Folks, Yahoo just dropped a further 133 subscribers today to the 2012 Scenario in what appears to be continuing harrassment from a single employee.
We’ll be trying to contact Yahoo to enlist their help in stopping this ongoing hostile action. If anyone can assist us to find whom we should be speaking to or wishes to share similar experience with this kind of thing, your comments and counsel would be appreciated.
There isn’t anything else we know to do about the situation except to advise you to resubscribe and, if at all possible, resubscribe from an email address that isn’t The harrassment has the potential of creating ill will against the blog. We ask you not to be manipulated into thinking that this is something we’re doing or can easily correct.
While I’m here can I say that I have received numerous offers to help transcribing the Sedona presentations. Thank you for your offers. In a day or so, I shall begin organizing this and will be in touch with all who have written in.
via The 2012 Scenario