Saturday, October 13, 2012


via The 2012 Scenario

Boy, life is maximally complicated these days, but such is our lot during these unusual times.

Casey will be restarting the blogsite at 10:00 p.m. central time and so the site will be down for a short while. The site was functioning only intermittently earlier today due to trouble presented by some security patches which went awry.

The site hiccup was a godsend however because it got the thinking processes started and many potential problems were flushed up in the discussions that followed. I do need to say that the editors here are wearing many hats besides simply the 2012 Scenario variety. They’re working for InLight Radio, the conference, other related blogsites, discussion groups, on and on.

Consequently there may be days in the time ahead where we may be a bit thin on news. You may have to rely on other sites in the “Links” section to catch up on what’s occurring on those days. And there may be nothing we can do about it. We haven’t the time now to train new staff. We may have to bite the bullet and ask for your patience.

Today was about as stressful a day as I can imagine, from any number of vantage points. But I’d like to relate to you a marvellous development to show how we lightworkers are being looked after. Just before the stress elevated, a wonderful blissful feeling arose that allowed me to deal with all the issues and not feel the stress. And I’m not alone in relating this. I was talking to a number of other people who reported the same phenomenon.

That does show that we’re being looked after by what Poof calls the folks in the rafters and is a very hopeful sign. I think, speaking personally, that matters are going to get positively hectic and chaotic when the major events we’re all waiting for start happening and only the raising of our energetic capacities in the way that just happened for me today are probably going to allow us to carry on through the melee.

Seeing this happen was very reassuring for me. The times present difficult assignments but the help is definitely there for us.

via The 2012 Scenario