Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Marco MIssinato – Healing Vibrations, Photography and A Lifelong Vision – The Light Agenda TONIGHT

via The 2012 Scenario

Marco Missinato – Healing Vibrations, Photography and A Lifelong Vision – The Light Agenda TONIGHT

Presented by Stephen Cook

Wednesday, October 17

6pm (PDT, USA) / 9pm (EDT)

Remember: If you can’t tune in at this time you can listen at ANY time that’s convenient to you, once the show has gone to air. Just click on this same link.

You can hear his music each week on Cosmic Vision News.

He also wrote the theme for the InLight Radio Video I Know My Galactic Family is Here, Do You?, for which he presented the Italian language contribution.

Well, this week on The Light Agenda, you can meet and get to know the Italian born, Los Angeles-based musician/composer Marco Missinato, who has also provided the music for the still underway 2012 Scenario Conference in Sedona, the download of which is now available at his website

Marco’s story is quite literally a symphony itself. He has always felt that he was here on this planet for a special purpose – even at the age of one!

This was when he says he had his first experience of a vivid, recurring vision he has had for most of his life.. Yes, at one!

He came from a poor family and his parents were both barely 20 years old when he was born. It was a strict Italian catholic upbringing.

He started playing and loving music at the age of three – but never really pursued it actively as part of his soul journey until much alter in life – after a two-year mandatory Italian military service and a period of time as a successful professional photographer.

It was his time as a photographer that brought him to the United States for the first time – and which opened his eyes to a whole new world. Especially as his first major international assignment was photographing AIDS patients for a leading Italian scientific magazine.

This set in motion a desire to live and work in the US – and it led to several years either living in the US on a student visa, as a sponsored worker and also as an illegal immigrant.

This was a difficult process for Marco.It also shaped his world views, his spiritual commitment and his vision for music as the world’s healer. It also set in motion Marco’s vision-inspired journey and his mission with his music – which he says is free flowing, with no real musical education background. For Marco, music is all about vibration – the vibration of life.

You’ll also get to hear the demo of his new song Earth Anthem, which will have its world premiere on this show.

And you’ll learn of his plans for the global, Sounds of Oneness music event –

That’s Marco Missinato – Music, Vibrations, Photography and Lifelong Vision – The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook TONIGHT Wednesday October 31 at 6pm (PDT)/9pm (EDT).

Meanwhile, check out Marco’s site and all his wonderful music at

via The 2012 Scenario