On An Hour with an Angel for November 26, Geoffrey West hosts and will be exploring a different side of Archangel Michael.
As we move ever-closer to Dec. 21, 2012, and, as more and more people wonder exactly what is going to happen, there’s a risk that some will fall into fear about the unknown that exists on the other side, due to the indoctrinated fears instilled by the cabal and religion.
Listen in Monday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time
at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/11/27/an-hour-with-an-angel
Only now are truths coming to Light that are beginning to crack, if not shatter, many common-held beliefs and fears about how our Divine Creator/Divine Source is perceived and acknowledged.
Religion has been used to instill fear within people that certain beliefs, practices and words were necessary in order to be in the favour of a particular Divine Creator put forth by certain institutions and faiths.
This practice has created a separation between Divine Source and humanity, as well as a belief that Divine Source is a vengeful, punishing Creator that demands serious reverence and worship.
AAM has indicated on several occasions that there is no ‘hierarchy’, as we currently understand it, but merely appropriate spaces of awareness for all uniquely different, but equally beautiful aspects of the Oneness of LIFE.
Geoffrey hopes to tap into the ‘Lighter’ side of AAM, to explore the fears, and help people see that there is nothing to fear about the other side, and there is a lot to be excited about, because each will be able to create and experience in ways that are far greater than can be currently known in 3D.
At one time, it may have been cool ‘to laugh with the sinners than to cry with the saints, because sinning was much more fun,” according to Billy Joel’s song. AAM is here to show that the saints are marching in, and that the Light will get the last laugh.
via The 2012 Scenario