Miami Herald recommends President Barack Obama over Mitt Romney
By Sergio R. Bustos, Miami Herald, April 26, 2012
The Miami Herald on Friday afternoon announced its recommendation in this year’s presidential race: President Barack Obama.
The newspaper, which endorsed Obama in 2008, posted its decision online on Friday afternoon. It will publish the editorial in print on Sunday.
“In the end, Mr. Obama’s policies across the board — the environment, social policy, taxes and immigration — offer a more generous vision for America. The issues he has fought for, coupled with the lingering doubts about Mr. [Mitt] Romney’s persona and his true intentions, make this a clear choice,” the Herald recommended to its readers.
The Herald recommendation comes at a time when several newspapers in the the all-important swing-state of Florida have published their endorsements. The state’s largest newspaper, The Tampa Bay Times, endorsed Obama.
In its editorial, The Times noted: “The next four years will not be easy for whoever occupies the Oval Office, but Obama has been tested by harsh circumstance and proven himself worthy of a second term.”
Other newspapers, including the Tribune-owned Orlando Sentinel and (Fort Lauderdale) Sun-Sentinel, both of which backed Obama in 2008, endorsed Romney.
“Romney is not our ideal candidate for president. We’ve been turned off by his appeals to social conservatives and immigration extremists. Like most presidential hopefuls, including Obama four years ago, Romney faces a steep learning curve on foreign policy. But the core of Romney’s campaign platform, his five-point plan, at least shows he understands that reviving the economy and repairing the government’s balance sheet are imperative — now, not four years in the future,” the Orlando Sentinel said.
Said the Sun-Sentinel: “President Obama is a decent man who took office with the nation facing an economic precipice. But even he predicted he would be a one-term president if he failed to turn things around.”
Nationwide, the National Journal reported this week that the close presidential contest is reflected in the close race for newspaper endorsements. Obama leads Romney among major newspapers, 17-15, but the list includes four newspapers that had endorsed Obama in 2008 and were now supporting Romney.
via The 2012 Scenario