’s Day.

But it does so while accepting high levels of pollution on the planet, discord among races, religions, and other social groups, poverty among most of the world’s population, and barriers to the equality of men and women in the world.

Of what lasting significance is the romantic love of men when Gaia and women suffer to such a degree? And how can love fully blossom in a world marred by so much unhappiness?

The Nova Earth Society, a sacred circle comprised of the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, the Hope Chest, and Light Stewards: Sisters and Brothers of Unity proposes that February 14 now become a day of celebration of the New Earth, of Nova Gaia, as well as a day of celebration of love, abundance and equality throughout the world – universal love, global abundance and total equality.

On this day we intend to showcase the universal love that could be associated with what was Valentine’s Day, together with a global meditation to bring in NESARA’s abundance to the planet and a global acknowledgment that men and women, races and religions and everyone else on Gaia are now, and always have been, equal.

We intend to bring about a new birth of love, abundance and equality on Nova Earth on that day, together with unbounded love and respect for Gaia as a sentient being.

Our global meditation of ten minutes will take place between 1:01 and 1:11 at local time zones around the world.

We invite everyone interested everywhere to hold their own event in support of global love, abundance, and equality on that day, envisioning and celebrating Gaia in her original pristine condition and a world where these divine qualities prevail for every sovereign individual on Nova Earth, regardless of age or gender, race or religion.

Help us build Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone.

Violence against women 321

via Golden Age of Gaia