Friday, November 2, 2012

Live Stream Update

via The 2012 Scenario

Just a quick note while I pack to go home. The live stream was a success although several folks did experience issues due to the bandwidth at the resort. Once we get home and organized, the archived and remastered version will be available for 30 days from when it’s posted. It was recorded on a separate server so the stop and start and freeze that was experienced by some won’t be an issue.

I had a wonderful and life-altering time here in Sedona but I’ll write about that separately. When I get home to New Jersey I face having to throw away all the food in my fridge and freezer and possibly live without electricity for some more days. A tree fell and a big branch but thankfully not on my house. Hopefully my homeowners insurance will cover a tree service. If that’s all I have to deal with I count myself quite fortunate.

Also, I have a tall man’s rain jacket from the first conference. If it’s yours, write me on “Contact Us” and identify the brand and we’ll work out a way to get it to you.

The party’s started! I think I shall have at least six gown changes for the reunions.

via The 2012 Scenario