Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pepperoni and Cheese and Ancient History

via Golden Age of Gaia

VPL 33

Vancouver Public Library: Spent a day reading ancient history

I’m back and again so much to say. No, I did not go off to a cabin. In the end, the kind gentleman who made that arrangement could not fit it entirely into his plans and I was happy vacationing in the city. So I ate myself silly, walked through new areas of town, made a nuisance of myself generally, and had a wonderful time.

I also sourced more vasanas than I ever thought possible and saw so many things about the subject in general. I saw that sourcing vasanas is like a kid drinking chicken soup. We tip the bowl, drink the soup, then eat the chicken.

So too with vasanas, we source the easy ones and are left with the more difficult ones to chew on. Have you noticed that the vasanas that are coming up now are rooted in incidents you haven’t remembered for years? Have you noticed that some of them are scalding, others only come out with difficulty? Or that you may cry for hours when they come up?

The closer we get to the last of our vasanas, the more we come upon the exotic leviathans. I say “the last of our vasanas.” Is there any end? What? An end to this life’s vasanas? Do we then start on the previous life’s?

IGA 2345

Noshed on cheese and pepperoni rolls, kale and black bean salad and banana milk

I actually made a video of me sourcing a vasana but I thought it looked so bizarre that I deleted it from Youtube. I don’t think I’m that bold or outlandish, yet.

I also have some of the same things to say that I seem to say after every vacation. I’m in the process of withdrawing from many of the committees I sit on and again have to pare down my email. Just not enough time and the need to write gets increasingly urgent.

The First Contact database has fallen woefully behind. I haven’t had any takers on partnering with me on it so I again take up that task myself.

I’ve seen once again that I really am a writer; not an administrator and not a letter-writer. I’m here to write and I’m gonna have to continue to reserve for myself the large amounts of time I need to carry out that task. But you’ve heard all that before.

Robson 321

Strolled around new parts of town

I had a wonderful reading with Archangel Michael and I’ll get to that as soon as I can. You heard him on An Hour with an Angel describe for us yesterday who is here, who the great masters are (hint: You).

You heard him talk about the fact that the Earth is the first to ascend in this universe (in the current wave of Ascension). You heard him describe how ascending in our physical bodies is also a first.

So we see now a bit more of why sometimes the galactics may say one thing at one point in time and change it at another. They may have not gone this particular route before. In the past, the planet would explode and the people ascend to the Fifth Dimension after. Few would know what was happening. Most people would know only after the fact.

This time, we take a very large pole, put it under a fulcrum and lever the planet to the Fifth Dimension. (Just kidding.) But causing an entire planet to ascend bodily, taking all its inhabitants with it, well, that takes a little planning.

We also see why they keep telling us that, when we’re through with this Ascension, we’ll be consulted by other civilizations. Why? because we really are the pioneers.

OK, back to work.

via Golden Age of Gaia