Last week on An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael said:
“I invite you, I hold out my arms to you as do all the mighty ones [archangels], all the ascended masters. The Divine Mother, the Company of Heaven, we hold out our arms to you and say, please, join with us now in partnership [to build Nova Earth].”
An Hour with an Angel airs on Monday 5pm PT, 8pm ET:
After discussing the broad picture, he added:
“I am giving you a global overview; and we will spend many hours talking about the specifics. … There is so much to talk about.”
Well, never had we a more honored guest so willing to continue such an important discussion. And never were we more willing to listen.
So we have Archangel Michael back again this week to continue describing our roles in the creation of Nova Earth.
The bulk of the program is intended to discover what it is we can do, and should do. What role are we as lightworkers expected to play? We very briefly touched on the inner/personal work. We haven’t yet touched on the outer/social work and after that we’ll discuss the outer/technological work.
We ask him to describe the expected emergence of Nova Earth over time – what will the markers and milestones be? And we end by asking him how we’re supported by the Company of Heaven in our efforts to create Nova Earth.
via Golden Age of Gaia