Thursday, January 17, 2013

A River of Love is Inside of me

via Golden Age of Gaia

River 321 Every day, I seem to confirm how the richness of life is inside of me.

The real river that I enjoy looking at is the river of joy that runs through me.

I can look at an actual river and like it or not, or like it for a while and then move on. But the river of life, the river of energy, the river of love that runs through me? That I never tire gazing upon and enjoying.

And when you and I get together, the really rich times are when the river inside of you and the river inside of me really start racing, overflowing their banks, flooding the countryside.

I live for those floodwaters, for our rivers merging and flowing with us losing ourselves in them.

And every day what I most enjoy learning is how to tap into that river inside, how to spend more time watching it and playing in it. I confess that the rest of the world could do whatever it wishes and leave me completely aside, as long as I could sit by that river inside of me and enjoy it.

The best food, the best drink, the best sights, the best sounds all pale in comparison. None of them holds a whit of value for me. Fine cars, airplane trips, scuba diving … you name it. All the value it ever has is in setting that river flowing.

And so, why not just sit by that river and take it in? Why not just clear the dams and the obstacles from that river’s flow and let the world do as it wishes?

Yes, I know it’s a dream. I do know there’s work to be done. But, at the end of that work, I know as well that where I’m headed is to sit by the banks of that inner river of joy, that river of love that runs through me, and gaze at it day after day.

via Golden Age of Gaia