I’m enjoying my vacation and doing much needed reflection, taking the long view, taking the deep view and seeing so much, that I wanted to pass along a note from the mists of reflection. In particular I wanted to comment on a circumstance that I regard as so important that I’d interrupt my vacation to communicate it.
There comes a time in the journey of clearing where all the easy vasanas, acts, games, rackets, numbers and everything else that’s a barrier to us, our purity and our innocence have been cleared away and we face the really difficult last remaining percentage.
You could say that we’ve cleared 90% of our vasanas and only 10% remain. Or you could say that we’ve cleared 1% of our vasanas and 99% remain because that last 10% is definitely the most important part and what holds us back from being clear of Third Dimensionality.
In my opinion.
I think of that last 10% as being the deeply-hidden agendas, the real ball-buster acts we have, the I-won’t-give-this-up rackets. These remain deeply invisible to us and giving them up looks like giving up life itself.
But it’s these last remaining rackets that contain the seeds of all the rest. If we don’t give them up too, in my experience (and I’m not somehow suggesting that I’m perfect or have done all this work either), all the rest can spring into life again. The last 10% are the seed of all the rest.
It’s at this place that people can cut and run. Those who aren’t committed to coming out of their shells, coming out of hiding, being free of their misery and their control agendas – and I’m speaking about us, not the cabal or the “bad guys” or “them” – often at this point find a reason for leaving.
Please don’t get me wrong. There is “leaving” and there is “leaving.” Some people leave because they want to carry on the journey; other people leave because they don’t.
Invariably the reason for the latter is self-righteous. “They” did it to “me.”
This is the place where a natural courage either emerges or it doesn’t and whether it does or not is of such crucial importance that I highlight it.
I’m willing to bet that the process of spiritual evolution takes so many lifetimes because we get to this place and then we cut and run. We make the superficial gains but we don’t perform the truly heroic surgery and remove the cancer itself.
In my view, only the truly committed go on past this point – only those who value clarity over achievement, presence over looking good, innocence over freedom from pain.
I have to say that I’m willing to throw all of this away – the blog, the teams, and everything connected to them – after measured consideration but sometimes in a heartbeat, if what we’re doing here is not about covering the distance of that last 10%.
If we hold onto our self-justifications and our treasured views of ourselves rather than doing what must be done to completely emerge from our deepest hidden agendas, then I have to say that none of this means anything to me. Not a thing.
In past days I’d have been called a perfectionist. But in these times, I think this is what we’re called upon to embrace – all of us. No, not because it’s necessary for Ascension. I don’t think it is.
But because it’s necessary to be a starseed or a lightworker who serves Ascension.
I’m looking within myself for my last 10%. I’m committed to dropping my deepest hidden agendas. I won’t allow myself to hide from who I’m being. I commit to going through the fire that Malachi spoke about (1) and I’m looking for partners who won’t buy my bafflegab, if and when it emerges, and who’ll come with me.
(1) “But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap.” (Malachi 3:2.)
via Golden Age of Gaia