Sunday, January 20, 2013

Revive Yourself and Rejoin Us. Together We Can Build Nova Earth

via Golden Age of Gaia

cutmypic(2) I’ve been answering your letters on the Hope Chest email account and the Contact Us site, as well as my own private account, and at the same time, updating the links on this site. It’s interesting how attending to matters like these can be so revealing.

One of the matters I wanted to address is that after an event fails to occur to the level of our expectations, some people – very, very few – can turn nasty.

So for instance, there are two stories that are going the rounds again, one on Dave Schmidt and the other on Linda Dillon. The one on Dave Schmidt arises because the Washington State commission in charge of something to do with elections changed the rules of the game after Dave had been in senatorial office and obliged him to pay an amount which, under the rules of the game that applied when the matters occurred, he was not obliged to pay.

Dave did not have the means to fight the battle in the courts so he simply paid the fine, which he never needed to do in the first place.

The one about Linda is simply not factually correct but the website that posts it will not take it down and won’t listen to a correction. So the two of them are obliged to watch these stories resurface every once in a while.

Another interesting development related to this is that, on the Hope Chest, we on a very few occasions need to turn people down who are submitting requests under several different names or asking for donations on a more regular basis than we can manage and, when we do, we often get a very adverse reaction.

It happens in only a very few cases. And, on the first matter, I suppose it’s one of the things that people who acquire a public profile are obliged to live with.

One allegation posted somewhere is that the team that puts out the blog, radio shows, conferences, etc., is getting rich on donations. People, nothing could be further from the truth. The portion of your donations that went to the team has paid for their rent, heating bills, and perhaps groceries for people who’ve stayed out of steady employment to serve the Light.

Without that, the team would have had to close down after 21/12/12 and, even with that, we’ve only purchased perhaps a month’s time during which we’ll need to find a way to become sustainable while serving the Light, until NESARA arrives.

In updating the links, I see another aspect of events not living up to expectations because I see that a certain number of blogs have closed down since 21/12/12.

Many movies depict a war in progress in which the white hats reach a point of being on their last legs and looking as if the black hats are going to win. (Not saying that’s happening here.) But the theme is that things are darkest before the dawn or that we’re in the winter of our discontent. That theme is germane.

Someone – I’m not sure of it was Kryon – said that a time would arrive when lightworkers would think they’ve been defeated. This just may be that time.

So I really need to say this.

Folks, we’re not defeated at all, not by any stretch of the imagination. I’m not defeated. Graham isn’t. Linda, Stephen, Geoff, all the others – none of us are defeated.

I accept that Gaia did ascend on 21/12/12 and that most of us are on the merest edge of 5D with our attention fixed on the familiar in 3D. I look within myself and see how easy it is to raise an almost supernatural love within me to the surface and how unused I am to doing that.

And I can imagine a time when that love will come up like a geyser and I’ll find my perception having shifted to another dimension.

But here is the essence of the matter. What was it the poet said? The heart of the heart of a thing called love?

We’ve never had a better chance to build a world that works. Never in our history has such a large portion of the world come alive to what does not work in our world (gender persecution, inequality of opportunity, job slavery, the dominance of powers bent on ill, pollution, the rape of the Earth).

Never have we agreed so completely on what needs to be done to build a world that works.

We cannot let this opportunity slip away. We owe it to ourselves, our children and our world to maintain the momentum to build a world that works. Take a vacation if you must to recover from the superhuman effort of last year, but, when you’re rested, come back again.

We have by no means finished what we set out to do.

In fact the best is yet to come from every vantage point. The big events are still out in front of us and are huge in every respect. What Archangel Michael calls “the full restoration” is coming in a matter of months with everyone invited to come along.

The push is on by which we take this world from being a place of suffering to being a place of joy. I remember how hard it was five years ago to get anyone to listen to the call to end gender persecution on this planet – even among women. But now you see large groups of women mobilizing to take back the streets, the night, and the world. And what we need to see next is large groups of men doing the same.

Entire countries are throwing off their chains. The world’s nations are gathered together planning a new economy. The power centers in finance, religion, and all other sectors of society are coming tumbling down.

This is not the time to roll over and go back to sleep.

I grant that it would have been so much easier if we had been right and there had been a mass Ascension on 21/12/12. And it sets my vasanas jangling to hear of a postponement. But none of that takes away from the fact that now is the time to use our momentum to create Nova Earth, a world that works.

So to lightworkers who’ve succumbed to despondency or wonder where we’re going, rally yourselves. See that your purpose is right there under your noses. This is the time to build a world that works. We can do this. The resistance to it has let up. The funds will soon be available. But laborers in the harvest, to quote Jesus, are indispensable and that is you.

We’re not to be handed Nova Earth on a silver platter. We participated in the corruption of Paradise and now we must participate in building Heaven on Earth. That is a creation that we must constuct ourselves. If you’re flagging, revive yourself and rejoin us. Together we can build Nova Earth.

via Golden Age of Gaia