Folks, Graham, Linda and I are plum tuckered out from the conference and ask your patience with us in having opted for a re-airing of a previous interview with Archangel Michael rather than a new discussion.
An Hour with an Angel airs Monday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time at:
I know it would have been exciting to have had his comments on what was accomplished in Sedona, and what might be coming up in the days and weeks ahead, but there’s so much to get done today, including relocation to a new hotel, and such a need to rest between conferences that we hope you’ll allow us the day off.
We’ll be rebroadcasting the interview that took place immediately after the release of the video I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do you?, which AAM called “Disclosure.” In it AAM looks at world affairs and the state of containment.
Next week we’ll probably have AAM back to discuss the upcoming election and its anticipated impact on global events as well as other impending events.
via The 2012 Scenario