Friday, November 2, 2012

Andrea Scully: How to Join the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group

via The 2012 Scenario

Andrea Scully: How to Join the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group

Before joining us in the discussion forum, you will need to have a Yahoo ID/ profile in order to access yahoogroups.

If you do not already have one, set one up by logging into Yahoo and following the instructions on setting up a profile. You do not need to join with a yahoo email address, but you will have to have a profile or you cannot access yahoogroups.These are two different things, the Yahoo email and the Yahoo profile.

If you already have a Yahoo profile, you will need to be signed in or access to the discussion forum will be denied and an error message will come up. Sign in to your profile to solve this problem. If you are ever ‘locked’ out of the forum, (it will ask you to join but won’t let you), you can sign in to your Yahoo profile to solve this problem, too.

Since my personal experience with Yahoo mail was less than satisfactory, I use hotmai. But no matter what email server you use, you can use this address below to send/reply to posts the discussion group (if you have delivery to your email, or just wish to send or forward a posting), or you can choose no posts at all (when joining) and access the discussion forum for reading, replying and posting from the web to the forum at our homepage at:

This address can be used to bring up the homepage of the forum when typed into your browser search field, or as an email address for posting. I prefer posting from my email browser, as I do not like to have to deal with yahoo when I can help it. I use the address above and send or reply like any other email.

Yahoo group forums can sometimes have glitches and delays (which is why I always post from my email browser). This might mean that you make a posting and it may not show up on the homepage forum for as long as several hours. If you get impatient and think it did not post, you may feel the need to post it several times. Please do not do this, this will arrive in email boxes for those with individual email instantly as multiple emails and for those with daily delivery it will make the scrolling through to find the separate postings a nightmare. The posts nearly always show up eventually.

When forwarding articles from popular sources, I would ask that you look first to see if they have already been posted to the discussion group to avoid multiple postings of the same thing. If you have comments to share about it, you can comment on the discussion thread that has already been posted.

Pictures can be sent as attachments and they will automatically post to the forum and be stored in a folder. They can be accessed through the email delivery where they will appear in the email, as an attachment link to the forum folder, or on the homepage in the Attachment section.

Links can be posted. Try to take care that they are live links, though copy and paste addresses are also acceptable, if you cannot find one. They can also be posted on the forum homepage and stored in the Links section from the left-hand side bar. We ask that those who want to share their personal links do so there, and never as a footing (under their signature) when posting, this is a violation of our guidelines, and you will be asked to remove them.

When you first join you will receive an auto-send Welcome Letter and Guidelines. Please read them. Our rules are stricter than the normal rules that you will find on forums, as our private forum is a sacred space. We ask that you bring your respect for others when you come into it, just like you would in any temple.

All are welcomed in to share, but there are some rules to keep conversations polite and the moderators watch carefully that they are followed. We are all called to the highest levels of personal authenticity and responsibility in our communications in the sacred space. We are learning as we go, mistakes are made, and then we move on. It is getting better and better all the time, as we are learning (or perhaps remembering) from each other.

You can always access your email delivery settings on the homepage. There is a blue link on the top heading bar which reads ‘edit membership’. This will bring up another page and you can change your own settings from there at any time. There is quite often heavy volume in posts and the default setting is individual emails, so if you do not choose one of the other settings when you join and you do not want this, you can change it easily yourself.

We are pleased to make your acquaintance in our sacred forum. It has become the home of the heart and a place to stay in contact with soul family for so many of us. Not all choose to comment, many choose to only follow our conversations, and this is fine. Just know that the heart and soul of the group is based on the personal and authentic shares of our members.

Our focus is on mirroring back our own similar or contrasting experiences, rather than offering any kind of critique on what anyone has offered to share. Critiques can lead to moderation. Also, feel free to explore the left hand side bar at our homepage, click on the list there and you will find many interesting things.

Be ‘seeing’ you soon,

Andrea Scully – Discussion Group Moderator

via The 2012 Scenario