Monday, April 8, 2013

Archangel Michael Lifts the Veil on An Hour with an Angel

via Golden Age of Gaia

The first thing on my mind....

This week with Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, we’ll burrow more deeply into some aspects of Ascension and lightwork.

We’ll ask him to expand on Sanat Kumara’s revelation that Earth is “the first in line,” the first planet in the universe to ascend. He spoke about “stages of Ascension” and a “redesign of Ascension.”

What are the implications of being first in line, the first planet in the universe to ascend? How was ascension originally designed and how is it being redesigned? Who is doing the planning?

Airs Monday at 5pm PT/8pm ET

Call 323-784-9697 or click this link to listen live or to the archive after the show:

We’ll ask him to expand on his comments through Ronna Herman that suggest that we don’t know who is here, we don’t know the great masters that we are. Here is one example:

“Beloved masters, … the Ascension process is not new to you. You have accomplished it many times before. You are all masters of the highest order or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.” (1)

We’ll ask him who IS here. What is it we don’t understand about who is here. And how was who is here selected?

Third, we’ll look at a comment he made to me in a reading I had with him April 4, 2013. He expressed surprise that humanity cannot see that the wish to prolong the Ascension process came from humanity itself.

I suggested to him that it was hard to see that because the circumstance in which a “rapture” or “the end of the world” is awaited and doesn’t come is the stuff of skits. For many, this is just another instance of that. Perhaps he’ll supply us with a few more details of that aspect of our Ascension too.

And if we have time I’ll ask him to expand on a comment he made in the same reading that the Fifth Dimension has subplanes and, when we enter it, we enter on the first subplane. I’ll ask him to describe the differences between some of the early subplanes.



via Golden Age of Gaia