Saturday, October 13, 2012

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You Did Not Come Here to Suffer

via The 2012 Scenario

BeachArchangel Michael via Ron Head: You Did Not Come Here to Suffer

Alice C – Ron Head will feature on The Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on Wednesday November 7.

As channeled by Ron Head – October 13, 2012

Good morning, dear friend. We are happy to confirm for you that the subjects, clarity, and recall of your dreaming consciousness have changed dramatically over the last days, as they have for many. This will continue as long as you make it a priority. Congratulations.

We urge all those who read the messages and writings of lightworkers to realize that they are merely showing what is possible for everyone. As you feel your awareness changing, do not hesitate to try new things that seem attractive to you. That attraction and intent, coupled with your trust, will enable wonderful things for you. This is what the shift in awareness is all about.

Look again at all of your I-wish-I-coulds and I-would-love-to-be-able-tos and pick your favorite ones. Perhaps they are what you think of as spiritual. Perhaps they are not. Of course, since you are a spiritual being, everything you do is spiritual. But give those things new interest and effort, dear friends.

Perhaps a little wonder at why they seem attractive to you could be in order. Skills and abilities which you have spent many lifetimes developing can be recovered easily for you at this time. Your contribution may be something which you have already discovered, but it may also be hiding just below the surface waiting for you to look for it. You will know it when the joy of it fills your heart.

You are here now because this piece of the puzzle of humanity could only have been brought by you. Nurture it. Love it. And share it freely. There will be those who hold similar gifts to share with you. It is time now, my friends, to discover who you are beneath all the coulds, woulds, and shoulds that have been collected throughout your lives. Who are you, really? Mr. Accountant, are you a farmer? Mrs. Housewife, are you a baker? A gardener? A writer? Or, if all of the stresses and strains of today’s world were lifted, are you already doing something that you love?

It is time now to find that which you love and begin to give it the attention it deserves. It is your time. Allow it to come forth naturally. Do you know one who does this now? You will discover that nothing pleases them more than explaining it to you.

You may not change things overnight. Unless, of course, you do. But it is time for you to begin a life of fun. You did not come here to suffer.

There are other changes which the next weeks will bring to you, but we will discuss them in due time. For now, have fun with this. Good day, dearest friends.

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via The 2012 Scenario