Thanks to Christina and Wes.
Heavenletter #4362 Catch a Moonbeam
Channeler: Gloria Wendroff, Nov. 3, 2012
God said:
Hello. Glad to see you. Glad to have your attention. Glad to have you check in with Me. Glad to see you anywhere anytime. My spa is always open. Come right in. There is no charge. In fact, it is your energy I recharge.
Beloveds, I may call where I am a spa, yet, know that I do not offer you a retreat. You do not go backwards. I offer a rejuvenating facility that takes you forward. Now I am moved to sing another song for you.
I strum a guitar. I strum Love on My guitar. I strum Love for you on My guitar. I strum home-given love for you on My guitar.
Here I am. Where are you? I’m a-waitin’ for you.
When are you comin to see Me. When? How soon? How about today? How about right now?
Come on, come on, come on. God is awaitin’ you. God is invitin’ you.
Say, “Yes.” Say, “Okay, God.” Say, “Okay, God. I’m a-comin’, God. Right away, God. Right now, God. I’m a-runnin’ to You.”
Then, I, God, lift you, you little enchanter, in My arms of love. An’ you take leaps an’ a-forward you go. An’ you take leaps, an’ a-forward you go.
And that is My song to you. It is a Song of Love as all songs are. Love given, love received, love on its way to you an’ to an’ fro an’ back an’ forth an’ back an’ forth.
I strum a guitar. I strum Love on My guitar. I strum Love for you on My guitar. I strum home-given love for you on My guitar.
All the twangs are for you, for you are My beloved love. I enshrine you in My love, and yet I let you go free, and yet you take My love with you whether you know it or not. Better to know it. Better to pack Me up and know you take Me with you. You don’t go anywhere without Me. Let Me lead you. And if you don’t let Me lead you, I follow you wherever you go, for I am a God of Love and I go with you, and I stay with you, and you are My beloved. I would like to be yours.
Why? Because you belong with Me. I belong to you. I am yours. I like your company. I like to have you right beside me. I like you. I like you close to Me. Be My companion of choice. I chose you, and now, come with Me. Come into the inner chamber of My heart and stay a while. Stay a while in your awareness. You stay forever, you understand, so you might as well know it and comfort your heart.
The dawn of your heart has come. Rise with the Sun, O, beloveds. Enter the light with Me. So what if you are dazzled? You are with Me. What care you anything when you are with Me, deep in My heart of love.
I see you in the mirror of Myself. I see you in the rivers and the streams, and I am the Ocean Deep, and We dive together, and We leap up high together, and together We are One. We are Oneness Supreme.
Where does My song begin and where does your song begin when We are One? What is the difference between you and Me, and yours and Mine? There is none except as a manner of speech. We have never been anything but One, and yet I can say that I always knew you. You may not be able to say that you remember you always knew Me. Know Me now. Know Me now as I know you, the beloved Myself. You are My beloved. There are no two ways about it. As I speak to the seeming you, I am speaking to Myself. I am talking out loud just as you might as you walk down a lane.
Catch a ray of the Sun or catch a moonbeam. Grab My heart, and know once and for all that My heart is yours, and My heart beats within the heart that is called yours.
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