Geoffrey brought out a new and humorous side of Archangel Michael today and I have to share my enjoyment of it (from the pre-record). To be completely transparent, I have to also share that I had trepidation at going this route but Geoffrey did make it work!
He explored Archangel Michael’s own personality, pleasures, and humor, which prompted AAM to share an interesting side of himself. He said:
“I am an artist. I am a musician. I am very much involved in peace in the true sense. I am joyful. I am a creator. … I spend time in play. … I love a good adventure.
“I am the one that is always up for whatever is going on. I am the one that is always saying ‘Yes’ and trying to figure it out later.
“Because it always turns out, sometimes in the longer run, that it is joyful, that it is exciting. And, yes, there is a part of me that loves to create and bring creation codes to bring greater beauty to the heavenly hosts, to show the Mother/Father One, to bring to the galaxies far beyond. So there is always this part of me that you can think of quiet and pensive. But there is always a side of me that is very creative and you can think of that as joyous.” (1)
As a footnote, he added: “Think of the Aurora Borialis, that is mine.”
And what he feels characterizes us most and “the thing that I love most about you is that you’re always ready for the next thing.” He leads adventures, visiting all places in the universe and bringing back creation codes to introduce into worlds and the heavenly hosts and to show the Father/Mother One.
He revealed that he often appears to people but he loves to manifest incognito, sometimes as a homeless person or a person who seems to have no mind.This certainly fits with what one friend told me, that he appeared to her and danced backwards in a circle around her, waving at her.
He does not like to show up as a member of the heavenly host with his sword and shield in hand.
If he was a salesperson, he said, he would rather be a counterperson than a backroom manager and he would prefer to sell iPhones. He’d say “I have a deal for you. If you sign up with me, I promise you, on a lifelong basis, joy, happiness, prosperity, and a good home. What would you say? If you walk out, I will chase you because I am a very persistent salesperson.” Join him and purchase a wonderful eternity.
If the customer walks away, he’d say, “Hey, if you don’t sign with me, I will lose my job. And my Mother really wants me to keep my job. Could you just do me a favor and sign here? It would really help me out.”
The hour was over almost before we knew it but, thank to Geoff, I saw a completely different side of the Boss. “I am also your protector. Give me your fear and come play with me.” Always a pleasure to play with my favorite salesman.
And I’ll take that eternity. I don’t even need a credit card.
(1) Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, Nov. 26, 2012.
via The 2012 Scenario