It’s very difficult sometimes to wrap our heads around some things that are said or to understand why higher-dimensional beings draw our attention to them. But sometimes when we have a deeper experience of our inner Self, what was unintelligible before becomes intelligible.
I had the experience of something becoming intelligible the other day when, after listening to music I was sent, I felt my contact with that inner Self expand and wash over me, so to speak.
One of the matters I was considering at the time was the duality of “inner” and “outer.” Was it not Jesus who said in the Gospel According to Thomas something like “when the outer becomes inner and the inner becomes outer”? On this occasion, something interesting happened to inner and outer.
But before I get to that, I’d like to say a wee bit more about dualities like inner and outer, within and without, above and below, etc.?
I think that higher-dimensional beings bring these dualities to our attention not so that we can vote on which of the two sides of the duality is best. Some people, for instance, are saying these days that they’re turning aside from channels or other “authorities” outside of themselves and concentrating on their inner selves and their inner voice. “Inner” is better than “outer.”
And that’s what we do with dualities usually: we vote on whether we prefer the one or the other. But I don’t think that’s what the ones who already have unitive consciousness are suggesting we do. Rather I think they’re pointing at the fact that, viewed from their perspective, there’s no duality at all.
But how the dualism is solved is not obvious to us. We don’t get much further than saying we like one side of the duality and we don’t like the other. We more or less agree with ourselves to accept one and kick the other out of the picture.
But that isn’t what happened for me the other day when listening to the music. In the space of bliss I was in from contacting my inner, deeper Self, it was as if someone took a deflated balloon and blew it up. And when I was fully blown up, all distinction between inner and outer disappeared for me. One side of the dualism did not obliterate the other; bliss obliterated both.
There was no longer any puzzle or dilemma because there was no longer any puzzle or dilemma. I know that sounds a little weird but that’s exactly the way it appeared to me.
Imagine a cat chasing a mouse in a gully and suddenly a flash flood comes and drowns the both of them. Before we may have been rooting for the cat or rooting for the mouse but now there’s no longer cat or mouse. Who is there to root for?
When bliss arises, it obliterates distinctions that are only visible or tangible to us in our state without bliss. Once unitive consciousness arises, I suspect, our distinctions between dualities will also be obliterated. It isn’t that we’ll finally choose one and not the other. It’s that the two sides of the equation will disappear in the state or condition we’ll then be in.
Nova Earth is for me a state of consciousness in which dualities disappear. It’s tempting to say that only unity remains. But that wasn’t my experience. Only bliss remained and in the experience of bliss there was no duality. Bliss was like the flash flood that overtook all dualities and drowned them. All that was left was bliss and no duality. I imagine that is unity but for me it showed up like bliss and no duality.
Before I was aware of duality and no bliss. After I was aware of bliss and no duality.
So, for matters like inner and outer, within and without, above and below, if the two become as one, I’d imagine we’d be in bliss. Bliss and unitive consciousness, I suspect, when we find ourselves firmly rooted in them, will turn out to be one and the same thing.
via Golden Age of Gaia