Golden Age of Gaia
We’re beginning to receive our initial invitations from the Company of Heaven to join in on the work that awaits us to build Nova Earth. Admittedly the treatment is not yet well-rounded. We have a mention here and a mention there. But enough has been said to start us reflecting on this new phase of our lightwork.
The Invitations Have Gone Out
SaLuSa said on Jan. 4, 2013, that “the next part of your Ascension is with Mother Earth, and with our help to create a new Earth that is befitting souls who are growing exponentially and becoming fully conscious Beings.” He predicted close cooperation once the galactics arrive.
“You will then be able to call yourselves ‘Galactic Beings’ and the doors will open to even greater opportunities than you have ever experienced. Your rate of progress is entirely up to you, and once you have made your decision you will have plenty of help from us.” (1)
In the past we’ve thought that we couldn’t create Nova Earth before the galactics contribute their vision and technology. But Matthew Ward says that their arrival has to await acceptance from the majority of people on the planet and that in fact we’ve already taken up the initiative.
“We know that some of you think that clearing away the debris left by darkness can come only after our universal family is on site. As much as they want to bring their technology and work alongside you, even the possibility of such assistance is not strongly registered in the collective consciousness.
“The positive aspect in this case is that souls on the planet are, and others very soon will be, taking the initiative to change what needs to be changed.” (2)
Sanat Kumara echoes Matthew, telling us that “you are already moving to the creation and the building of Nova Earth.”
“And that is where the peace, the joy, the abundance and the new beginnings are. And that is why I have begun this night by saying, ‘Welcome to the new beginnings.’ [The transition to Nova Earth] has already happened.” (3)
SaLuSa tells us that we should by now know something of what’s expected of us.
“By now all of you have some idea as to what your place is in the New Age, and what is expected of you. At the very least project your Love and Light at every opportunity and you will be doing as much as can be expected of anyone. You do not all have to be in a major role as you are part of the team, and believe us that every contribution counts as far as the outcome is concerned.” (4)
Last year we were concluding our work to emerge from under the thumb of the planet’s controllers and to publicize Ascension as widely as possible. But because the building of Nova Earth awaited passing through the 21/12/12 portal, some of the Company of Heaven are issuing us invitations newly to involve ourselves in the work.
For instance, Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon issued this invitation on An Hour with an Angel recently.
“I invite you, I hold out my arms to you as do all the mighty ones [archangels], all the ascended masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, we hold out our arms to you and say, please, join with us now in partnership [to build Nova Earth]. …
“I welcome you to this new chapter, this new book, this new adventure.” (5)
And through Ron Head, he asked us to contribute whatever we could and wished to.
“Whatever you can contribute, please continue to do so. If that is anchoring light in your case, then do that. You have no way of measuring the effect of what you do, but please know that it is necessary and applauded.” (6)
He asked us to enjoy the parts we play: “This party is underway, beloveds. Enjoy to the fullest the parts which you have been destined by your own efforts to play. We dance beside you and will provide all the support possible. Simply ask.” (7)
He made the same appeal on An Hour with an Angel on Jan 21.
“It is time for the best and the brightest — and we are not meaning just those who have been identified by former regimes as the best and the brightest — but it is time for the best and the brightest hearts, intellects, spirits, healers, communicators to come together and to formulate (to use your terms, dear heart) what is workable, what is sustainable. Might I add, what is joyful?
“Repeatedly, we have said to you, if it is not of love, if it is not of joy, don’t do it. It is a very simple test. It is a very simple litmus test. If it does not make your heart sing.” (8)
So we’ve received our invitation to the party and it now only requires us to show up and take part.
First Steps in Creating Nova Earth are Internal
Archangel Michael in An Hour with an Angel, walked us through what’s needed to create Nova Earth. The first step, he said, “is the complete eradication of the old.” We’re requested to shift our internal state by dropping belief systems that no longer serve us.
“The first steps in creating and bringing to the forefront what you and we think of as Nova Earth, and anchoring as Nova Earth is the shift in the internal, in your spirit, in your soul, in your emotional body, in your mental body, in your causal, your astral — you name it. …
“ The most significant piece of creating Nova Earth is the letting go that you are doing — and have done and have been doing — of the false illusions that were created over eons by the human race.
“So all of those tendencies… and I have to say the letting go of war — and that is war within, it is war between individuals, it is war within communities and nations — that is critical. And what you are doing is letting go of all those belief systems that have never served you.” (9)
This shift includes our embracing the new paradigm of the divine qualities in place of the old paradigm of separation and competition. In this area he says we’ve done much already.
“You have let go and cleansed so much, to the point where your generosity has shone not only to us but throughout the galaxies and all over the planet. But it is elimination until it is a vague memory, the way it is in so many of the other galaxies. …
“The creation of Nova Earth comes with the kind, considerate, what you consider Divine, qualities, what this channel has called blessings and virtues. It comes with the anchoring of those qualities not only within thee, but in every interaction — in the microcosm, within and without, in the macrocosm.” (10)
After 21/12/12, the collective consciousness of the planet has shifted, according to Taryn Crimi’s angelic sources, from Service-to-Self society to Service-to-Others: “You are transitioning from a world whose primary focus was based in the energy of service to self, to a world that works as a collective for the good of all. This energy will be felt in all months this year.” (11)
While our hearts are ready for service, we have no funds to give to the work. On this score, Archangel Michael said:
“Now, you say, “But Lord, I do not have money.” And we acknowledge and accept that. … But what we also say to you is you are a living, breathing example, leader, demonstrator of incorporating the Divine qualities, and the trust, without money, because it is not dependent on money.
“Money, abundance is the reflection, the outcome, part of the generosity that emerges from that love and trust and sharing and prudence and temperance — and patience. …
“As you anchor these qualities, it is reflected; it is reflected in economics.” (12)
So we’re not to let a lack of funds stop us from beginning the work needed to make this a world that works for everyone.
(Concluded tomorrow.)
(1) SaluSa, Jan. 4, 2013, at
(2) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 29, 2012, at
(3) “Sanat Kumara: Our Heartfelt Apologies to the Disappointed,” Jan. 7, 2013.
(4) SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2013.
(5) “Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia,” Jan. 21, 2013, at
(6) “Archangel Michael via Ron Head: It is Truly a Time to be Joyous,” Jan. 21, 2012, at
(7) “Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: This Party is Underway, Beloveds,” as channeled by Ron Head – December 27, 2012, at
(8) “Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) “Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: A Look Ahead – A Month by Month Description of the Energy this Year,” Jan. 7, 2013, at
(12) “Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia,” ibid.

Golden Age of Gaia