Friday, January 25, 2013

Lightwork: How We Got Here and Where We’re Headed – Part 2/2

via Golden Age of Gaia

(Concluded from Part 1.)


(1) “It is only those at the peak who are orchestrating the Mideast situation.

“Strategically publicizing this as leading to World War III, and possibly a nuclear war at that, is the most successful of the fear factors. We tell you: There will be NO nuclear war! There will be no Third World War! At most there would be a very temporary clash of the military forces commanded by the two Illuminati factions—anything beyond that would fall within God’s honoring Earth’s free will choice that no more acts of death and destruction on the scale of “9/11” shall occur.

“If that clash does take place, you will see troops on both sides refusing to fight in such numbers that further combat is doomed. They will see weapons failing to function, vehicles that won’t move, missiles that fizzle—do not doubt that the technology of our space family can achieve this!—and even the Illuminati commanders will see the futility of continuing.” (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2005, at

“We have prevented a Third World War, destruction of the Earth, and plagues and diseases of proportions that would have decimated your population. That has been in accordance with our responsibilities to ensure that you safely reach the point of Ascension, and that the opportunity to ascend is not denied you.” (SaLuSa, May 25, 2011, at

“Our involvement will soon be apparent, and you will already know that we have been keeping the peace on Earth. That is with reference to our actions to prevent present troubles escalating into another world war.” (SaLuSa, Oct. 22, 2012.)

“There is truth in the claims that the dark Ones have always planned to drastically reduce the population numbers, but they have been severely set back through our actions.” (SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009.)

“Evidence of this new flu effort and other Illuminati activities to drastically reduce the population is being amassed and eventually will completely eliminate that dark group’s long control through fear, ignorance and economic slavery.” (Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.)

“Depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)

“All of that theft — that is exactly what it has been, and on a mind-boggling scale — has been completely in accordance with the Illuminati’s generations-old plan to attain global domination by creating and spreading impoverishment, devastation, and death of the masses who are not needed to serve their sinister purposes.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)

(2) See Dr. Carol Rosen’s testimony in

Click here to view the embedded video.

(3)Here is George Green’s recounting of the purpose of the underground bunkers:

George Green: And then I said, Ah, the heck with it. So, Desiree and I, we moved to Boulder, Colorado, and I said, I’ll just kinda kick back.

But then I sat in on a meeting with the Governor of Colorado, and he’s discussing the underground facilities in Australia, and he got his ticket.

I said, What ticket?

[Pause] …He’s one of the chosen ones.

Kerry Cassidy: Oh, wow.

Bill Ryan: George, I have to ask you, though, if there are a bunch of people who have tickets for these underground facilities in Australia and elsewhere… what’s the need to go underground at that point? Is it to do with war, or to do with…

KC: Nuclear fallout?

GG: Yeah. Nuclear fallout. (George Green, “George Green: Interview transcript – Part 1,”at

(4) “The ‘Looking Glass Project’ was an attempt to back-engineer a device given to the American military by a P52 Orion (a P52 Orion is a second human line of evolution, which eventually went to the planet Orion after the disaster which occurred to Earth around this time. This much more human-looking species is often referred to as the ‘Nordics’ in UFO literature).

The device has been called a ‘looking glass,’ ‘yellow book’ (hence ‘Project Yellow Book’), ‘cube’ and ‘black box.’ It allows the user to see into the past and future. While the Orions expected the American military to use the looking glass for the benefit of all humanity, the American military back-engineered it, held onto it for its own exclusive use, and lent it out to Illuminati leaders who also misused it. Saddam Hussein and Muammar Chaddafi had looking glasses. Watching these developments and realizing how they had misjudged the progress of terrestrials, the Orions imposed a number of treaties on humanity to prevent them from journeying out into space and spreading their quarreling and destructive tendencies.” (Steve Beckow “Dan Burisch on Dark Forces and Ets” at )

(5) See “The Company of Light has Told Us about Our Bases on Mars,” at ; “The Newest Galactic Society,” at ; and “The Strange Case of the Navy,” at

(6) “[9/11’s] even deeper purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, … is to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)

(7) “Federal Emergency Management Administration is a misnomer. It implies that the purpose of this unwieldy but powerful organization is to be at the ready to help in disasters of natural origin, but it is not that at all—FEMA was established to control the country’s population, period.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 22, 2005, at ) See also “Will FEMA Help with Hurricane Sandy?” at and “Hurricane Irene Approaches. Don’t Worry. FEMA Will Help Us,” at

(8) “HAARP: Weapon of Total Destruction,” at and “HAARP: Is it Weather or Government Terror?” at

(9) See “The Galactic Federation and Other Space Coalitions,” at and “No Nuclear Explosions and No Nuclear War” at

(10) See Destruction of the Underground Bases” at

(11) “Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal, July 2, 2012,” at ; “Archangel Michael: What Life is Like Inside a Container of Love,” at

(12) “It is your planet, you are the guardians of it and responsible for its present condition. By karma you are therefore expected to play your part in helping Mother Earth to recover.

“It will be a happy task as so much is owed to her, and she has so to say also been the Mother to the Human Race. She has not always had your respect or been treated as she should have been, but has never asked that you should be removed from her.” (SaLuSa, Jan. 19, 2011.)

“Certainly you will be called upon to participate in the cleansing once we can safely land on your Earth. It is a mammoth task, yet for us will take no time to speak of because of our technologies.” (SaLuSa, May 7, 2012.)

“Mother Earth has been your home for a long time, and served you well acquiescing to your demands upon her, providing you with all you have needed to survive. Yet at times she has been severely maltreated, and little consideration given to her needs. It is why she must now look to you to put right the damage that has been caused, and the pollution that has poisoned the Earth.

“You cannot escape your responsibility in this connection but we are allowed to assist you, and you already know it is part of our plans. It pleases us immensely that there are those amongst you who recognise the problems.” (SaLuSa, Mar. 30, 2009.)

“As you awaken you will find yourselves offered boundless assistance in the task of cleansing and renewing the planet by those who have watched over you for eons, and who will provide you with fantastic technologies, way beyond anything you have ever imagined, which will make the task of planetary repair and renewal swift, effective, and easy. …

“You are finally becoming ready to take on the responsibilities that living peacefully, abundantly, and joyfully on Earth rightfully demand of you. And when, ably assisted by those who have come to help you, you do so, you will find that it is not a task of time-consuming drudgery but a most creative and inspiring experience that will bring you inordinate satisfaction.” (Jesus through John Smallman, May 13, 2012, at .)

via Golden Age of Gaia