Friday, November 2, 2012

Wes Annac : SanJAsKa’s Message to the 2012 Scenario Conference Attendees

via The 2012 Scenario

Wes Annac : SanJAsKa’s Message to the 2012 Scenario Conference Attendees

Stephen: WesAnnac’s personal Pleaidian guide, SanJAsKa, had some things to say to the attendees of the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – Preparing for Ascension, and offered up a message specifically for this event…The following is from dear SanJAsKa:

This communication is for all who are attending what has already proven to be a wonderfully-uplifting collective merging of energies between many aspects of the Lightworker collective.

This is much more than a Conference or a gathering that you dear souls are involved in, as you are anchoring the energies of collective enlightenment and unity with your mere participation in this wonderful gathering that we are watching take place with Love in our hearts.

We are with each and every one of you right now and we say that the effects that you are making upon the collective energies with this event you are all a part of are stronger than you think.

Yes, the speakers of this conference have played their roles but you dear souls who are anchoring and assimilating what is said by each dear soul who has spoken with you during your time here, have taken what you have learned and already, even before this Lovely Conference being over, used your knowledge, insight and the sheer unity you have gained from this experience and shared it all with the rest of the Lightworker community.

This Conference is a key manifestation of the getting together of fragments of the Lightworker community and the community of souls who have funneled themselves down from higher realms of existence, as you are convening together and finding a unity that is stronger and purer than you may realize.

The ripple-effects from you getting together in this manner will spread far and wide and in the time ahead, you dear souls can expect many more get-togethers, with yourselves and with us, on a mass, collective level as you work to rebuild the condition your world has been in.

You dear Lightworkers, every one of you who are absorbing my communication and the energies of Universal harmony and upliftment attached to it, are and will be making the strongest and most profound effects on the collective; it is simply that you have not realized it yet!

Thank you to SanJAsKa, and thank you to each one of you who are here today.

via The 2012 Scenario