Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wes Annac: The Ascended Collective – We Foresee Humanity Delightfully Taking the Reins (Part 1/2)

via Golden Age of Gaia

wes_wintertreesChannelled through Wes Annac – January 22, 2013

You will all be working to repair your world, and you dear Lightworkers who have already begun anchoring the vibrations of your fifth dimensional Earth unto the collective energies and frames of perception may find yourselves pioneering the beginning of the restoration of your world, as you will begin helping people find the impetus and motivation to begin the hardest of tasks that are set out for the collective of Earth to perform.

There is much learning that needs to take place and while you will be given assistance from your Galactic brethren, the bulk of the work is indeed yours to be done and we could not encourage more, your beginning of this work in any facet you find yourselves beginning it.

You can help motivate the Earth public in beginning to understand the need to end war, separation and hatred of any kind and you can all begin to bring forth the concepts that will drive your unfolding New Earth; eradicating lack on a mass scale being one of them. You all have the motivations from spirit that will lead you onward to benefitting the entirety of humanity with the enlightened perspectives you are finding, and we know that you all have much Love, knowledge and insight to share with a collective who have been caught up in their own ways and have not realized the massive effects their actions have garnered for dearest Gaia.

The majority of souls on your world do not understand that Gaia is a Living, conscious being and that the actions of Man on Her surface affect Her very strongly, and the pollution that has been manifested and fed on your Earth has stopped Gaia from expressing the true beauty and radiance of Her surface in the ways that She had originally done so. Gaia has always been a brimming example of our Creator’s wonderful and beautiful design, and She has always reflected the natural Light of the Creator which resides within us all.

Oh, how happy we are and will be to introduce you dear souls to the very concepts driving your ascension. For the most part, you are beginning to introduce these concepts yourselves but we will be with you to bask in the wonderful glow of your fifth dimensional New Earth, and you will enjoy our presence knowing you had achieved so much without the assistance you had originally anticipated.

There are already so many strong and lightened Earth conduits delivering truth and for the most part, you have brought these truths and concepts forth and not only expressed them, but radiated them all throughout the collective consciousness of your dear Earth who will steadily absorb and adjust to these new energies bringing forth your fifth dimensional experiences and perspective.

Your perspectives will continue to be morphed into infinite, evolving higher dimensional perspectives and the dogmas and belief systems many have employed until this point will be seen in the Light for what they truly are.

Any incompletion or dissatisfaction concerning one’s experience in any way will be brought to the surface and you will all work through and realize aspects of yourselves that you had perhaps not expected to come up, but that are coming up with the rest of your entourage of hidden-away memories that have been waiting for their chance to be worked-through and transmuted by none other than you.

Each of you has individually taken on a set of challenges and problems that have remained attached to you until you began the crucial process of working through them. For some of you, this process has taken many, many Lives and as some of you have experienced literally hundreds of Lives on the surface of Gaia, we hope you can understand when we say that you are at the cornucopia of your experience.

You have reached the pinnacle of your Life paths and the final lower dimensional lessons you have not yet worked through which for many of you, date back to many past Lives, are testing you and your ability to remain centered and sure in the Light of the Creator that you are all naturally beginning to re-find in yourselves.

The new paradigm as it is being called is truly upon you all now and we ask you to continue to radiate the vibrations of this new paradigm out to everyone around you as you anchor them unto yourselves.

Your efforts are so very needed at this time and will continue to be as at present, we face an Earth that is being Created by the human cells Living upon it. As has been discussed and will continue to be, every thought and action Creates an imprint upon the collective consciousness, and every impression and imprint sent out is sent through to Create the realities of those who sent them out, as well as to affect the collective consciousness in big ways.

The overall energies of the entire collective affects events playing-out on the world stage and affects everything of importance occurring on your world, and it is through the separation-based human Earth collective energies that the few with influence and perceived power on your world have been able to usurp the Light out of many and keep the majority of humanity feeding a continually-fading and disintegrating grid of darkness.

There have been a plethora of enlightened souls on the surface of your world and you have all walked with enlightened extraterrestrial beings who have found the fifth dimensional states of consciousness that they and we dearly wish for you to find again because indeed, that is the plan for your collective. You are continuing your climb into realms of increased consciousness and your trek has been nothing if not wonderful to behold, because of the nature of extreme density you have allowed to anchor unto yourselves.

The grid of darkness is finding its influence fading; if for no other reason, than for the fact that the very energies that have driven it have been answered to exponentially by the Lightworker collective and by every soul who has found an awakening upon the surface of your Earth; especially the Lightworkers who have went out of their way and made it their mission to anchor supremely-pure energies unto your world that have served to shift the influence back into the Light and transmute the energies and vibrations feeding the formerly strong and (formerly) hard to penetrate grid of darkness on your world.

This grid was once so strong because of the collective’s feeding of it and now, so many souls are finding genuine awakenings to the falsehoods that have been established around your reality, and your entire world is beginning to see the need to change the way it has operated.

You are beginning to see that you cannot remain separated and poorer countries cannot be allowed to continue to suffer while a few people with influence and power hoard the world’s wealth and develop advanced programs that are not in the best interests of humanity, among doing so many other things. We ask you to remove yourselves from the influence of the cabals for truly, they are a whispering influence in a world that has embraced the Light and that will begin to reflect this embrace as it is seen that the new paradigm has arrived.

You may be surprised as to how easily your world accepts the new paradigm unfolding and as you have all put so very much work in, you will see the fruits of your labors manifested before you.

The entire Earth collective will respond to the lightening energies making their way to your surface and permeating your mind and spirit, and you will all begin to find your specific roles and the specific piece of the puzzle you have come to this world to fill, as every unique and needed position will be undertaken to help rebuild the condition your world is in.

Oppression, starvation and lack of any kind simply cannot last on your beautiful world, for the lightening vibrations are calling for collective peace, harmony, abundance and prosperity for every individual soul and for your entire collective as well. Please know that absolutely nobody will be left out, and you will all find what you have been looking for.

You are developing yourselves as you reach the realms of consciousness you have been climbing toward, and as you find every aspect of your higher self you see that you have indeed been working in plenty more realms than the third and fourth dimensions of the Earth, to help bring about your personal ascension and that of the Earth collective.

Some of you, when sleeping, are beginning to actually attune to your higher selves and to aspects of your Selves whom you can feel existing in different realities, as they report and relay the experiences you are having back to the rest of their/your collective. There are a plethora of souls who have funneled respective aspects of themselves down to exist upon your Earth and eventually find their own ascension while, if possible, assisting the collective in attaining theirs.

You will notice on your world, that there are some souls who seem to look or sound nearly completely alike, yet have no relation to each other. There are many souls on your world who have incarnated as a soul family; as one entity who has been split into different respective personalities, usually for the incarnation unto or inhabitance of a lower dimension form which the division is (in effect) within.

A lot of souls exist on your world as a part of the same entity of higher dimensional consciousness, and so very many ascended souls answered the call to assist your Earth whenever the vibrations were inexplicably pulling Her sprit down.

Continued in Part 2 below

via Golden Age of Gaia