Wes Annac: The Hathors – Reaching Personal Strides, Affecting the Collective and Unleashing the Light Energies (Part 2/2)
Channelled through Wes Annac – November 26, 2012
Continued from Part 1 above
The role we are fulfilling currently will be understood completely by each one of you dear souls in the time ahead as you will again, become aware of the reality of energy work and the importance of performing energy work to help cleanse the condition your world has been in.
While you have all been steadily integrating the energies that we are helping you to absorb within yourselves, you have continued to butt heads with parts of yourselves who would convince you that your energy work and the necessary transmutations you are performing at this time, are somehow not real or are not helping you along your ascension processes.
As with all matters, we ask you dear souls to have complete and utter faith and to know that all that you are going through and finding yourselves meeting with at this time is not only necessary, real and helpful to yourselves and all those around you; what you are doing is affecting matters on the world stage and is affecting the collective consciousness on a mass scale, and the effects that you are making upon yourselves and each other are Cosmic in scope.
We use this term in an attempt to describe the very large nature of the effects that you are making upon yourselves, those around you and the entire planetary collective consciousness, because we feel the importance that all of you dear souls feel to peek under your instated veil for a moment and see the mass effects that you are making, even if this is only attained by receiving our perspectives of watching you dear souls Create massive Lighted ripples in the collective consciousness of the Earth with each miracle you bring through yourselves, without even realizing as you perform them!
There is absolutely nothing that can stop you from realizing the inherent and pure Light that you can feel and access within and that again, you are. You will indeed be told continually that you are the Lighted and Godly energies of Source, because you dear souls could use the reminder with your perspectives of continually subjecting yourselves to darkness and density that would teach you not to look inward for any aspects of yourselves and instead, to believe that you are only finite and limited beings who must look solely outward to find any aspect of happiness, sustainability or fulfillment in yourselves.
Your very manufactured society as it stands today is built up entirely of hollow beliefs and lies that many souls who have forgotten their inherent and pure connection to their Godselves have attached themselves to and allowed to integrate unto themselves and Create as reality.
As always, the energies you are bringing through yourselves to Create your reality will indeed continue to be purer; not just with every time that you are given them and believe us, you are receiving them much, much more than one ‘time’ per second; this energy will also continue to be pumped-up in purity with every magnificent and powerful gate that you are to pass through, which is represented on your Calendar.
There are many more dates to pass through; some of which you may hear about less and will call for energy to be increased in purity a slight bit, to amp-up the lessons that you are learning which serve to break down and transmute the parts of yourselves who you cannot take with you to the realms of the fifth dimension because of the dense and outdated nature of such parts of yourselves.
We do not point toward [the important] dates as ones for physical manifestation on your world and are simply giving an energetic perspective and a perspective of being in charge of the energies that will be delivered to your reality, and while there is even much about the December energies we are being led not to express through channels because of the sensitive nature of such information; we can say with happiness in our hearts that your planet is to be brimming with the pure energies of Source and you are all going to feel and experience the results your own actions of anchoring the higher realms and the fundamental aspects of the higher realms that you are beginning to establish more fully and feed on your world. (1)
You dear souls are Creating so very much change and each physical action that you perform is aiding the collective in such ways that they will be able to absorb the eventual and inevitable disclosures that will be had for you dear souls, in much easier ways.
This will be because of the foundation that many of you are laying with your involvement in various important things that will bring the higher realms to your world, and we congratulate each and every one of you with supremely-pure happiness, Love and joy in our hearts, for you have long Created the change you have wished to see and you are simply awaiting the final manifestations that will see your world a brimming, higher dimensional Galactic planet.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
(1)-Based on what is said here, I feel the importance of restating my belief that our ascension is a gradual process.
I’m not trying to put down what the Hathors are saying here but I know it could be misinterpreted into thinking that everything will happen in December. I’m sticking with the opinion that this is a gradual process and that it is more complicated than one day or month initiating everything. That is my opinion and may not be yours [or perhaps theirs] but hey, that’s ok! We are ascending either way.
via The 2012 Scenario