Wes Annac: The Ascended Collective – We See a Planet Brimming with Higher Dimensional Energy and Potential (Part 2/2)
Channelled through Wes Annac – November 20, 2012
Continued from Part 1 above
Whenever another dear soul around you seems to be very convinced of or seemingly entrapped within their own predefined perceptions and understandings of the reality around them, it is because they are Creating for themselves, the experiences that they wish to have and in many cases, such experiences of the reality around you are indeed predefined and the definition of one’s reality will vary with each and every individual upon your world, because you are all Creating based on your various different and wonderful perceptions.
Matters will unfold before you dear souls in your Lives that will test your resolve and faith in where your Life paths are taking you.
Many of you can feel lonely along your processes and we wish for you to know that it is impossible for you to be lonely, for we are all with you and neither we nor you would have it any other way. You are continually guided, protected and looked after by each and every dear soul who is guiding you along your continual Life paths. The entirely of our collective is looking upon each and every one of you as well as your collective civilization as a whole, and we do not see the familiar and dense energies that many of you still perceive of when looking upon your Earth experience and those around you who you consider to be unawakened.
We see a planet brimming with higher dimensional energy and potential and we see as well, the brilliance of each and every one of you dear beautiful advanced starlights who have graciously and Masterfully allowed yourselves to exist within a plane of reality that you knew would test you to your very cores, but that you saw-out anyway because of the very tenacity in your hearts that we acknowledge, thank and honor you for.
Oh, if you could only feel the good that you have done! Your hearts would brim with joy and you would feel, even if only for a moment, the Love and the sense of accomplishment that we feel for you and that you rightly deserve to feel once again.
You left these higher realms knowing much, much less than you dear souls know now, having acquired so much knowledge during your lower dimensional Earthly adventures and travels. While some of you have only experienced the Earth for a small number of Lives, the vast majority of you have experienced thousands of Lives upon the Earth and there is no culture, heart set or mindset that you have not all fed at some point during your continual Earth travels.
Everything that you have done has been for the purposes of allowing yourselves to experience every facet of the Earth experience, so that you could ultimately take such vibrations with you and transmute them as you steadily gained enlightenment and awareness and as this awareness bloomed into a beautiful flower of ascension.
Your ascension experience has been continual and ongoing and while many of you can feel that you have somehow strayed away from your Earth processes or let yourselves or us down in any ways if you do not find yourselves feeding aspects of the Earth experience that you know are in your best interest; we simply allow you to feel your freewill-based feelings of unworthiness while reminding you that limitation is not a concept in the higher realms.
If any dear soul feels that they are funneling limitation through themselves because they stray away from their intended paths for a moment, a feeling of letdown ensues that can be magnified if the soul hosting such letdown allows it to. We say that limitation isn’t a concept in the higher realms because every fear that you have; about leaving your Life path and being away from the higher realms or about somehow letting yourselves or others down; these are all finite concepts and limited mindsets that come through you and attempt to get you to feed them.
As so many of you are beginning to sow the seeds of awareness wisely and develop the necessary emotional discernment in your Lives, you can recognize if finite, limited and negative mindsets are attempting to grab at your attention and you can rightly put an end to the influence of such energy by turning your vibrations away from such energies, thoughts and feelings that will attempt to teach you that you are only a limited, finite human being.
It has been discussed before, the fact that you dear souls are akin to radios that can pick up [various] frequencies; only you dear souls are picking up much purer frequencies than have been broadcasted over radio waves as of late. You are transmitters and transducers of energy and you can perform any energetic task that you may see as impossible in this current moment.
For instance, you dear souls can teleport instantly and find yourselves in any given area of Creation that you wish to, and your ability to perform this work yourselves is something that the Galactic technology which will be widely-spread amongst your society in the time ahead, will teach you to be able to access within yourselves.
Few have discussed the fact that your Galactic brethren’s technology is meant to teach and help you to grow, and not meant to do every job for you and in fact, while the assistance of Galactic technology will be utilized and appreciated, you dear souls will be the ones learning how to manifest what you need and how to utilize sound frequencies to heal your world as well as so many other things, and you will be assisted in doing this with the technology you will be given.
As this technology helps to expand your minds, hearts and your concepts of what is and isn’t possible, you will gradually be taught by the consciousness within this technology to perform everything that the technology performs. For instance, smaller scout ships will help teach you to utilize your natural abilities to travel with your crown chakras. Replicators will teach you to shape and mold transparent, changeable free energy in specific ways to produce whatever you desire in much healthier ways than such things are produced at present.
Every facet of Galactic technology will help you learn to perform the miracles such technology will garner for yourselves and we brim with joy at the vision of you dear souls working with and learning from the technology that will be shared with you.
This technology has been suppressed for a very long amount of your time in your current society and as has also been discussed, your societies could have been benefitting from free energy-based technology by your 1940s and the suppression of free energy has served to hold humanity back while the cabals back-engineered and reproduced in much unhealthier ways than the originals, much of the technology that is prevalent on your world today.
[A Galactic being then steps forth from the overall collective to speak.]
Many modern technologies that you dear souls would not expect have been taken and back-engineered from our ships and yes, our dear scribe is now picking-up on the energies of a soul who will be happy to discuss how the suppression of our technologies has led to a modification of the original technology that was taken.
When the souls you all know as the cabals back-engineered the many technologies, some basic and some more advanced, that they found from our ships; the technology that they took and back-engineered was given to humanity in much more unhealthy ways than the original technology was produced.
The dark’s technology and much of what you benefit from and enjoy on your world to this day is very unhealthy and serves to have quite negative effects upon your minds, bodies and spirits.
The very computers that you are reading our messages from would be doing considerably-more damage if your freewill was not prohibiting the worst of what the frequencies being broadcasted-out of your computers were supposed to deliver you.
We are helping as well to nullify the negative health effects from your computers, televisions and various other low frequency-manifesting technologies and we dissipate away any negative effects that are not directly in accordance with your freewill.
We do this along with the guides of each individual soul who is subjected to the lower vibrations manifested from your various devices and you dear souls are as well beginning to learn to shield yourselves in the supremely-pure energy of Archangel Michael, the healing energy of Raphael or any other facet of this collective of souls spanning entire dimensions, Galaxies and Universes who simply wish to help you dear souls to ascend and in the process, help you all to understand concepts that may be a bit more difficult for you to grasp.
Everything being given to you now will be given to the entire populace in the time ahead and your Earth collective will learn to work together and provide the tools that you all need to help run your world.
There are going to be so many lessons and much hurried busy-ness as you all begin taking back control of your world and our technology will help you to find yourselves with the necessary ability and capability to perform jobs that may seem hard at first, but that you will get into with a passion and enjoy quite thoroughly. We speak of course, of the projects of rebuilding your world and returning Her to the pristine condition She was once in and naturally exists in.
There is and will be much work to be done but you dear souls will enjoy this work much more than you realize at present. Yes, there could be stress and frustration as you repair your world but you can take it all in stride knowing that what you are now and will be doing is cleansing your world on mass level; a level that will affect this entire beautiful Creation of all of ours.
We Love you all so very much and we ask you dear Lightworkers to continue on in your Lighted efforts because every effect that you make upon this Creation, you are also making upon the collective consciousness of the Earth and this means that any piece of Lighted channeled, written [or vocal] material you give out, regardless of how many times it is viewed or acknowledged physically, will have a massive effect upon an evolving collective consciousness who needs to be introduced to the concepts that so many of you are now bringing-forth with the grace and ease of the higher realms and of our dear Creator.
What you are doing is affecting the collective subconscious of the entire planet and we ask you dear souls to see and feel this as we make our final impressions for this communication. Do not ever let yourselves believe that you are not performing the miraculous work you now are, for this is why you are meant to be here at this time and this is why you funneled yourselves down quite heroically, to assist a struggling collective in realizing that they are God.
Thank you to the Ascended Collective, and to every facet of the Ascended Collective who has spoken.
via The 2012 Scenario