Relationships and Sacred Unions with St. Germaine, Tonight on Heavenly Blessings
This week we take on some of the more difficult questions regarding relationships and sacred unions. St. Germaine, beloved healer and Master of the Violet Flame joins us to discuss relationships. As one who has walked the Earth for hundreds of years, St. Germaine understands the nature and dynamics of relationships, and, how difficult and challenging they can be at times. He offers to step forward with healing and wisdom.
Previously we have discussed the nature of relationships in the 5th dimension. But what of the challenges and disconnect being experienced by so many lightworkers with their significant others? How do we deal with loving relationships when the person is in the throes of clearing and “letting go?” How do we remain in a high vibrational state when our partner is being critical and unloving? What is this sacred mirror about – and how do we handle it?
And finally, what about those who are seeking and yearning for the ideal relationship and can’t seem to find that special somebody? Tune in tonight at 7 p.m. Eastern for what promises to be an emotional and insightful conversation with Linda and Graham. You can call in to listen or to share your questions and comments (323-784-9697) or access the show live or listen later by clicking the link below:
via The 2012 Scenario