A photo of a statue in Italy. Sent to me by my dear friend Suzanne Spooner. Michael conquering evil.
Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Take Heart. Your New Life is at Hand.
Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.
As channeled by Ron Head – October 17, 2012
We come this day with further words of encouragement to each and every person who reads or hears this message. Wherever you are, whenever you receive our words, know that we are with you in this moment and every moment.
In some places, the intellectual understanding of what we say now has not yet reached. But the inherent knowledge of the ancestors is still known. Therefore, know in your hearts that we are one consciousness, you and I, you and every being, in this universe and all others.
Never are we more than a thought away from you. There are some wonderful stories in great books telling you of times before when we spoke with you, walked with you. I tell you now that never before on your world have we made ourselves more available to you. Never before have so many seen so many signs in their day-to-days of our presence, or seen us in their dreams as often, or felt our energy surrounding them.
Our Creator has decreed your return to your full awareness. We are charged with giving all possible aid whenever you ask for it. It is our joyful and fulfilling passion to bring you home once again.
Only a little is necessary for you to do. Ask for our help and allow it. Open your hearts to the truly amazing flow of love which now engulfs and permeates this world. Only your tiniest effort to find and feel this in your heart is needed, dear one.
If you are one who has already set yourself on this path, it is time to look now at where you intend to go from here. Do you know? What would most make your heart sing if you were to get up every morning knowing that you would be able to do it? If you do not know what that is, look into your heartspace and find the beautifully wrapped gifts that you brought with you here. Carefully and happily unwrap each one. Ask us to show you what is in those presents. You may be surprised when you find what comes into your lives.
Each and every one of you is a precious gift and piece of the new world we are building. Find the confidence and faith in yourself, the self-worth, to offer it to the world. You are a precious and invaluable creation of the Creator of All That Is. You are loved beyond measure. You have been trusted with the future of this world.
Begin to see yourself as we see you. Open yourself to the unconditional love of Creator. When you feel that love, my amazing friend, breathe it into every cell of your body and then breathe it out to every corner of your life. You are the change maker. There is much joy in that.
Find each day that for which you can be grateful, even be it just your life. As you express this to the One, your life will change. Those things which you appreciate will grow. You will grow. Take heart. Your new life is at hand.
We wish you good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
via The 2012 Scenario