Channelled through Wes Annac – April 8, 2013
Continued from Part 1 above
Potential “Earth Changes” Will Not be Destructive
The actions of each and every one of you have proven this fruitfully and again, the Light you are bringing forth is changing things in ways you could not yet imagine. There will be many changes to make upon your dear Earth indeed, and many of the Earth changes that have been discussed will not be brought about in catastrophic or destructive ways and will rather, be brought about peacefully by the awakened humanity and with technologies you will be given by your Galactic brethren which largely involve frequencies and sound, that we will help you to understand and learn to utilize.
You will be making a plethora of changes in every aspect of your world and society.
Governments that are in place currently which do not act in the best interests of the people are to be replaced with temporary governments that are established by you the sovereign humanity and as has been said, individuals with Lighted intentions will step up and offer themselves to the fair governing of your entire world.
Every one of you will be instrumental in electing officials who you know will be acting based on what you want done on your world, and with the off-world and extra-dimensional assistance you will be given with the restoration and full repair of your world as well as the initiation of it and each of you into the Galactic society you have always been destined to become; everything will be brought about with a grace and ease that for many of you, does not likely seem possible as you continue to meet the same old Earthly limitations and densities.
Relinquishing the Desire to Control
Again, everything happening before you is related to the surfacing of aspects of yourselves that many of you have hidden away from without realizing it was so, and when you can relinquish the mental desire to control the outcome of situations occurring in your Lives you will find yourselves enjoying the experiences that play out before you quite a bit, as you see that unique and specific things are set up to happen in every single day of your Lives.
Absolutely everything happens for a reason, and you will find when releasing the control of your Lives to your spiritual Selves and the facets of your higher selves helping you to shape and mold the events that will play out, that so very much will happen that is meant to help you find and remain in your ever-important spiritual centers.
Remaining Balanced
When you can find and remain within such center, you will be able to Master so many aspects of your Lives that we see some of you having trouble with. Everything you are experiencing has been planned-out and you will find upon reaching the states of consciousness of the fifth dimension that your Life paths have been very carefully planned and that everything you’ve manifested for yourselves has fit into this plan accordingly.
Balance and remaining in your center have always been necessary components of finding and remembering the higher realms and the perspective and emotions that drive your unfolding higher dimensional experience, and the aforementioned veil between our realms and yours simply could not be smaller as it continues its disintegration into nothingness.
This will happen along with the merging of your third and fourth dimensional realms and experiences with those of the fifth dimension, and the disclosure of the existence of various ascended beings from various planets and off-world Organizations such as the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command will precede your collective entrance into the fifth dimension.
Indeed, (many of) you will witness disclosure from a fourth dimensional point of view, and even the issuing of disclosure and humanity’s learning of so very many truths and revelations will help initiate you into the pure states of consciousness that so many facets of the awakening public are already beginning to access Masterfully.
Synchronicities Abound
Synchronicities abound in this present moment, and we ask for you to realize the many ways in which they will make themselves known to you.
Of course, synchronicities do not have to be numeric in nature and whenever you notice anything that seems to be of a coincidental or repetitive nature or is based upon something you were thinking right before it happened; you can take those things as signs that we of the higher realms are attempting to make ourselves known to you and are encoding messages into the events that happen in your Lives.
We do this in accordance with the actions of your future selves and your higher selves, who are helping to mold and shape your Lives in the specific ways you have allotted them to be molded for your personal growth and learning of lessons. Fruitfully encoded impressions and the energies they come within also abound for each of you at this time, and when you can pull these increasingly-pure vibrations to yourselves you will understand that, as we mentioned above, they are simply not going anywhere.
These energies are to sit within your minds and hearts and slowly yet strongly permeate your conscious perspectives, until the Light so many of you have been able to feel becomes the prevalent influence; not just on the world stage, but within yourselves as well. You can aide in this endeavor in each and every moment and one of the best things you can do is to get out and enjoy the brimming nature Gaia has to offer, for your mental and emotional fields will be cleansed and you will be re-energized with the awesome and omnipotent power of our dearest Creator when doing so.
Spirits are with You
Along with doing everything you can to find and feel the brimming purer vibrations beginning to make themselves known within you, you can also begin to realize that our presence and that of departed Loved ones and other souls in the planes of Nirvana or other Earthly (metaphysical) planes, are and will only continue to be with you and attempt to make ourselves known to you in bolder and bolder ways.
Dearest Wesley, you recently had a conversation with a departed Loved one who you were fairly close with, and this soul was quite happy with the exchange indeed. We note that you noted the “feel” of the exchange which was not as if you were speaking to someone who has passed on but rather, a family member who was excited to speak with you and who will be excited for the future conversations that are to result from the initial exchange.
The departed Loved ones of many of you have been attempting to get ahold of you, because an (initial) desire to communicate with those still on the Earth is strongly bred in one who has departed their Life.
For many, it is understood and accepted that the veils just cannot be breached in relation to them getting to communicate with their Loved ones, but those of you who are beginning to awaken and receive higher dimensional impressions within yourselves can now find and communicate with those around you who have passed on and not only can you do this; they on the other side are excitedly awaiting your ability to do so.
Those of you who are opened up are receiving constant impressions from those around you who have passed on, in hopes that the awakenings you have found in yourselves are instrumental in helping you to actually pick up on their frequencies and find a connection. Wesley, the soul who is close to you was indeed very happy to finally be able to connect with you in such a pure manner, and we say this to you in front of all absorbing this communication in an effort to help them understand that they too can find such a strong connection and find and re-build upon the relationships with their Loved ones who have moved on.
Responding to the Ascension Energies in Nirvana
While we do not wish to generalize every soul who has departed on your world, we can say that the ascension energies being delivered to you at present are being responded to quite favorably by many souls who have passed on in recent decades.
The ascension of the Earth has been in an incredibly-intensified phase since the 1930s in your time, whenever dearest Gaia cried out for the assistance of various higher dimensional souls and was aided in this call by dear Archangel Michael and a plethora of other souls who recruited us, you and so many others for the ascension of the Earth and for our collective attempt to spread the Light on the Earth in preparation for such an ascension.
Souls from various higher realms are with you now and are also waiting to be made known to you dearest souls, and this connection can be picked up on as well as your hearts continue to open and your minds continue to sharpen in terms of your ability to receive, decode and translate the metaphysical impressions and energies you’re being given from the higher realms.
Excitement for Contact Beyond the Veil
The joyful and bountiful energies of spirit are begging to be made known within you now, and we and every other facet of the Light Forces assisting your world await the time when we can be with you openly on your world just as much as you dear souls do.
We do indeed feel the drive and at times, impatience in many of you for matters to really get off of the ground and for your efforts to begin wielding the results you have heard so very much about, and we understand and respect them, and honor you for them and for what you are doing on the Earth at this time. You did indeed know how difficult this mission was to be, but you also knew of the pure energies and perspectives you were to be able to find in yourselves which many of you have built upon your ability to perceive in plentiful past Lives on the Earth.
While there are the few evolving souls on your world who have only been here for a short few Lives, so many of you have taken to thousands of Lives upon the Earth and have truly Mastered all of the lessons you are undergoing now as well as the final aspects of the same overall lessons you have long set out for yourselves to learn. Some of you have already ascended on the surface of the Earth individually, and have come back for the “big parade” that is the collective ascension of the Earth.
As has been said before, there will indeed be fireworks so to speak, and what we mean by this is that much will be happening and so very many things of a startling nature will present themselves to humanity.
Indeed, some of you may have to pick your jaws up off of the ground after learning some of what has been done but in the end, everybody will understand that what you will have learned was and is necessary for your growth and for the final and just shattering of a carefully-crafted and instated paradigm of physicality that has been, in many cases, forced onto by many facets of the human collective.
The False Rein of Corporations & Quelling Initial Upsets
Makes no mistake, dear souls; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is indeed a corporation (1) on which the cabals have a perceived “rein” by way of sub-corporations taking over and polluting the land and environment, and every soul with nearly-every job in the United States and in many other countries are making money for the cabals that is being used for various black ops programs, as well as drug, gun and human smuggling (among other things).
These will be some of the truths you will have to absorb as a collective, and finding out where your hard-earned tax dollars have really been going may put many of you in an initial upset that we hope the Lightworker public will be able to help quell.
You Lightworkers will, again, be so very instrumental in so many aspects of disclosure and you will be acting as full Representatives for the higher dimensions and for the Galactic and ascended souls who will be making ourselves known to you. This is a mammoth task indeed, and we ask those of you who are fully and truly committed to this role to realize what you will be doing so very soon, for your Lives are to become much, much busier and indeed, more enjoyable than they are now.
We will make our final impressions for this communication now so as not to burn out you dear readers, though we note and appreciate the enthusiasm in our scribe who feels as if we could keep going for much, much longer. He and many of you are beginning to feel this way because of the supreme opening of your hearts taking place, and we will continue to encourage your interest in bringing the encoded impressions of the higher realms through for yourselves, to decode and absorb.
Enjoy the lightening perspective beginning to descend down unto you and please, do not take your experiences too seriously. You will find that seriousness is a fading aspect of the old paradigm and can be replaced with pure enthusiasm and joy, and will be in the time ahead.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
(1)-There is actually a difference between “The United States of America” and “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” Corporation, thus the Hathors’ use of the latter term.
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation established in the 1800s in the District of Columbia, the rein of which has spread all throughout the country. The IRS and plenty of other institutions act in the interests of this corporation, and its establishment was just one of the many ways we have been enslaved as a society.
For more information, please see “The United States Isn’t a Country – It’s a Corporation!” at:
via Golden Age of Gaia